Side Agency (Pimp!Hobo Phoenix x Worker! Reader)

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Author's Note: Attention! This one shot is not meant to offend anyone or mock any controversial cases regarding pimps or the people that work for them! This is also not meant to justify any unlawful behavior by these people. This will, HOWEVER, contain mentions of assault, attempted sexual assault, and age gapping (Older character and younger character). Thank you!

Your Pov:

I sat on the agency's couch, waiting for Phoenix to come back. He left 10 minutes ago to drop Ema off at the escort site. Ema used to work as a detective until her pay was reduced to peanuts and they cut her loose. She's been working here for 6 months. She was recruited by Phoenix's daughter Trucy. I on the other hand, have been working here for 2 years. Trucy recruited me when I was 17. I had no family left to take care of me, so I needed some way to get enough money to get an apartment and things that I needed.

Today, I had 2 escorts booked. One was a regular I knew, while the other was new. We were being wary with new customers because other businesses reported their workers being drugged and beaten after leaving with the customers. The fear of this happening again spread through a lot of workers, causing a steep drop in our numbers. Phoenix didn't hold us to contracts, so we were free to quit whenever we wanted to.

Phoenix texted me and told me he was on his way back. I shot back a simple 'ok' text before getting ready. I got dressed in this outfit.

I quickly did my hair and headed back out to the couch

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I quickly did my hair and headed back out to the couch. Phoenix called and let me know he was outside. I went out to the car and got in. We headed off, barely exchanging any words besides going over what to do in case of emergencies. Once we arrived at the escort site, Phoenix dropped me off, telling me to be back by 10:00 pm. I waited for ten minutes. After that, a familiar purple motorcycle pulled up, "Hey, Klavier. Hard day?" He nodded and tossed me a helmet, "Stressful, Fraulein. Hop on." We left and went to his apartment.

We went inside, I did my job, and them he took me back to the escort site. Since Klavier was one of the richer clients, Phoenix charged him $75 each hour. He had me for 2 hours which meant I made $150. I hid the money in my top. After Klavier left, I waited for the next client to arrive. 10 minutes later, a sleek, black car pulled up. The passenger window rolled down and the driver spoke, "Are you (Y/n) (L/n)?" I nodded, "Are you the client?" The man unlocked the passenger door, "I am."

I got into the car and we drove off. After about 5 minutes, we arrived at the Gatewater Hotel. I followed the client up to a room he had booked. Once in the room, he shut the door and locked it. He turned to me. The situation seemed like every other, but something felt wrong. As he stepped towards me, I took a step back, "I-I'm sorry, sir, but I do not feel comfortable here. I...I'm going to go. You don't have to pay me or-" I was cut off by the man, "You're not going anywhere, sweet cheeks."

I felt pain course through my face as the man backhanded me so hard that I fell. I tried to crawl away, but he grabbed me by the ankle. I managed to kick him in the stomach. He let my leg go and I bolted for the door. I unlocked it, but it wouldn't open. I looked up. The chain was keeping it shut. As I reached up and undid the chain, he grabbed me again. I let out a loud scream into the hallway. The door shut, but it didn't lock.

He threw me onto the ground and pinned me down. I cried and struggled. He tore at my top and skirt, tearing pieces of leather and nylon off. I noticed a syringe in his hand. I kicked him below the belt just as he injected the needle into my neck. I stood and pulled the needle out of my neck, seeing that it was half empty. I opened the door and ran out of the room. I ran down the hall, hearing the man yelling behind me. I ran through the lobby and out of the hotel as I tried to get to the agency.

I could feel the drug starting to take effect on my body. The man was still following me. I turned another corner and saw the agency. I pushed myself to run faster and I made it to the door just as I collapsed. I dragged myself to the door and banged on it, hoping someone was here. I heard footsteps, then the sound of a click before the door opened. Just as I looked up, the drug rendered me unconscious.

I woke up on the agency's couch. I was covered by a blanket. Trucy and Ema sat by the desk talking. I sat up making them look at me. Trucy rushed over, "You're finally awake!" Ema cut in, "You were out for a while. We were worried about you." I heard the door open before Phoenix came into my line of sight. He ushered the two of them out of the room before turning to me, "What happened? I wasn't expecting a frantic call from Trucy at 9:00 at night."

The blanket slipped from my shoulder, showing a large, ugly bruise on my arm. He examined the bruise and looked back at me, "Who hurt you?" I shrugged and winced at the pain in my arm, "I don't know. I think it was the man who was drugging other workers." He clenched his fists, "I knew it was a bad idea to let you go with a new customer." I felt around my face and winced as I touched my cheek and nose. Phoenix grabbed my hand and placed it back on my lap, "That bastard did a number on you, huh? You're face is real bruised up. Same with your arm. I don't know about your legs though."

I moved the blanket and looked at my legs. My thighs had bruises in the shape of finger prints that were dark and purple. My ankle was also swollen and red. Phoenix gently grabbed my hand, "Did he do anything else to you?" I nodded, trying to keep myself from remembering the events, "He tried to assault me...sexually..." His grip on my hand tightened, "Did he...?" I shook my head, "No...He didn't, but he injected me with some kind of drug."

He let go of my hand and picked up his phone. My eyes widened, "You can't call the cops! This agency is running illegally! You'll get caught!" He shook his head, "The agency runs under the guise of a talent agency. The other agency is behind the scenes. And knowing the police department, they'll send Gumshoe." I sighed, "I still think it's a bad idea. Gumshoe always finds a way to mess things up. Better safe than sorry." He put the phone down, "Fine. I won't call them. But you're off the job for a month."

I rolled my eyes, "Ok, ok." He grabbed the first aid kit, "I'm gonna get Trucy and Ema to help you with your wounds. Tell me when they're done." He left the room. I smiled and laid back on the couch, thinking to myself, 'This is why I can't help falling in love with you, Phoenix Wright...'

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