My King Pt 2

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Your Pov:

After about a month, I was able to get back to my duties. Within that month, the king and I had gotten closer. And because of this I fell in love with him. Luckily, in this kingdom, the royals could marry who they wanted without consequences. So, I decided to confess on one of our walks in the garden. I sat on the stone bench, "Your majesty, I-I have something to confess." He looked at me, "What is it?" I gulped, "I...I love you..."

There was silence. Then, a hand grasped mine, "I love you as well,
(Y/n). Be with me?" I smiled, "Yes. I will." After that, I still stayed a part of the royal guard but the soldiers treated me more respectfully as the King's Consort. Miles often worried for my safety since my escapade in the war, but I always came back fine. And everything was fine, for a time.

We were currently sitting in the dining hall dining with some important nobles. Before I came to Miles' side as a guard, I was a peasant girl and they all knew it. Then, one of the noblemen spoke, "A peasant in the castle? As a guard? And a woman at that? How distasteful." Miles stood up, the chair screeching against the floor as it was pushed back. The entire room fell into silence. I placed a hand on Miles' arm and whispered to him, "Miles, it's alright. Please call down."

Then, the nobleman spoke again, "Hold your tongue, woman. Peasants aren't allowed to speak at the table. You should be thankful that you're even allowed to eat here at all." In a flash, Miles pulled his sword out of the sheath on his side. He walked around the table to where the man sat and in a flash of silver, the man lay decapitated on the floor.

Miles allowed everyone to gaze upon the scene for a few seconds before speaking. His voice was soft, yet cold, "I will say this only once. My consort has just as much royal blood as me, which is a greater amount more than any of you here. If a single word against her reaches my ears, rest assured, you will meet with the same fate." To get his point across, he pointed his sword to the crumpled body on the floor, flicking droplets of blood onto the stone floor, "Is that clear?" Only silence answered but I knew that it was obvious by the looks on the noblemen and women's faces.

And then, as if nothing had happened, he casually walked over to me, "Shall we go my dear?" I took his hand as I stood, trembling and pale. Yes, I had killed before, but that was for a good reason. This was not. Miles led me out and towards our room. Halfway there, I noticed that he still grasped his sword in his hand, but I couldn't bring myself to form coherent words. I had always known that Miles was a protective man, but I didn't know that he would take it this far. It shook me to my very core.

Miles dismissed the servants waiting in our room and let me sit down. He locked the door after the last one left and looked at me, "I apologize for letting you witness that, darling." I ran a hand through my hair, "Put the sword away, Miles." Miles looked at the sword and sheathed it before looking back at me, "I'll have to clean it tomorrow." He then looked at his suit, "Along with this outfit as well. Maybe the staff can-" I cut him off, "Miles, was any of that really necessary?" Miles sighed, "I'm sorry."

I frowned, "That wasn't my question and I'd prefer it more if you didn't lie to me. You're not sorry. You may be sorry for making me see that, but you're not sorry for cutting of his...his head." Miles bit his lip, "You know me too well, dear." He stepped closer to me but I shook my head and pointed to the chair at the vanity. He sighed and sat in the chair, "You have to understand, this has been long in coming. I've known that someone in my castle has been passing rumors around the castle, trying to undermine you as ruler. It wasn't until a few days ago that we were able to pin down the culprit. And even then, I wasn't able to act until he made a move in public."

I tilted my head, "We?" Miles smirked, "A king must always have spies, even in his own castle. When he dared to say those things aloud, in front of me, and in front of the other nobles, I had three choices. One-" I hissed, "You could have let him live!" Miles nodded, "And allowed him to undermine my authority as proper king and lover. Two, I could have exiled him from the castle, exile him from the kingdom even. But (Y/n), you remember what your tutors taught you, correct?" I sighed and spoke.

"To let your enemy live after bringing him to his knees is to invite trouble." Miles continued, "It would be better to have him slain, than to let him live in humiliation and breed hate. That piece of advice was written by my father, so I did what I had to do. Now, no one shall dare slander your heritage again." I stayed silent for a moment before speaking, "I still don't like it." Miles nodded, "Neither do I."

He stood and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, "Perhaps it is easier for me, because I have lived with this knowledge for my entire life. I've seen my father defend me in quite similar ways as well. This is the life we must live, (Y/n)." He paused for a moment, "If you feel like you can't handle it-" I cut him off and shook my head, "I-I can. It...was just a shock. I can handle it." Miles held me tighter, "Thank you."

We stayed in that position for a while. Even after the fireplace had burned out, we stayed put. I knew though, that this situation would happen again and I feared the day I'd have to kill someone whether it was to protect myself or Miles. I dreaded it.

But I also knew that no matter what, we would always have each other.

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