Bad Blood Pt 2

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Your Pov:

It had been a few days since those three people raided our land, looking for us. Everyone was on edge and worried. We were running low on food and too afraid to go out. I turned to Ema, who was sitting next to me, "I'm going to get more food for everyone. Stay here and keep watch." She looked at me, "You can't go out there! You don't know who's out there." I frowned, "We barely have any food and it is my job as an alpha to take care of my pack." I made my way out of the basement and headed outside. I slowly shifted and moved into the forest. For the first few minutes, I saw nothing.

Then, a deer came into sight. I waited for an opening before pouncing onto it. I sank my canines into its neck and let go when it stopped moving. It dropped dead on the forest floor. I gripped one of it's antlers in my mouth and started dragging it back. Once I got there, I noticed that Ema wasn't keeping watching. I shrugged it off thinking she must've gone back down to the basement area. I brought the deer into the entrance of the house and shifted back. As I got to the basement, I heard voices. My eyes widened as I realized that they were the same voices from all those days ago at the pack house.

I quietly stepped towards the room. Everyone was pushed to the back of the room and in front of them stood two men and a woman. The first man was wearing red shirt with different images on it and had skin that was a red hue. The second man had fair skin but stitches around his face. The woman was also fair skinned but had dark hair and a large bandage wrapped around her head. The red skinned man spoke, "Youse guys better tell us where she is! Right now!" Ema spat at him, "Never!"

The man's hand raised and in an instant I was in front of Ema in my wolf form, snarling and growling. The man laughed, "Lookie here! She thinks she's somefin' scary! Heh." I snapped my jaws and growled. The woman spoke, "Get her. That's who he wants." I shifted back, "I'm not going anywhere with you. Leave before I rip your tongue and throat out through your teeth!" He smirked, "Fiesty. But if youse don't come with us, we'll burn every inch of this house down with every one of them inside." I sighed. Ema spoke from behind me, "No!"

I nodded, "Fine! I'll go with you, but you leave them alone. Ok?" They grabbed my wrists and dragged me out as Ema and the rest protested. They took me to the place where the war was happening. From the tree line where we stood, I could see the Von Karma pack looking exhausted, but on the other side of the clearing, I could see my pack looking the same.

But I couldn't see Miles.

Then, Von Karma himself approached. He spoke to the three behind me, "You've done it. It took you long enough, but now, we'll win." I spat in his direction, "You won't. You'll lose just like before!" He chuckled, "Still got some fight left in you, hm?" He lifted the staff in his hand and swung it into the side of my head. My head throbbed in pain as blood dripped down my head. Then, he took me to the center of the field. I saw Apollo, Klavier, and Phoenix a few feet from the line that divided the field.

Their gazes snapped to mine in shock. Von Karma let go of me and I fell to the ground. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and landed on my side. He called out to them, "Bring me Miles Edgeworth if you value your Luna's petty life!" They immediately ran to get Miles. A few moments later, I spotted Miles approaching. His ribs were wrapped in a bloodied bandage, his face was scratched in several places, and his arm was wrapped in an almost blood soaked bandage.

He stopped at the line, "Von Karma! Let her go! She has nothing to do with this!" Von Karma chuckled, "She has everything to do with this. You could've chosen my daughter instead, you could've chosen your successor, but you denied and chose this no good woman instead." I winced at the pain in my head. Miles signaled to the rest of our pack and they lined up on his sides, "Let her go or you'll have to deal with us." Von Karma smirked, "Fine!"

Then, the real war started. Everyone shifted and yelps, barks, and growls filled the air. I crawled over the line and to the tree line. I propped myself against a tree and watched the fight. Phoenix was fighting against a wolf that looked like him but it roared instead of barking. Apollo was facing off against a black wolf with a white strip on its head. Klavier was fighting with an almost identical looking blonde wolf. Then, in the middle of it all was Miles and Von Karma.

They lunged at each other every now and then as they circled each other. I shakily shifted and slowly made my way onto the field. That's when I noticed another wolf running towards Miles from the Von Karma side. I picked up speed and ran into the wolf's side, causing them to harshly hit the ground. They got up and we started circling each other. I watched them closely, then, I lunged for their throat. I locked on and stayed put until I tasted blood in my mouth.

I let go and they fell to the ground, motionless. My muzzle was stained and soaked with blood. I looked around. Two wolves were cornering Apollo. I rushed to him, taking on the first one while he handled the second. I headbutted their side and pounced on them, digging my teeth into their chest and ripping off chunks of flesh and muscle. They yelped in pain. I then went for the neck again and killed them. I helped the others but kept my eye on Miles. My head wound was throbbing but I blocked it out.

With how injured Miles was, I knew he couldn't continue fighting for much longer. I started making my way to him, but just before I reached him, a set of teeth sank into my upper right leg. I let out a loud yelp and I felt the warm blood running down my leg. I turned around quickly to see Franziska behind me. I snarled at her as I brought my injured leg closer to my body. She lunged at my throat and we tumbled to the ground. Luckily, my stomach didn't hit the ground.

We rolled in the dirt trying to overpower each other. I bit down on her front leg hearing a satisfying crunch as I did. She yelped and I stood up. As she was distracted, I jumped and grabbed her by the throat. Just then, a loud yelp came from the center of the field. Tightening my grip on her throat, I looked to see Miles on the ground, his fur stained crimson. Von Karma stood above him, looking victorious with some blood staining his fur. I bit into Franziska's throat with as much force as I could muster.

Her blood spilled into my mouth along with some pieces of flesh and muscle. I dropped her body, limped, and ran tackling Von Karma to the ground. I couldn't let him get away with this. I attacked him with everything I had. I pinned him to the ground and ripped one of his ears off,  also breaking his front and back leg.

I sunk my teeth into his chest ripping the skin and muscle away. I clawed at his stomach, blood staining my claws. Then, I sunk my teeth into his throat. Then, I yanked my head back, pulling his throat insides with me. I tossed them on the ground next to him. He was dead. I turned to Miles.

He laid on the ground as motionless as ever. I nudged him with my nose but there was no response. I carefully sat and howled sadly. The rest of our pack began to howl with me.

He was gone.

Miles was gone.

Then, as if by some miracle, he began to move. I watched in shock as he shakily stood up. We all shifted back and I nearly collapsed due to the wound on my leg and head, but Miles caught me. I spoke, "I can't believe you're alive! I-I thought..." He shook his head, "Don't worry yourself. I'm alive, but I had to take that risk to protect you." I bit my lip, "As did I. I love you." He looked at me, "I love you as well, (Y/n). I smiled.

We managed to make it back to our territory. Everyone was still alive in the safe house. They were all overjoyed to be reunited with each other. Ema ran up to us, "Alpha, Luna, please come with me! We have to treat your wounds!" She turned to the other injured fighters, "As for the rest of you, head to my den (cabin). I'll check you there." We followed her to the medical wing in the pack house.

She checked Miles first. He had some broken ribs, some deep bites on his right arm, a sprained wrist and a sprained ankle. Then, she checked me in a separate room, "Ok, besides your leg and head wound, you should be alright. And yes, your little one is perfectly fine and healthy." Just then, I heard a voice, "L-Little one?" We turned to see Miles at the door. I stood and approached him. I gently grabbed his hand and placed it on my stomach, "Yes. I'm pregnant." Miles looked at me, then, a genuine smile spread across his face, "You are amazing, love." After that, we held a celebration for both winning the war and the newest addition to the pack.

Now, I can finally live in peace with both my pack, my mate, and my baby.

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