Fuming Family Drama (Phoenix x Reader)

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Fuming Family Drama (Phoenix x Reader)

A/N: In this one, Phoenix and the reader are engaged. Also, (SiL/N) means sister in law's name. So Phoenix is going to have a sister, that's your in law. Got it? Good!

Your Pov:

I sat on the sofa, looking through my wedding planner. Our wedding was set for June at a nice lakeside venue. The front door opened and Phoenix came in followed by the rest of my family. We were all having a family reunion like day. Everyone settled in and about an hour later. My sister in law, Phoenix's sister, (SiL/N), spoke, "Can I please have everyone's attention? Thank you." Her boyfriend stood next to her, nervously. She continued, "Now that the entire family's together, I think now would be the best time to announce that...we're expecting!"

Everyone burst into cheers. I smiled. After a while, my mother approached me, "Your wedding isn't that far off. I think you should have a wedding shower." I nodded, "Yeah, I will. How about May? It's before the wedding but not too close?" My mother smiled, "Perfect! I'll be waiting for the RSVP." After a few weeks, I sent out invitations for the wedding shower and made the date for May 19th. About two weeks later, I received an invitation to (SiL/N)'s baby shower for Phoenix and I. I opened it. It read:

It's A Girl!
Baby Shower Invitation

Location: XXXXX
Date: May 19th

I tilted my head. May 19th? That's strange. I shrugged it off as coincidental until Phoenix's relatives I had invited and who had RSVP'd skipped my wedding shower and went to her baby shower. My own family still came and I had a good time, until (SiL/N) ruined it. In the last hour before the shower ended, she walked in wearing a white dress, tiara, and a pink sash over her chest.

After that, everyone went home. Phoenix and I had agreed on June 8th for the wedding. I looked over the wedding planner and we had everything set up and paid for. We had a church, a minister, and a reception hall all ready. A week later, (SiL/N) told everyone in the family that she scheduled her C-Section for June 8th. Now, I know for a fact that she is not ill nor is the baby at risk. However, (SiL/N) does have a condition that makes natural birth dangerous but she was fine. The day after, Phoenix's parents came over.

We all sat in the living room. His mother spoke, "So, we've been thinking and we've decided that if we have to choose between our first grandchild and the wedding, we'll choose our grandchild." I nodded silently as Phoenix spoke, "It's ok. We understand." They left after that. Then his grandparents, three aunts, two uncles, and several of his cousins all said they were going to the hospital for the baby instead. Then it got worse, because all of the family friends caught wind of this and backed out of the wedding as well.

I sat in the living room, watching a crappy soap opera. The wedding was a week from now. Then, there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see (SiL/N). She smiled at me, "Can I come in?" I let her in and we sat on the couch together. She spoke, "Are you upset about all of this?" That's when something inside of me snapped. I frowned at her, "Yeah. I'm upset. I'm f*cking mad! You've been a b*tch to me lately and I don't know why! You stole the day of my wedding shower and now you're stealing my wedding day. One day, one day out of the mother-f*cking year I want to be the one who's in the spotlight and now I can't. And it f*cking hurts!"

I continued, "I've put so much work into this godd*mned wedding! Phoenix is upset and doesn't want to have a wedding anymore. Just the courthouse. You've stolen my day and the excitement. Yeah, I guess you could say I'm f*cking upset." I stood up from the sofa and pointed to the front door, "Get the f*ck out of my house. Good luck with the baby." She left without a word. After that, I broke down into a puddle of angry tears.

And it just gets better and better (note the sarcasm). (SiL/N) and her boyfriend announced their engagement at the family bbq the next day. One of Phoenix's aunts had asked them if they were going to have their wedding right away with the baby coming so soon. She told her yes. To make up for my explosion yesterday, I asked her, "Do you need help planning?" She turned to me, "That's what I wanted to talk with you about. I was really really hoping that we could kind of take your venue?"

She continued, "I really cannot stress myself too much with planning a wedding while goung to maternity classes. And I think it is so beautiful! It would really mean a lot to me." I stared at her in silence. It took me three years to get that venue! She isn't going to take both my wedding day and venue! Her boyfriend looked mortified but she smiled at him, "Don't be like that. My sister in law wants to do what's best for me so it's no big deal right?" I spoke, "Well, it kind of is. I don't know. I have my heart really set on the venue."

3, 2, 1, cue the crying. Then, she stormed off. One of Phoenix's aunt's approached me, "You're being selfish because she needs the venue more than you do!" I was absolutely mortified and then Phoenix's mother came up to me, "You waited three years. Would it have killed you to wait a few more months? When has your sister in law ever asked you for something?" A few comments later, Phoenix got mad at them and we left.

(SiL/N) called me crying and said that it was unfair that I always got what I wanted and that I could have done this one thing for her. My dad said it's just a venue and what matters is the person you're marrying. He was kind of right, but we had been planning for so long. Phoenix is furious with his family and doesn't even want his sister to come. Now his family is threatening not to come because I am being selfish and my sister in law needs it more than me because having a baby is too stressful.

Phoenix and I have decided to boot his sister from the bridal party and replace her with his second aunt who is the only family member of his that took my side. We have not decided whether or not we will invite his family as a whole. However...

This is just getting so pathetic. It seems straight out of a bad soap opera. My parents are driving to us currently with some supper and wine and basically told me to not worry and that no matter what happens they will be my safety net. I cried tears of happiness that night.

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