Seeing Red (Miles Edgeworth x Blind! Reader)

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Seeing Red (Miles Edgeworth x Blind! Reader)

Requested by JadeOchnio

Your Pov:

I sat in a room with two men. It was dark, but of course, that's all I've ever known. I was born blind and my family could not afford the surgery to fix my sight. Since then, I've gotten used to it. One of the men spoke, "Ma'am, could you tell us what you saw one last time?" To be frank, this detective was an idiot. I had heard a murder happening in a room next to mine in a hotel I had been staying at. I hadn't seen a thing because I couldn't. After hearing what had happened, I felt my way to the room, finding the door open, and the rest is history.

I sighed and told the detective again. I heard a chair scrape against the ground, "Alright. Thank you." A door opened and then closed. The other man was still in the room. He spoke, "Miss, if I may ask, are you feeling alright?" I nodded, "Yes. Why do you ask?" I noticed that when he had asked me the question, that he had a slight accent. English maybe? He spoke up, "Your eyes seem very unfocused." I shook my head, "I am fine, Mr...?" He spoke again, "Edgeworth. Miles Edgeworth."

I smiled, "As I was saying earlier, Mr. Edgeworth, I am fine." He cleared his throat, "If you say so. I will see you in the courtroom tomorrow, miss." I nodded and carefully stood, keeping a grip on the table just in case, "Of course, Mr. Edgeworth." I slowly walked out of the room and down what I thought was a hallway. I eventually found an elevator and made my way out of the building. I went back to the hotel. Once I arrived, I pulled my cane out of my purse. It was a fold up cane, so it was easy to place in my purse. I got to my room and headed to bed, thinking about the man with the slight accent.

The next day, I got up and got ready for court. I managed to safely made my way downstairs and to the courthouse. A lot of people think that being blind is really hard to get used to, but after a while it starts to become your new normal. I used to be afraid, but I learned to get used to it and to use my sense of touch to get around. Once I arrived at the courthouse, a bailiff, I assumed, lead me to a waiting lobby. Then, I heard the same voice from yesterday, "Bailiff, is Ms. (L/n) here yet?" The bailiff spoke, "Yes, Prosecutor Edgeworth. She's just over there."

I heard footsteps on the tile and then someone stopped in front of me, "Are you ready to testify Ms. (L/n)?" I nodded, "Yes, Mr. Edgeworth." He coughed, "Yes, well, you're going to be called to the stand soon." I bit my lip, "I understand." He bid my goodbye and left the room. Court was probably back in session. From the room I was in, I heard Mr. Edgeworth's voice, "The prosecution calls the poor woman who witnessed the horrific crime with her own eyes." The door in front of me opened and I stepped into another room, feeling a podium in front of me. I heard his voice again.

"Witness, please state your name and occupation for the court." I took a deep breath, "My name is (Y/N) (L/n). I work as a traveling tutor." Edgeworth spoke again, "Now, please explain to the court what you saw." I nodded and began my testimony. Nothing about my story had changed since yesterday. During the cross-examination, the defense attorney tried to poke holes in my testimony, but failed. The judge spoke, "I am prepared to announce the verdict. Does the defense have anything else to add?" Then, the defense attorney spoke, "Yes, your honor. I wish to ask the witness one last question if I may?"

The judge spoke, "You may, Mr. Wright." The defense spoke, "Ms. (L/n), are you by chance, blind?" I tensed, but before I could answer, Edgeworth did, "Objection! If this witness was blind I would have been informed." The defense spoke up, "However, the witness has only testified about what she heard! There was nothing about what she saw!" The judge spoke, "Order, order! Witness, are you or are you not, blind?" I sighed, "It's true. I am blind. I have been blind since the day I was born." The defense spoke, "Your honor, this witness's secret was concealed by the prosecution! He knew she could not see!"

Edgeworth spoke, "What?!" I spoke up, "That's not true! He did not know that I was blind. I planned to keep it a secret until after the trial." The judge spoke, "Witness, please testify again. Include your condition as well." I nodded, "Yes, your honor." I gave my testimony again, but very little had changed. Eventually, I was taken back to the room I was in before. I stayed there for what felt like hours. Then, I heard the Judge's voice, "I declare the defendant, not guilty." The door to the room opened, and then shut.

I heard Edgeworth's voice, "So it's true, then? You are blind?" I nodded, "Yes. I cannot see." He held my hand, "I apologize for overlooking your condition. Perhaps I could make up for it with a date?" I blushed, "Of course, Edgeworth. I would love to." With that, I left back to my hotel room, feeling ready to go on a date with a man that I think I love.

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