Meeting The Parents (Godot x Reader)

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A/N: In this chapter, there are going to be some slurs made towards your boyfriend by your jerk parents. I do not agree with this behavior and all slurs used are not meant to be taken seriously by anyone. Thank you for understanding.

Meeting The Parents (Godot x Reader)

Your Pov:

I sat on the couch watching tv, waiting for my boyfriend to come home. I had received a call from my parents. They wanted me to come visit and I told them that I would, but that my boyfriend would be coming too. They agreed and now I'm stressing about it. Just as I was about to call them back and say we can't make it, the door opened.

I put my phone down and continued watching tv. Footsteps sounded in the living room. Godot was taking off his coat. He walked over to me and sat down. I leaned my head onto his shoulder and pulled me closer to him. He spoke, "How was your day, kitten?" I bit my lip, "Well, my parents called." He tensed a bit, "Oh? What'd they say?" I hesitated, "They want to meet you." I moved out of his grip and looked at him. He looked back at me, "I don't mind kitten."

I shook my head, "I don't think it's a good idea." He spoke, "Why not?" I scoffed, "They are the most racist, homophobic, and xenophobic people you'll ever meet!" He chuckled, "I've met worse, kitten. It'll be fine." I frowned, "Fine. We'll go, but promise that if I get uncomfortable, we can leave?" He nodded, "I promise."

Later that week, we drove to my parents house. I got out of the car and looked at the house. The paint was the same. The wood was chipping in some places, but it still looked pretty much the same. As we approached the door and knocked, I turned to Godot, "I'm feeling uncomfortable. We should go." He grasped by hand, "You'll be fine. I'm right here, kitten." Before I could say anything, the door opened. My mother was standing there, "Oh, (Y/n)! You're here!" I smiled, "Yeah. I brought my boyfriend too."

She looked around like he wasn't even there, "Oh, you brought him?" Godot stuck out his hand, "I'm Diego Armando. It's a pleasure to meet you." She completely ignored him and let us inside. The interior of the house was the same as well. We entered the dining room where the rest of the family was sitting. My mom spoke to them, "(Y/n)'s here with her boyfriend." We sat down and that's when my brother spoke up.

(I'm not trying to offend anyone! Please don't get offended!)

"A wetback (Y/n)? Really?" I looked at him, "Don't say that!" My aunt spoke up next, "(Y/n), dear, if he's forcing or stalking you we can call the cops. We won't blame you for that." I shook my head, "He's not forcing me to do anything. He's my boyfriend!" My aunt piped up, "I never thought you'd date his kind. Why don't you date a nice white boy?"

Then, my father nodded, "You shouldn't be associating with his kind. They're drug dealers and gang members. They traffic girls like you!" I was clenching my fists under the table, "He is not like that. I've known him for years. I love him." My father shook his head at me, "He probably isn't even legal (Y/n)! He's a wetback and probably the result of a teenage pregnancy and single parent."

I stayed silent, but my father continued, "Now, you need to stop playing these games. Either you stop being this wetback's sl*t or we disown you from the family." Before I could reply, Godot stood up, "You can say whatever you want about me, but you do not speak to her that way." My father looked at him, "Oh? You're actually talking to me?" Godot continued, "Your daughter is a wonderful person. She is not a sl*t. How can you say that about your own child?"

My father looked offended, "Are you trying to tell me how to parent?" Godot shook his head, "No. I'm trying to tell you how to be a decent person." Before he could continue, I interjected, "We are in the 21st century! Color and race should not affect who I should or shouldn't date."

I grabbed Godot's hand, "We'll be going now. And by the way..." I kissed Godot deeply and they all gasped. I turned and tugged Godot out to the car. As we drove away, he spoke, "I think that's the most badass thing I've seen you do, kitten."

I blushed and shook my head.

"Just drive Diego!"

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