Little Do You Know Pt. 2

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Requested by skatdaddy

Your Pov:

It's been three years since I've seen Phoenix. I graduated from Ivy and became a manager at Global Studios. During that time, I never contacted Phoenix. I wanted to forget about everything that happened between us. I was sitting in the court lobby waiting for my cousin, Franziska von Karma. She was facing off against an attorney that bested her brother. Soon enough, the trial ended and she came out. I stood, "Franziska!" She turned to me, "(Y/n), you came. How have you been?" I smiled, "I've been fine."

We continued with our conversation until I heard a voice behind me,
"(Y-Y/n)?!" I turned and saw Phoenix. He looked so different. I spoke, "P-Phoenix. It's been a while." He nodded, "Yeah. I know. I only knew it was you by the tattoo of that phoenix on your wrist." I smiled, "You remembered. I see you still have the same porcupine hair as 3 years ago." He blushed a bit, "Y-Yeah. How are you?" I tilted my head slightly, "I'm a manager at Global Studios. My boyfriend works there as well."

His smile dropped slightly, "O-Oh, you have a boyfriend?" I nodded, "His name's Will Powers." Then, I sighed, "About three years ago? I've decided to forgive you for that, but I just can't forget it so easily." He nodded, "I understand, but can we start over? As friends?" I nodded, "Sure." I held out my hand, "I'm (Y/n) (L/n). Nice to meet you." He shook my hand, "Phoenix Wright. Nice to meet you as well." After that, we went to lunch and caught up with each other on everything that's happened these past years. It felt nice to talk to him again.

Those old feelings were beginning to come to the surface again, but I pushed them away. I couldn't let him hurt me again. I found out that he was still single, but I just pushed it aside. I couldn't let him in again. Once we finished up, I headed to my apartment. I changed into some comfortable clothes and got into my bed. I laid under the covers in silence for a while. Then, I felt tears running down my face. I curled up and cried into my pillow. He's back after all these years and even though I forgave him, I still feel a little hurt.

I didn't want to give him the benefit of the doubt if he was just going to hurt me again. I couldn't do it. I wanted to just be friends with him, but my feelings about the past made it even more difficult. I knew that I needed to move on, but I was scared of him hurting me again. Eventually, I closed my eyes and fell asleep. When I awoke, I checked my phone. I had a text from Phoenix saying how much he enjoyed seeing me again. I sighed.

Being friends with him was hard for me.

But I knew that being friends for now was enough for him.

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