Commitments (Apollo x Reader)

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Commitments (Apollo x Reader)

Your Pov:

I sat in the office filling out paperwork as the noise level grew louder. A lot of guys were presenting their stones to the other girls who worked here. The stones were a part of a long standing tradition. A guy will gift a stone to the girl he loves and if she accepts, then they marry. No one has presented me a stone yet, so I felt relieved. I went into the break room where some of my female co-workers were sitting. One of them sighed, "Oh, this is so romantic." Another one scoffed.

"Knock it off. Romance has nothing to do with it." I spoke, "I don't think it's about the stone." Another one of my co-workers spoke, "But if it's not about the stone, then how will you know if it's Mr. Right?" I rolled my eyes, "I will know when because it's not the stone. It's the person." I went back to my desk, the noise finally going down. I sighed and put my paperwork aside as I thought.

'One perfect pebble. Just one humble stone. Oh, what a stone can do. It means that I have one love forever. And one love alone. A 'now and forever' with someone.'

To Apollo~

Apollo followed behind a group of guys, trying to find the perfect stone. He wanted to present the perfect stone to (Y/n). He had known her since they were kids and he was in love with her. Every jewellery store he entered was sold out in terms of stones. Any stone he did find was yanked out of his hands by another guy as if it was Black Friday. Soon, every jewellery store had closed and there were no stones left.

He walked down the sidewalk gloomily. Then, a few yards away he spotted some store lights. He walked over and sighed once he saw it was just an old thrift store. He decided to give it a shot and pushed open the door. The air was cold but comfortable. He walked down each aisle, spotting nothing. He was just about to leave when he spotting something peeking out of a box.

He pulled everything out of the box until he grabbed the thing he saw.

(Stone on top of this page!)

He smiled to himself. It was perfect. He brushed the dust off of it and took it to the front counter. An old woman sat there. He held the stone out to her, "Excuse me, I'd like to buy this." The old woman smiled, "Take it for free, young man. No charge." Apollo smiled, "Thank you, ma'am!" With that Apollo ran home, preparing himself to speak to (Y/n) the next day.

To (Y/n)~

I headed into work the next day. The office was bustling. The girls were talking to each other. I barely managed to catch some bits and pieces of their conversation

"Now and forever, we'll do like couples do!"

"We'll cuddle and coo and kiss!"

"We'll have a little world where whatever we dream of comes true!"

"A 'now and forever' in bliss!"

I rolled my eyes. The guys around here were too confident for their own good. They were egotistical. But, there was one guy I kinda liked. His name was Apollo. He was cute and a little bashful at times. I sighed as I thought to myself, "His heart will be true! That's how I'll know who he is! No matter if his stone is clever or borrowed or blue. I'll now and forever be his..." Suddenly, I bumped into someone. I looked up to see Apollo.

He spoke, "H-Hey, (Y/n). I'm just dropping off some stuff for Mr. Wright." I smiled, "Hey. You can drop those on my desk. I'm filling in for the boss this week." He nodded, "O-Ok. I'll see you later." I walked into the break room and started the coffee machine.

With Apollo~

He placed the papers on (Y/n)'s desk and turned around, only to bump into a firm body. He looked up to see Klavier Gavin. The most egotistical of them all. Klavier spoke, "Ah, herr forehead, So, I hear you wanna be a big ladies' man. (Y/n) is mine!" He shoved Apollo back a bit, causing him to stumble. Apollo shakily glared.

"You big b-b-bully!" Klavier glared back, "Wake up and smell the roses, you fool! Nobody's going to marry a loser like you. Now, give me that stupid stone!" Apollo placed the stone into his pocket, "No. It's for (Y/n)!" Klavier chuckled and tossed Apollo out of the office. Apollo watched through the clear glass as Klavier grasped (Y/n)'s hand. They spoke for a moment before Klavier presented a stone to her. Apollo turned and ran away, hearing (Y/n) call his name from behind him. He ran further into the city, finding himself rather lost.

A/N: Part 2?

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