Blue Ain't Your Color (Jake Marshall x Heartbroken! Reader)

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Blue Ain't Your Color (Jake Marshall x Heartbroken! Reader)

The reader and Jake are good friends and decide to go to the bar to talk about their problems and relax. The reader just broke up with her boyfriend because he had been cheating for 6 months.

Your Pov:

I sat at the bar in a booth in the back. I came here with Jake and he was off getting drinks. As I waited, I saw many couples drinking or dancing together. I sighed, wishing I could have a happy relationship. My boyfriend cheated on me and I felt like complete garbage. I was knocked out of my thoughts by a tray of drinks being slid across the table, "Here you go, darlin'." Jake slide into the seat in front of me, "Come on, bambina, have a few drinks." I picked up one of the shots and downed it. The alcohol burned for a moment. I grabbed a tall glass and sat it in front of me. Jake downed a few shots of his own.

He looked at me, "I can see you over there. Starring at your drink. Watchin' that ice sink. Almost alone tonight." I sighed, "Yeah. If it wasn't for you, I'd be here all alone." I took a sip of my drink as he continued, "And chances are, you're sittin' here in this bar
'cause he didn't treat you right." I nodded, "I'm not surprised you knew. Everyone at the prosecutor's office and the precinct knew." He took another shot, "Well, it's probably not my place, but I'm gonna say it anyway
'cause you look like you haven't felt the fire, had a little fun, hadn't had a smile in a little while bambina."

I rolled my eyes, "Why should I be happy right now? My boyfriend cheated on me for over half of our relationship." He chuckled, "Blue looks good on the sky, looks good on that neon buzzin' on the wall, but darling, it don't match your eyes." I blushed slightly, "What do you mean?" He took another shot, "I'm tellin' you, you don't need that guy. It's so black and white. He's stealin' your thunder. Bambina, blue ain't your color." I looked down at my drink, thinking and watching the ice melt.

He looked at me, "I'm not tryna be another just pick you up kinda guy. Tryna drink you up. Tryna take you home." I blushed a bit darker. I appreciated him trying to make me feel better. He took a sip of another drink, "But I just don't understand how another man can take your sun and turn it ice cold!" I looked down, trying to not think about my now ex-boyfriend. He finished his drink, "Well, I've had enough to drink and it's makin' me think that I just might
tell you if I were a painter I wouldn't change ya. I'd just paint you bright
bambina." We placed our glasses on the tray and Jake paid the bill before we left, even though I insisted on paying. It was cold outside.

We had walked to the bar, so now we were walking back to my house. We walked in silence for a few minutes until we reached my house. I hadn't even noticed, but we had been holding hands the entire way. He walked me up to the porch. I unlocked the door. He spoke up, "Blue ain't your color. No bambina, it ain't. Let me light up your world." I blushed and leaned towards him. I pressed a short kiss to his lips before bidding him goodnight and heading inside. I got changed and got into bed.

Right before I went to sleep, I got a text from Jake. It said, 'I had a great time tonight, darlin'. Maybe we can do it again sometime as a date?' I smiled and drifted off to sleep, not bothering to reply back. Maybe he was right. Maybe blue isn't my color.

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