Into My Flesh (Vampire! Apollo x Reader)

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Into My Flesh (Vampire! Apollo x Reader)

Requested by Icanicant

Your Pov:

I sat in the office reading a new case file. Apollo sat next to me and Athena sat at the desk with Trucy. Apollo had his notepad in his hand, reading the report and writing down the important details. I looked at him, "Alright, so what we know so far is that the victim died due to a gun shot right between his ribs, no murder weapon was found at the scene, and that the victim died near the same spot his son died. No suspects have been found, but a handprint was found on the victim's overcoat."

Apollo nodded, "Yep. I've got all of that down. Now, we need to make a list of suspects and see if we can derive a motive from any of them." I closed the file and placed it in my bag, "Alright. Where do we start?" Before he could answer, he was cut off by Athena, "You two are so cute together! I mean, couple's goals, am I right?" I blushed and shook my head, "N-No Athena! We aren't together, ok?" She laughed, "Whatever you say, (Y/n)." Apollo spoke up, "We're just really good friends. That's it." Trucy giggled, "Sure Polly. Sure." I grabbed my bag and stood up from the couch.

"I should get going. It's getting late." Apollo stood up, "I can walk you home." I shook my head, "No, It's ok. Thanks though." I turned and left the office. I walked down the sidewalk trying to make sense of the newest case. I crossed the street and decided to go through the park as a shortcut. The park was empty and quiet. Birds chirped in the trees here and there, but nothing else happened. I got to the center of the park and that's when I saw it. Two bodies lied still against a tree. I stepped closer and examined them. They were the bodies of two guys I had been good friends with: Tyler and Ethan. I could tell they were already dead. They were ice cold.

Strangely enough, there was no blood or strangulation marks to indicate the type of death. I looked on the ground around the bodies, but found nothing. Looking over the bodies for any wounds, I noticed bite marks on their necks and wrists. There was one bite mark in each area. One on each wrist and one on the neck. I stood up and made my way out of the park, waiting to call the police until I got home. Once I got home, I got changed and got into bed. Calling the police had slipped my mind and I fell asleep thinking about what happened to my friends on that dark, cold night.

The next day, I headed to the office as usual. Apollo and I worked on the case for a bit before I decided to bring up what I saw last night, "Hey, Apollo? Can I tell you something?" He looked at me and nodded, "What's up?" I sighed, "Well, last night, on my way home, I decided to take a shortcut through the park and I ran into something horrifyingly strange." He clenched the pen tighter in his hand as he spoke, "What happened?" I bit my lip, "Well, I saw two bodies slumped against a tree. There way no blood or marks to indicate the cause of death. There was also no murder weapon. I then noticed that they had bite marks on their necks and wrists."

Apollo gulped, "Well, they were probably bitten by some kind of poisonous snakes that lived in the parks nature reserve." I nodded and sighed, "You're probably right. Thanks for listening to me anyways though." With that, we continued working on the case for a couple more hours. Then, 9:00 came around. I turned to Apollo, "I'm going to head home, Apollo. I'll see you tomorrow." He nodded and I left. I walked to the park again. I needed to know if the bodies were still there. I needed answers. I got to the center of the park, but to my shock, the bodies were gone.

I was confused. Maybe I'm in the wrong spot? No, I'm pretty sure it was here. I walked around the tree, but still found nothing. I stopped in front of the tree and suddenly, someone pinned me to it. I looked up into the warm brown eyes of...Apollo? I looked at him in shock, "A-Apollo, what are you doing here?" He stared at me as if he was in a trance. He leaned towards my ear and whispered, "Gotcha..."

Then, he pushed his lips to mine in a feverish kiss. I froze in shock for a moment before kissing him back. I held onto his shoulders to keep myself steady. My legs felt like jelly. I felt his tongue swipe across my bottom lip. I hesitantly opened my mouth. His tongue darted in almost immediately, claiming its newfound territory. We fought for dominance for a while before he ultimately won. He pulled away for a moment and squeezed my thighs, "Jump." I reattached my lips to his and jumped, wrapping my arms around his neck. He growled lowly as he pushed my back into the tree.

His lips then trailed to my jawline and my neck. I moaned quietly as he sucked on the skin. Then, he began to walk somewhere as he continued his assault on my neck. When he stopped a few minutes later to open a door, I looked up. We were at the park's private restrooms. He opened the door and closed it behind us, making sure to lock it. He kneeled and laid me on the ground before resuming our position from before. His hands wandered under my shirt as he began to slowly grind against me. He kissed me again and removed my shirt. I unbuttoned his vest and threw it into the corner. Then, one by one, the rest of our clothes were discarded.

He looked at me, "You're sure you want to do this?" I nodded, "Yes, I'm sure." He positioned himself between my legs and slowly pushed in. I whined a bit at the pain as he brushed a strand of hair out of my face. Then, once he was all the way in, he stopped. After a few seconds, I nodded, "Please, move." He began to thrust slowly, at first. Then, he began to pick up the pace. I moaned lowly. He looked up at me, "I-I love you,
(Y/n). And I want you to know...I'm a vampire." I knew that I should've thought that he was joking, but I believed him, "I believe you."

His eyes widened slightly, "I don't want to hurt you, but do you mind if I get a bit rougher?" I nodded, "Go ahead." Then, like a switch was flipped, he got rough. He held my wrists above my head with enough strength to make bruises. His thrusts became hard and fast, hitting that bundle of nerves each time. I arched my back, trying to feel more of him. His hands let go of my wrists and grasped my hips with the same strength. His thrusts were becoming sloppy, so I knew he was almost done.

He leaned down and whispered to me, "Let me bite you." I nodded. Then, I felt his fangs sink into my neck as he thrusted into me one last time. We rode out our highs together and then there was silence. I felt his fangs slip out of my flesh and he lapped up the blood that dripped from the wound. I sat up and looked at Apollo. He stared back at me. I smiled, "I know I didn't say it earlier, but I love you too, Apollo." Then, we grabbed our clothes and got redressed. My legs felt wobbly and I would've fallen if Apollo hadn't caught me. He carried me out of the bathroom, "Let's get you home. I know you're tired." I rested my head against his chest and fell asleep.

The next day, I headed to the office, not realizing my mistake. I walked inside and sat down next to Apollo. We went over the case and paused when Athena and Trucy came in. Athena looked at us, then paused. Her eyes scanned over me, then stopped on Apollo, "I didn't know you were into that kind of thing Apollo." He blushed and I did as well. I looked at her, "W-What do you mean?" She giggled, "Your wrists and neck obviously! I mean, I never knew Apollo was one for being rough!"

I looked at my wrists. They had purplish bruising here and there. Using my phone camera, I could see that I had a number of hickeys covering my neck.

Athena and Trucy began singing, "Apollo and (Y/n), sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G-" Apollo and I cut them off simultaneously, "You two are so childish!"

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