Star Crossed (Miles Edgeworth x Reader)

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Star Crossed (Miles Edgeworth x Reader)

A/N: Tribe AU! The reader and Miles are from different tribes. The reader is from the light tribe and Miles is from the dark tribe.

Your Pov:

I remember that day well... The room was warm. The whole place was at peace. He awoke with a start, "Ugh... Uuugh..." I gasped and turned to him, "You're awake at last?" He looked at me, "Where... am I? Is this... a light tribe's home? Ach!" He accidentally shifted onto his injured side. I bit my lip, "Don't wiggle like that. I found you at the cliff base. You took quite a fall." He tilted his head, "You're a light tribe member, correct? I don't... repulse you? I am of the dark tribe..." I took a breath and shook my head.

"Why would that matter? Anyone with a heart would not ignore an injured soul!"

That was the day our paths crossed. That day... That was the day our tragedy was set in motion.

Time Skip...Months Later...

I sat on the hill, watching Miles approach, "You're late. Did something happen?" He sat next to me and nodded, "Yes, Von Karma caught me. Sneaking out of the house wasn't easy after that." I smiled sadly, "I was worried you wouldn't come..." He looked at me curiously, "You are a strange girl... You know what tribe I'm from and yet you don't seem afraid." I smiled, "I don't care what tribe you're a part of. I just wanted to see you. Is that... Is that so wrong?" He grasped my hand and looked at me.

"No. No, of course not. I wanted to see you, too." I eyed the space between us, "Miles...Do you mind if I sit closer to you?" He nodded, "Please do, (Y/n). Let's return to our conversation. I must know more of you..."

Time Skip...6 months later (full year)

I turned away from him, my eyes filled with tears. He spoke, "(Y/n), why? Why do you avoid me?" He gripped my wrist tightly, causing me to wince, "Ow... OW! Unhand me!" A tear ran down my cheek. He paused, letting me go, "Huh? You're crying! Why? (Y/n), you must tell me what has happened!" I shook my head, "It's nothing... Don't worry about it... Just forget it..." He grasped my hands, searching my eyes, "Oh no...(Y/n), is my father behind this?" I sighed.

"I'm... I'm just an ordinary girl. No matter how much I love you, we must part." I started to walk away from him. He spoke softly, "(Y/n)... I..." I shook my head, "This is good-bye, Miles. There's no other choice. This is our fate..." With those words, I turned and ran down the hill.

Time Skip...5 months (1 1/2 years)

I stared at him, gaping, "What...What are you thinking? There's no possible way... No one would allow it!" He held both of my hands, "If we can't be happy here, we must leave for a place that will accept our love." I bit my lip and looked down, "But, Miles, is there such a place? Think...I can't bear to see you hurt again." He lifted my chin to look into my eyes, "If our love has no home... let us spend our lives searching together! So I beg of you again...(Y/N), marry me! I promise I will make you happy." I smiled.

"You... just won't give up, will you? Of all the crazy... stubborn... foolish men..." He looked at me, "(Y/n), answer me, please!" I nodded, holding my hand out to him, "Miles, I love you. Take me away. Take me to a world where we can be happy."

Time Skip...2 weeks later...

Miles sat next to me on the hill, "Look, (Y/n). The stars are beautiful, aren't they? I nodded and smiled, "There's a tradition in my village. We believe that wishes on stars come true." He looked at me, "Oh, is that so? In that case, we'd better get wishing, don't you think?" I shook my head, "I don't need to wish anymore." He tilted his head, "Mmm?" I leaned my head onto his shoulder, "I already have everything I need right here."

Miles wrapped an arm around me, "(Y/n)... Aren't you cold?" I shook ky head, "Not at all. I'm very warm... Can we stay like this? Just a little longer?"

Time Skip...1 day later...

No One's Pov:

D Everyone in the dark tribe watched as Miles hurried into the center of the village where Von Karma was, "(Y/n)! What did you do with her? I must see her!" Von Karma glared at him, "Still your tongue, Miles... Can't you see you've been duped by a dirty light tribe member? You have brought shame to my name... and to the entire dark tribe!" Miles glared back at him, growling, "And so what if I did? That doesn't matter to me! She's my entire world!" Von Karma chuckled, "Well, then it will interest you to know... that she no longer resides in this world."

Miles stared at him in shock, the anger fading from his face, "What... What do you mean by that?!" Von Karma placed a hand on his shoulder, "This is the price those who resist their own fate must pay, my student." Miles shook his head, " She... No... It can't be so!" Von Karma nodded, "Someday you will see, Miles. Our kind and their tribe must never mix."

Time Skip...Years Later...

Miles stood in the grand manor. Von Karma stood a few feet away, watching him, "Miles, my student, don't! Even your father could not handle that dark case... If you open it, there's no telling what might happen!" Miles shook his head, "I do not care, Von Karma! A world without her is empty. A LIFE without her is empty."

He opened the case file, eyes scanning over each and every piece of evidence to be fabricated, "I'll teach your dark history." Von Karma sighed, "Miles... What have you done?" Miles chuckled darkly, "Silence! The first case needs to be solved. I will destroy every inch...of this blasted case!" Von Karma shook his head, "Miles! Don't do this! Miles!" Miles smirked, "Miles is no more! I am Prosecutor Edgeworth! And no one shall stand in my way!"

Final Time Skip...Years Later...

She had reunited with him years later in a cold visitation room. He had been accused of murder. She spoke, "Why? Why does it have to end like this?" He sighed, "(Y/n)...when you vanished, I searched long for you. I never gave up looking... I searched and searched... But I never found you. Without you, the world had no meaning or joy...I wanted to destroy everything that had taken you away from me..."

She spoke softly, "But I'm here now, and nothing can keep us apart anymore." He shook his head, ""It is too late. I've done so much evil... It must end. Just knowing that you are still alive...And knowing that the life you still live will continue... It gives me peace. I do not have long out here." She protested, "But...but we're finally together again! I don't want you to go!"

However, not all hope was lost. Miles was saved and found not guilty. Outside of the court house, he spoke to her, "(Y/n), do you still... Do you still love me?" She smiled, "Yes." He grasped her hand, "Then you must come with me. Marry me." She nodded silently. He spoke, "All we need is true love... And that is something I am lucky enough to possess..." And so, the pair had a simple courtroom wedding.

It was only the two of them and the judge. The time for the vows came. He spoke, "There were so many things I wanted to say to you.. but I could not find the words." She swallowed, "Only one thing matters to me now. I never got the chance to retutn your question. Do you still love me as well?" He nodded, "Of course... I have thought about you every moment since you disappeared...But I have caused you so much suffering..."

She nodded, "My life would've been more carefree without you. That is true." He continued, "But I had to be with you, (Y/n). I will never apologize for that..." She spoke, "I know. And I love you." He smiled, "And I love you, (Y/n)... Hundreds of thousands of years from now, that fact will not have changed..." The judge then declared them husband and wife.

They walked out of the courtroom together. Miles spoke to her, "(Y/n), do you remember the promise we made to each other that day?" She smiled and nodded, "Yes, I remember..." He continued, "If there was a place where we could be happy together we would find it. Will you come with me to that place now?" She squeezed his hand tighter, noting the rings on their fingers, "Miles...Of course... I will always be with you..."

After that day, they disappeared. Miles and his love, (Y/n), both vanished. Where did the pair go? None know. And so this story of star crossed love comes to an end...

May we meet again in another time and place...

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