Worth Something (Apollo x Sister! Reader)

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Worth Something (Apollo x Sister! Reader)

A/n: This chapter is going to cover topics that may trigger some such as depression, self-harm, etc. If you are uncomfortable with that, please move to the next chapter. Thank you.

Your Pov:

I sat in the bathroom with a razor, a bottle of pills, and my thoughts. My brother, Apollo, sat in the next room, unaware of what I was going to do. My wrists were still clean somehow. The razor looked so promising. So easy. The voices in my head would shut up. They wouldn't stop. And that's when I began to think those dark, dark thoughts that led me here. I grabbed the razor and the voices quieted like a crowd anticipating something. I finally slid it across my wrists. Once, twice, until five lines laid across my skin.

I dropped the razor as the burning kicked in. Small droplets began to drip from my wrist and onto the tile. The clattering of the razor caused Apollo to come and knock, "(Y/n), are you alright? You've been in there for a while." I stuttered out a response, "Y-Yeah! Hang on a second." I could hear him since through the door. That's when I remembered his bracelet. The voices got over their anticipation and started up again. Louder this time. Yelling, "How pathetic.", "He'll really leave you now." I sank to the floor and pulled my knees to my chest.

I heard the sound of the door being rammed into. Suddenly, the door burst open. Apollo entered. He saw me and gasped, "(Y-Y/n), what did you do?!" Tears rolled down my face as I hiccuped, "The-The voices won't leave me alone Apollo!" He said nothing, but picked me up and carried me to my bed. He sat me down and grabbed the first aid kit from the bathroom. He disinfected my cuts and bandaged them. The whole time, he had tears in his eyes. After that, he put the first aid kit back and grabbed his phone.

He grabbed my earbuds and plugged them in. He got on my bed and gently laid me next to him as he laid back on the pillows. He put one earbud in his ear and placed the other in mine. He scrolled on his phone before pulling up something. He pressed play and soft music started to play.

Have you ever felt like nobody was there? Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere? Have you ever felt like you could disappear? Like you could fall, and no one would hear?

I could hear Apollo's heartbeat slow to a relaxing thump as I listened to the song. I could answer yes to all of those questions. I continued listening.

Well, let that lonely feeling wash away
Maybe there's a reason to believe you'll be okay. 'Cause when you don't feel strong enough to stand, You can reach, reach out your hand. And oh, someone will come running. And I know, they'll take you home.

I let those words float around my mind for a while. Is there a reason to believe I'll be okay? I looked up at Apollo. His eyes were closed and one teardrop rested on his cheek. He's my reason. He's my brother and I would not be able to function without him.

Even when the dark comes crashing through. When you need a friend to carry you. And when you're broken on the ground. You will be found.

I held Apollo tighter. At first, I felt like my life was worth nothing. Less than nothing (Everyone's life is worth something. Everyone has a reason to live no matter what). Now though, I feel like someone will find me and help me when I need it.

So let the sun come streaming in. 'Cause you'll reach up and you'll rise again. Lift your head and look around. You will be found. You will be found. You will be found. You will be found. You will be found.

I looked at my bandaged arm before glancing at Apollo. His eyes were still closed, but he was mouthing the words to the song. I smiled.

Even when the dark comes crashing through. When you need a friend to carry you. When you're broken on the ground. You will be found

Tears fell down down my face now. They were tears of sadness, but they were a happy sadness. It felt like all of my negative emotions were slowly ebbing away as I released them all.

So let the sun come streaming in. 'Cause you'll reach up and you'll rise again. If you only look around. You will be found (You will be found). You will be found (You will be found). You will be found.

I felt something wet on my head. I tilted my head up to see Apollo crying a little. His eyes were still closed, but I could tell he was lost in his thoughts. That's when I noticed his bracelet had shifted up on his arm. A faded scar stretched across from the left to the right side of his wrist. The scar was straight and thin, like the cuts I made on myself. He's just like me...

Out of the shadows. The morning is breaking. And all is new, all is new. It's filling up the empty. And suddenly I see that. All is new, all is new. You are not alone. You are not alone. You are not alone. You are not alone. You are not alone (You are not alone). You are not alone (You are not alone).You are not-
You are not alone (You are not alone).

The song made me feel like that was true. That I wasn't alone. That the sun would rise for me again. I looked up at the ceiling, sorting my thoughts.

Even when the dark comes crashin' through. When you need someone to carry you. When you're broken on the ground. You will be found.

I felt better. My mind felt clear. I no longer felt the heavy presence of the horrible thoughts that once plagued me. I felt hopeful.

So when the sun comes streaming in.
'Cause you'll reach up and you'll rise again. If you only look around. You will be found. Even when the dark comes crashin' through. You will be found. When you need someone to carry you. You will be found. You will be found. You will be found...

The song finished. I looked at Apollo. His eyes were now open and he smiled at me. I hugged him tightly and began to cry again. He started to cry too and we held each other as we cried into the silence of the apartment. This time though, these tears were tears of joy and freedom.

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