Take Your Place (Mia's! Sister! Reader x Phoenix)

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Take Your Place (Mia's! Sister! Reader x Phoenix)

Your Pov:

I sat in the court lobby, celebrating with Mia and Phoenix. Larry had already left, leaving us to wonder if he was going to pay Phoenix. Mia nudged me, "If it wasn't for you, Phoenix would've lost." She looked at Phoenix, "Isn't that right, Wright?" He nodded, "Yeah! A real life saver." I looked at Mia, "If you say so." We all shared a laugh before leaving the courthouse. Mia and I got into her car and headed back to the office to prepare for dinner. Mia placed the statue on her desk once we arrived at the office.

She turned to me, "Can you watch that for me? I'm going to go to the file storage." I nodded, "Sure." She walked into the filing room and I sat in her office, watching the statue/clock. Suddenly, there was a thud from the filing room and the sound of running. The door burst open and Mia rushed in. She grabbed me and pulled me back towards the window. I looked at her, "What's going-" Before I could finish, I heard foot falls coming closer. The door opened and a man stepped in. He looked at us, "Thought you could run, Ms. Fey? Too bad."

He looked over, examining the statue, "That must be the Thinker that swallowed those papers." Mia gasped, How did you? I should've been more careful." He picked it up, holding it in one hand, "I am so very sorry, ladies, but I have one more thing to ask of you." He came closer, "Your eternal silence." We moved, knocking the glass light stand over. The more we moved, the closer he got. We were stuck back at the window. He rose the statue up above his head, "Goodbye, ladies." I pushed Mia out of the way.

The statue hit me on the side of my head and knocked me to the ground. Mia ran out of the room, screaming for help from the other businesses. The man grabbed the papers and ran. I felt warm liquid on the side of my head. I touched it, bringing my hand into my line of sight. It was blood. It was trickling down the side of my head now. I felt faint and there was a pounding in my head. I heard footsteps and Mia along with two other people, ran into the room. Mia spoke, "(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Can you hear me?!"

I weakly turned my head. I could see the other people now. It was Phoenix and Maya. I felt him grab my wrist. He turned to Mia, "It's slow. I..." I looked at Mia as black spots danced around my vision, "I-It's ok. I would gladly take your place if it kept you safe." I could hear Maya sniffling. I muttered out one last thing before everything went black, "I love you all..." As everything faded, I could hear Maya faintly call out, "Sis! Sis! Sisssss!" Then, there was complete silence.

Phoenix's Pov:

It's been a week since (Y/n)'s been admitted to the hospital. The doctors said she was in a coma and showed no signs of recovering. Mia identified Redd White as her sister's attacker. He was in detention awaiting his trial. I visited the hospital with Mia and Maya. We all sat around her bed, watching with sad eyes. Flowers and a couple of cards sat on the table. The door opened and a doctor came in. She spoke, "Ms. Fey has shown no signs of any brain activity. We think it's best for you to pull the plug. We'll give you time to think about it."

The doctor left the room. Maya broke into sobs as Mia tried to comfort her. I could see tears rolling down Mia's cheeks as well. I could feel the tears welling up but I pushed them back. I had to stay strong for them. I sighed, "It is your decision. Just know, I'm here for you guys." That same week (Y/n) checked out from the hospital.

Two weeks later

I leaned my bike on the fence as I grabbed the supermarket flowers from my bike. I came to visit her like Maya and Mia asked me to. I sat down and talked to her, "I missed you, you know. I know I haven't came by in a while and I'm sorry. I made sure that Redd White was brought to Justice. Because I know that's what you wanted, right?"

I put my face in my hands and sobbed.  For the first time, since the hospital, I cried. The reality hit me like a ton of bricks. Life is sick sometimes.

A stone can't answer you back.

I placed the flowers onto the grass, "I brought your favorites. I hope you like them." I placed a hand on the stone, "I never got the chance to tell you. You were amazing, intelligent, beautiful, and so much more to me. I wish I could've told you that..."

"I love you."

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