My Strange Alpha Pt. 2

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Your Pov:

I was now onto my second month. Apollo was starting to work more and more frequently. This left me with a lot of time to think about my life choices. I took the test the same month I found out, hoping it would come back negative. It didn't. I knew I messed up and I knew that what I did was wrong. Apollo had assumed that I started my cycle the day he helped me. He was so wrong.

My cycle started the day before that. That day, I had been hanging out with Trucy when it happened. She helped me home, but unfortunately, we ran into Klavier on the way. He came along, wanting to help. Once I got home, Trucy left. Klavier stayed with me. That was a mistake. We talked, that led to a kiss, and then...things happened. I did a DNA test on the baby after I found out. Apollo's DNA was not a match. Klavier's was.

I didn't want to tell Apollo because I was afraid. I didn't want him to leave. I didn't want him to hate me. Apollo would definitely be suspicious if the baby was born with blonde hair.

I hid the paper results in my desk drawer. I wanted to burn them, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Today, I headed into the office to do some work. I noticed Trucy cleaning around the desks. I snapped my gaze to my desk. The drawer with the paper was still closed. I breathed out a silent sigh of relief. I sat down at my desk as she left the room. I unlocked the drawer, checking the papers. They were there. I jumped as I heard a voice, "(Y/n)? What are you doing?" I looked up and saw Apollo. I slammed the drawer closed, "N-Nothing. Just looking for a pen..." He gripped at his wrist for a moment before shaking his head, "A-Alright..." I left to the bathroom, eager to get away from the awkwardness.

I came back 5 minutes later. I opened the door to the office. I froze when I saw Apollo standing at my desk, reading a stack of papers. I looked to the desk drawer. It was open. I walked towards him. He looked up, "W-What is this?" I tried to grab it from him, "I-It's nothing!" He moved the paper away, "You can't lie to me. I already read the papers." I sat in the desk chair and put my head in my hands, "I...I..." He sighed, "So it's true? The baby isn't mine?"

I sobbed, "I-I'm sorry!" He put the papers down, "I...I need to think." He quickly left the office. I grabbed my purse and darted out of the office. The secret was out, so there was no point in hiding it. I went to the prosecutor's office. Once there, I headed up to Klavier's office. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. His voice came from inside, "Come in." I opened the door and stepped inside. I kept my gaze towards the ground as he stood, "Fraulein, what's troubling you?"

I looked up, "You should sit down for this. Please." He sat down silently. I shuffled around for the papers in my purse. I found them and handed them to him, "You remember what we did right?" He nodded, "Ja. What about it?" I looked down, "Just read the papers." I heard the shuffling of papers as he read them. Then, they dropped to the floor. I looked up. He was silent for a moment, "...I-It's mine?" I nodded, "Y-Yes..." He shook his head, "What about herr forehead?" I shrugged sadly, "I don't know. He left the office, saying he needed to think."

Klavier grasped my hand, "I know that you two are bonded, so he's probably in shock, but if he decides to let you leave, you're always welcome to come to me." I stood, "Alright. Thank you. I should get back." I left and went back to the office. As I approached the door, I heard two voices. It was Apollo and Mr. Wright. I stood silently outside the door as I tried to listen in. I heard Apollo, "What do you think I should do?" There was a sigh, "Do you still love her?" Then, the sound of a hand slamming on a desk, "Of course I love her! I just..." Shuffling and then a laugh, "Hate the fact that the baby isn't yours? That's the alpha side of you Apollo. You're bonded to her, and I assume you've knotted, so your alpha pride has been bruised."

There was the sound of a chair, "I guess so, but I think I know how to fix this. Thanks for the advice Mr. Wright." The sound of footsteps came closer to the door. I hurried around the corner and stood there for a moment before coming out. Apollo stood outside the door. I approached the door and put my hand on the handle. Just then, Apollo grabbed my other hand, "(Y/n), can we talk?" I nodded, "Y-Yeah..." He brought me into a hug, "I...I'm sorry about walking out earlier. I was just...scared." I pulled away from the hug, "Do you still want this baby?" He nodded rapidly, "Yes! Of course!"

I smiled, "I'm glad then." I gestured towards the door, "Should we go share the good news?" He grasped my hand, "Yeah. Let's go!" With that, we walked back into the office, a smile on both of our faces.

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