Woman Enough (Ron DeLite x Reader)

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A/N: Ok, I know Ron is married to Desiree, but let's just pretend that she left him after the whole Mask DeMasque and murder incident. And also that you and Ron are like best friends. So, Ron tells you about her.

Your Pov:

I sat in the court gallery, watching the trial proceedings. I was here to support my best friend, Ron DeLite. They had arrested him on suspicions of murder and being the mysterious Mask DeMasque. I knew about Ron's secret, but he could never kill some one. The judge pounded his gavel, "I am ready to deliver my verdict. I declare the defendant, Ron DeLite, not guilty." I smiled to myself.

I filed out of the courtroom with everyone else. I found Ron talking with his defense attorney. I caught a bit of the conversation.

"I...I did it for Dessie. For her!" I bit my lip. Oh Ron...how blindly can you keep loving her? Just then, I noticed Desiree step into the lobby. She looked less than happy. I walked up to Ron, "Congratulations, Ron. I knew you were innocent." He rubbed the back of his neck, "O-Oh, thanks." Then, Desiree approached us, "Ron DeLite! I cannot believe you! You're a cowardly criminal! I never want to see you again!" With that, she stormed off.

Ron looked close to tears, "Dessie! Wait! I love you! I did it for you!" I placed a hand on his shoulder, "Ron, let her go. If she can't see that you did this for her, then she doesn't deserve you." Ron sighed and his shoulders slumped, "I...I guess so." He looked at me, "She's probably going to kick me out of our apartment. Can I stay with you until I find another place to go?"

I smiled and nodded, "Of course. I'd do anything for you." After that, I helped Ron move his stuff out of the apartment. We got everything into my house and I let Ron settle in. A few weeks later, Desiree sent the divorce papers. I watched as Ron read and signed them with sad eyes. He put them back into the envelope and placed the envelope on the counter. I placed my hand on his, "It'll be ok, Ron. If you ever need anything, I'm always here for you."

He looked at me, "Thank you, (Y/n). I'm gonna go to bed." I nodded and headed to bed myself. After about 30 minutes of laying in bed, I started to hear some noises through the wall. Ron's room was right next to mine and the walls were rather thin. I muted the tv and listened more.

It sounded like...crying?

I got up out of bed and stepped into the hallway. I knocked on Ron's door, "Ron, are you alright? I'm here if you need to talk." His voice came from inside the room, "I...I don't want to bother you..." He mumbled the last part, but I was able to hear it. I opened the door and shut it behind me. Ron sat on the bed with puffy, red eyes and tears streaming down his face. I sighed and sat next to him.

"I know that I don't understand exactly how you feel, but I want you to talk to me Ron." He hesitated before speaking, "I loved Dessie! I really did, but she thinks I'm a criminal! Maybe I am a criminal..." He mumbled again. I placed a hand on his shoulder, "You are not a criminal. You may be Mask DeMasque, but you've never hurt anyone to keep what you took. And, you were always kind to me." I continued, "And if she can't see past Mask DeMasque, then that's her fault. You deserve better than that." I stood and turned to him.

"Are you feeling better?" He nodded. I turned to walk out when he grabbed my wrist, "C-Can you stay with me tonight?" I smiled, "Of course, Ron." With that, we curled up under the sheets and fell asleep together.

The Next Morning~

I awoke to an empty bed. There was a note on the nightstand. I picked it up and read it. It said, 'Going to look for a new job. Maybe see if KB will rehire me. Be back soon. -R" I went to my room and put on a comfortable outfit before heading to the kitchen. I had some cereal before heading out.

I made my way to the store to shop for some groceries I needed, like milk and stuff. As I turned down the next aisle, I noticed someone familiar in the middle of it. It was Desiree. I decided to head down the aisle anyway. Just as I walked past her, she called out to me, "(Y/n), how have you been?" I bit my tongue, trying to hold in all of the profanity that wanted to come out. I spoke, "I...I'm fine." She continued, "It must be a handful to deal with Ron. By the way, are you two together now?" I shook my head, "No, but even if we were, it's none of your business. You left him." Desiree frowned.

