Help Me (Apollo x Abused! Reader)

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Author's Note: Attention! This chapter will contain sensitive subjects such as abuse, sexual assault, etc. If this triggers you or makes you uncomfortable, please skip this chapter. This will not be a graphic or gory chapter. There will be mentions, but nothing too crazy.

Your Pov:

I sat in my apartment, watching my phone ring. I didn't want to answer it. I haven't been able to talk to my family or any of my friends without him threatening to hurt himself or me. Who am I talking about? I'm talking about my boyfriend, if he can even be called that. His name is Matt. Matt Engarde. I met him when I was 15 and he was 21, which was 6 years ago. I lived in (S/n) while he lived in California. We met on the internet.

I know I should've known better, but I was young and dumb and scared. I still am! I gave him my number. At first, everything was fine. We were good friends. We texted a couple of times a day and sent stupid pictures. At the time, I was living with my parents, and once he founded out, he begged me not to tell my parents about him. I agreed. Big mistake.

I should've said something. Told someone, but once again, I was young, dumb, and scared. Everything was fine and he even asked me out but one day...he asked me for lewd pictures. I was seventeen when he asked me. At first, I thought he was joking, so I texted him back with 'Lol, funny joke!' He texted back immediately with 'I wasn't joking...'

After that, I said no, of course. That didn't stop him. He blew up my phone with texts saying that I would sent him the pictures if I really loved him and other stuff like that. After days of this, I sent him a picture. I knew it was wrong, but I just wanted him to leave me alone. After the first picture, he didn't ask again. I thought it was over, until I hung out with friends.

I told him that I was going to hang out with friends and that I wouldn't be able to text him like I usually did. He immediately blew up my phone with texts saying that if I didn't text or call him, he would hurt my friends and me. I told my friends that I couldn't hang out with them that night.

That leaves us with where I'm at now. I called my only friend, Apollo. I knew I needed to get help. I needed to get away. I was supposed to go on a date with Matt tonight, but he got mad when I said I was talking to Apollo. He's been silent. No calls, no texts, nothing. I locked my door and window. Suddenly, my phone buzzed. It was Matt. It said, I'm outside. We're going on a date. Remember?" I sent back that I was coming and left.

I went outside and saw him leaning against his car. Once he saw me, he stood straight and walked over. I felt like crying. I wanted to be anywhere but here. He led me to his car and drove us to the movies. He paid for our tickets and we went inside the theater. The room was empty. It was just me and him. The entire time diring the movie, he kept trying to touch my thighs and upper torso even though I told him to stop.

After the movie ended, we walked back out to his car. I wanted to go back home, but he had other ideas. He looked at me, "I know a place a little ways from here. Want to go?~" I shook my head, "I really have to get home. I have work tomorrow..." He laughed, "We'll only be like 20 minutes." He drove us to this 'place', which happened to be a parking garage. He kept trying to kiss me and take my shirt off. I knew what he wanted and I was scared. I was still young. This wasn't really what I wanted.

After 20 minutes, he took me home. After he left, I took a shower. I felt so...dirty. I wanted to call Apollo and scream and cry about what happened, but I was too shocked to even speak. That night, I didn't get any sleep. The next morning, I called Apollo and told him everything. I cried and sobbed, telling him that I was done with everything. I wanted to be done with Matt. Apollo came to my apartment 10 minutes later.

I opened the door and let him in. He gasped when he saw me, "Have you been crying?" I looked away, "Yes." He brought me to my bed and pulled me into a hug. I sat there in silence as he hugged me. The silence was comforting and I started to feel better, until my phone buzzed. Apollo grabbed my phone and looked at the text before putting my phone on the night table. He looked at me, "We're going to the police. If worse comes to worse, I will defend you."

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