Blindfolded Acts (Maximillion Galactica x Reader)

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Blindfolded Acts (Maximillion Galactica x Reader)

Requested by HydronicAction
Your Pov:

I sat in the studio, listening to my friends talk about the circus in town. I was a professional acrobat/dancer. After I performed as an opening act for a show, a lot of people started offering me jobs. I put a lot of them on hold as I was looking for a job that wasn't only about money.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by
(F/n), "Hey, did you hear me?" I turned towards her, "Huh?" She sighed, "The circus I was telling you about is looking for another act in their show! With Maximillion Galactica no less!" I shrugged, "So? What's so great about him?" She gasped, "This is your golden opportunity! You'll be seen by people all over the world!" I silently weighed my options. On one side, I could turn it down and stay where I am, or I could take the offer and gain popularity. I looked at her, "Fine. I'll do it." She sent me the details and I headed out to the circus.

Once I arrived, I was greeted by an older man with a mustache. He led me inside of the big top where some people were practicing. He turned to me, "This is the big top. Everyone performs here. My daughter is the lion tamer you know." I nodded. A man approached us. He was very flamboyant with his gestures as he spoke, "Is this the little darling you were telling me about earlier, Mr. Berry?" No doubt about it. This man in front of me was Maximillion Galactica. Mr. Berry nodded, "Yes. This is (Y/n) (L/n). You're going to perform with her this week to bring in more people."

Max gave an offended look before nodding, "Alright. Whatever you say." Mr. Berry walked away, leaving Max and I to talk. He looked at me, "What's your talent, darling?" I looked up towards the trapeze, "I'm an acrobat dancer. I use the trapeze as my partner." He smirked, "That will make the act much easier. I have something that will make the audience go crazy." I tilted my head, "What is it?" He started, "We should do a blindfolded trapeze act! Since I am known for my flying skills, we'll use the trapeze for your part, but I'll be blindfolded and catching you as you dance."

I almost did a double take. I blinked, "We'll have a safety net right?" He nodded, "Of course, darling. Now, let's get to it!" We started practicing without the blindfold and I did some basic tricks, sometimes hearing the other performers amazement. We stayed low to the ground when he put the blindfold on and that made me feel a little better. I almost had an attack when this happened.

I stood up and shouted up to him, "You need to have a better grip! If we would've been just a little bit higher, I would've needed a hospital!" We continued practicing until we were confident enough to go up to the top and use the safety net. Luckily, I wasn't dropped again and I felt a lot safer than before.

A few days passed and today was our performance day. The city was a buzz with information on the show. I changed into my costume and waited. I thought about the past week. Max and I had grown closer to each other and I may just like him. I knew it was bad to get involved with co-workers but I couldn't help myself.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Max nudging me. He grabbed my hand, "It's our turn! Break a leg, darling!" I hurried up to the trapeze and we got into our positions.

As he pulled me up for the ending, I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him. The crowd cheered louder and the music faded. I climbed down to the ground and hurried to the performer's dressing area. I couldn't believe what I just did. He probably thinks I'm creepy or weird now! I took off my face paint make up and changed my clothes. Just as I finished, I heard the door open and close. I looked up. Max stood there, silently staring at me. I grabbed my bag and tried to push past him, but he grabbed my shoulder, "Wait, darling. Please." I looked at him, "What?" He looked into my eyes, "Did that mean something to you?" I looked away and nodded, "Y-Yes...but if you don't like me back, then it's o-!" I was cut of by a warm pair of lips kissing mine.

I kissed back like my life depended on it. After a moment, I pulled away and looked at him, "Did that mean something to you?" He grasped my hands, "Yes, darling. You shine brighter than everyone here. Including me! We make a perfect team, and I want you to stay." I hugged him, "That's all you had to say Max. I will gladly stay with you."

I stayed with the circus and with Max. We always performed together and it made the circus profit rise. More people came to enjoy our talents. At the end of the day, he's the only one I trust to hold me off a trapeze so many feet in the air while being blindfolded.

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