"But, he still loves me. So, good luck with him." After that, she left the aisle. I got the rest of my groceries and hurried home. Luckily, Ron wasn't back yet. I put the groceries away and sat on the sofa. I watched tv for a good hour before Ron got back. He held the familiar KB security uniform in his arms. I spoke, "They rehired you?" He nodded, "Yeah. I was surprised too." He put his uniform in his room and came to watch tv with me.

He rested his head on my lap, which I didn't consider weird because we would do it all the time when we were younger. I played with his hair. I decided to bring up what happened at the store, "So, I went grocery shopping today and I...ran into Desiree." Ron tensed, "O-Oh. What did she say?" I bit my lip, "She thought we were dating. How crazy, huh?" Ron lifted his head from my lap and looked at the tv screen, "Yeah. Crazy..."

He mumbled again.

I tilted my head, "Is something wrong?" He didn't answer for a few seconds. Then, he looked at me, "I...I would like to date you actually..." He mumbled, making it hard for me to understand what he said. I spoke, "Can you say that a bit louder? I didn't catch what you said." He sighed and repeated himself, "I would like to date you actually." I blushed, "O-Oh..." I had liked Ron since we were in high school, but after he met Desiree, I let my feelings go. I spoke, "I'd love to date you, Ron." I kissed his cheek.

He blushed a bright red. I smiled, "You're too cute. Anyways, I have to go to work. You remember where I worked right? The cafe? You can come with if you want." He nodded, "Sure." I went into my room and got changed into a better outfit. I worked at the cafe as entertainment. I sang.

And I had a special song for tonight.

Ron drove us to the cafe. I got out, kissed him on the cheek, and hurried inside. I greeted my boss and headed to the stage to prepare. Ron sat at a table a few feet away. That's when I saw Desiree sitting alone at another table by the window. I payed her no mind and picked up the microphone.

"Good Afternoon everyone. How are you all doing? I continued, "Tonight, I have a special song prepared. I hope you enjoy it." With that, the music started. I smiled.

"You've come to tell me something you say I ought to know: That he don't love me anymore and I'll have to let him go.
You say you're gonna take him, oh but I don't think you can! Cause you ain't woman enough to take my man!"

Desiree was now looking at me. She noticed Ron and sat in the empty chair at his table. She smiled at him. He looked at her with wide eyes before looking away. I continued to sing.

"Women like you they're a dime a dozen you can buy 'em anywhere! For you to get to him, I'd have to move over! And I'm gonna stand right here! It'll be over my dead body so get out while you can. Cause you ain't woman enough to take my man!"

Ron's attention slowly turned to me. I smiled at him, laughing inside at Desiree's face. I continued on with the song, happy with my choices.

"Sometimes a man start lookin' at things that he don't need! He took a second look at you but he's in love with me! Well I don't know where that leaves you oh but I know where I'll stand. And you ain't woman enough to take my man!"

I walked around the stage, my gaze flitting around the room. My gaze landed on Ron, who was staring at me and completely ignoring Desiree, who looked really ticked off. I moved to the front of the stage for the last verse.

Women like you they're a dime a dozen,  you can buy 'em anywhere! For you to get to him, I'd have to move over! And I'm gonna stand right here! It'll be over my dead body so get out while you can! Cause you ain't woman enough to take my man! No, you ain't woman enough to take my man!"

I bowed as everyone cheered. I went to turn around when my ankle twisted. I closed my eyes as I waited for the impact, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes to find myself in Ron's arms. I looked up at him and placed a quick kiss on his lips before standing up straight, "Thanks, Ron." He blushed, "N-No problem." Desiree stood up and left in a hurry.

I smiled and thought to myself.

'You couldn't take him? Too bad!'

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