Fix You (Klapollo)

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Prompt: Apollo dated Kristoph before the first case of AJ. However, during their relationship, he was very abusive and controlling. After Kristoph gets arrested, Apollo turns to self harm as a coping mechanism and Klavier decides to help him get better.

Apollo knew that their relationship was toxic from the start. Everywhere he went, Kristoph had to know. Every contact in his phone was kept in check. And, Kristoph demanded each and every one of his social media passwords. Apollo had never been in a relationship before, but he wasn't stupid enough to think that Kristoph's behavior was normal. Every time he tried to talk back, Kristoph would gaslight him. When he wouldn't buy it, Kristoph turned to other means.

He would go as far as to threaten the safety of Apollo's cat, or if worse came to worse, Apollo himself. No one knew, but Kristoph had a habit of smoking cigars. If he was in a bad mood or just because, he would burn Apollo's arm with one. It often left dark burn marks on the pale skin.

If there was one thing Kristoph couldn't stand, it was when Klavier was around. After Klavier left, he would become convinced that Apollo was cheating on him with him. This led to severe beatings that left Apollo bruised for days. Then, a new case came in. For Apollo, it was a godsend.

The case went smoothly, until the very end. Kristoph had become the main suspect. He tried to gaslight everyone in the court, but Apollo persevered. Eventually, Kristoph was found guilty. As he was taken away, he gave Apollo one last skin crawling grin.

After the trial, Apollo fell into a deep depression. He moved into his own apartment and gave Kristoph's dog - Vongole - to another family. He rarely went out, and when he did, it wasn't pretty. He had nightmares every night that left him awake until the sun came up. He started sleeping and eating less and less. Then, came his horrifying habit.

The nightmares caused him to relive all of the beatings and burnings. So, he bought a lighter. When the nightmares kept him awake, he would sit on his bed and put the lighter's flame against his skin. He would make new burn marks over healed ones and eventually pass out from the pain. He hid this habit from everyone. He couldn't let anyone find out. Period.

That was until, he ran into Klavier. He had gone out for groceries and another lighter since his had ran out of fluid. Klavier had the feeling that something was wrong. Apollo was paler than usual and had large bags under his eyes. He spoke to him, "Herr forehead, you look troubled. What's the matter?" Apollo took a step back, "I-I'm fine! Nothing's wrong." Klavier tilted his head, "If nothing's wrong, can I come over then. Just to hang out." Apollo stood there, frozen, "Fine." Then, they were off.

They arrived at the apartment 10 minutes later. Apollo led him in and closed the door. It was very dark and some trash laid strewn across the room. Apollo turned on the lights, "Make yourself comfortable. I'll be back." Klavier sat on the sofa as Apollo made his way to another room. His bedroom perhaps? After 10 minutes and no sign of Apollo, Klavier decided to investigate. He went to the room Apollo went into and peeked through the crack in the door.

Apollo was sitting on the bed and had something against his arm. He was sucking the air through his teeth, like he was in pain. Apollo moved his arm and exposed the lighter in his hand. Then, it all clicked for Klavier. He remembered how his brother had treated him and decided that he needed to take action. He pushed open the door and Apollo jumped, dropping the lighter as he did.

Apollo's eyes widened, "K-Klavier!" Klavier stood there in shock. His eyes trailed over the numerous burn marks on the pale, milky skin. Apollo dove for a near by blanket. He was trembling. Klavier approached him slowly, "Herr fore-no. Apollo, what happened?" Apollo hesitated before finally speaking, "Y-You have to promise you won't tell anyone, ok?" Klavier nodded, "I promise."

Apollo continued, "It's how I...cope. I know that all the time, I say that I'm fine, but I'm really not fine. He made me feel this way." Klavier tilted his head, "My brother?" Apollo sighed, "Yes. You know all about the beatings and burnings. I don't even feel safe inside of my own home!" Tears began to make their way down his face. Klavier gently removed the blanket from his arms, "I know you feel weak right now, but you aren't. You are strong because you are here! You didn't give up. You kept going."

He grabbed the lighter and tossed it in the garbage can, then grabbed Apollo's hands, "You are going to be alright." Apollo looked at him, "How do you know?" Klavier smiled, "Because I'll be here. I will help you move on." Apollo cracked a small smile, "T-Thank you." Klavier nodded silently as his eyes trailed from Apollo's eyes to his lips. Would Apollo think he was being a creep if he tried?

He decided it was worth the risk. He leaned in slowly and caught Apollo's lips. The kiss was slow and soft. Apollo's arms wrapped around his neck as he leaned into him. Then, they pulled away. Apollo bit his lip, "I...I don't think I'm ready for another relationship right now. I'm sorry." Klavier shook his head, "It's alright. I understand, but I'll wait for as long as you need me to." Klavier smiled.

"Even if it takes hundreds of thousands of years, I will wait."

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