Street Rat Witness (Trucy Wright x Male! Child! Reader)

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Street Rat Witness (Trucy Wright x Male! Child! Reader)

Requested by paultiteuf360

Your Pov:

I lied down on a bench in the park. My box was ruined, so I had to find another place. I closed my eyes, but right before I could go to sleep, I heard footsteps. I scrambled off the bench and behind a nearby bush. I peaked my head out. Three men stood in the middle of the park. One was pulling something in the dark. The man on the right side of the thing started shouting at the man pulling it.

(This is the diagram below)


#1 Witness


I saw something shiny in the man's hand. The man closest to me shouted out and there was a bang! I ducked down behind the bush in fear. There was the sound of running, then nothing. I peaked my head out. The back of the thing opened and a lady climbed out. She ran away and disappeared. I started pushing myself away from the bush when my leg got caught on one of its thorny branches. I pulled at my leg and yelped in pain. The thorn was stuck in my leg and still attached to the bush branch. I squeezed my eyes shut and yanked my leg towards me. I nearly screamed as the branch snapped off and pulled the thorn further down my leg. I opened my eyes and tears ran down my face. The thorn was still embedded in my leg and there was a large cut from my knee to my ankle.

I felt something warm seep down my leg and soak into the ripped part of my pants. I curled up behind the bush and passed put from the pain.

I woke up to people talking. It was bright outside. I peaked over the bush. There was a girl and a boy. The pain swelled up in my leg and I fell over. More tears streamed down my face as I heard footsteps approach me. I heard two gasps. I looked up. It was the same boy and girl. The girl looked at the boy, "Apollo, he's hurt! He needs help!" The boy, Apollo, spoke, "I know, Truce. Do you have a first aid kit at the office?" She nodded, "Yes! We have to hurry!" I felt arms around my small body, and I was pressed against something warm. It was Trucy, I think. I wrapped my arms and legs around her, trying to keep my leg from hurting. I closed my eyes again.

I woke up in a building. It was clean. A lot cleaned than the boxes I slept in. My leg had been cleaned but the thorn was still in it. The door in the front of the room opened. Trucy came in, followed by Apollo. She was holding bandages and tweezers. She handed the tweezers to Apollo before turning to me, "We're gonna remove that thorn now, ok little guy?" I tensed and moreded. She held me and started singing as Apollo got close to the thorn, "Riff-raff, street rat, I don't buy that. If only they'd look closer. Would they see a poor boy? No siree they'd find out there's so much more..."

I cried a little when Apollo pulled it out, but Trucy continued to sing and hold me. After he pulled it out, Trucy took the bandages and wrapped them around my leg. It was quiet before Trucy spoke, "Can you tell us what happened to you?" I nodded, "T-There were three men! One was pulling something while the second one was holding something shiny, and the third one shouted at them." Trucy nodded and encouraged me to continue, "There was a loud bang and I hid behind the bush. There was the sound of running and then it got quiet. I looked out and saw a lady get out of the thing being pulled. The man pulling the thing was slumped over."

Trucy nodded and looked at Apollo. He was writing on a square paper thing. Trucy picked me up, "Where are your parents?" I shrugged, "They're gone..." Trucy gasped, "That's terrible." Apollo sighed, "Trucy, he's a key witness. He's the only one who's claimed to have seen a woman leave the scene." Trucy looked at him, "You want him to testify? Apollo, he's so little. He can't handle the stress of that!" Apollo looked at me, "Hey buddy, can you do something for me?" I looked at him, "Trucy and I want to take you to a place where you need to tell someone what you told us. Can you do that?" I shrunk back into Trucy before nodding.

A few hours later, we were in a big room with lots of people and stuff. A man with a beard spoke, "Does the defense have a witness to call forward?" Apollo nodded, "Yes, your honor." The bearded man spoke, "Call your witness." Apollo gestured to Trucy. She carried me to a table in the middle of the room as Apollo spoke, "I call to the stand, (Y/n) (L/n). A child who witnessed the crime from behind a bush." The bearded man looked at Apollo, "A child? Are you sure about this, Mr. Justice?" Apollo nodded, "Yes, your honor." I told them what I saw again, just like I told Trucy and Apollo.

A few hours after that, we left. Apollo and Trucy were in a happy mood, so I felt happy too. Then I frowned. I'm probably going back to the streets again. Trucy noticed my frown and spoke, "What's the matter, (Y/n)?" I hugged her tighter, "I don't wanna go back to the streets again!" I cried into her shoulder. She stroked my head and spoke, "Who said that?" She booped my nose, "You're so cute! I'll be your new mama! How does that sound?" I giggled, "Yeah! Mama!"

She kissed my cheek and I nuzzled into her shoulder. Her gloves warmed my back and my eyes slowly closed. Just before I fell asleep, I heard her whisper in my ear.

"Welcome home, (Y/n)."

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