I'll Be Here (Apollo x Reader)

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Author's Note: Songfic time!
We met, of all places, in front of Gristides, some freakishly cold winter's day. I had on several unflattering layers of wool.

I remember the day I met him like it was yesterday. That cold, icy day that changed my life for good.

He slipped on the ice with his grocery bags full. So I rescued some Fruit Loops he dropped by the curb and he made some remark that my smile was superb. I thought that was sweet and I started to go and he said, "Hey, whatcha doing tomorrow?'

He always knew just what to say. When he slipped that day, I didn't think twice about helping him. I would've just ignored any other person. But something about him was electric and magnetic.

'Because I'll be here at the corner of Bleaker and Mercer tomorrow at 7. If you want to meet up, I'll be waiting right here, and in case there are two fellas waiting for you, my name's Apollo.' He waved and then he was gone.

That same night, my mind was set. I wanted to see him again. I wanted to feel his energy. His electric soul.

Needless to say I went back there to meet him. Mostly to see if he'd show, and there he was. Out in the cold with his jacket pulled tight. He took me to dinner and kissed me goodnight. The next week we went to this terrible play.
And the week after that drank hot chocolate all day. And suddenly, eight or nine months had flown by when he said "Hey, whatcha doing the rest of your life?'

The day he proposed was one of the best days of my life. I knew that I loved him and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I was overjoyed and so happy then.

'Because I'll be here right beside you as long as you want me to be. There's no question. There is nothing I've wanted so much in my life. This might sound immature but I'm totally sure you're the one." And we had just begun.

He loved me just the same. He never faltered when he told me he loved me. He never hesitated to say he loved me whenever he left for work.

We got hitched in September, our favorite month with a rock band that played in this old synagogue. And we bought an apartment on West 17th street and talked about children and getting a dog. Our first anniversary came in a flash and we promised to take the day off. He had to stop into his office that morning, and so I went walking uptown to this bakery I know.

Our wedding was the best thing I could've asked for. Everyone was there. I had Apollo by my side, so everything was alright. I can't visit that bakery without getting thoughts of him. I know it's stupid, but true.

When I heard on the street what I thought was a joke, till I noticed the sirens and saw all the smoke. So I'm running back home with this feeling of dread to the voicemail he left with the last words he said.

I couldn't take back what I just saw. It couldn't be true. It wasn't true. But it was. That voice mail was the last time I heard his voice. I cried listening.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to ruin your evening by bringing up all of this stuff.
You're probably wondering why I even called you tonight. Well today something happened that spooked me alright. I saw this storm cloud of papers fall down from the sky, and I thought of that day and I started to cry. When as sure as I breath I heard Apollo clear as day saying "Hey, you're allowed to move on. It's okay.'

I heard his voice that day. At first I thought I was hearing things. But I felt in my heart that I heard his voice. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest and I could breathe again.

'Because I'll be here even if you decide to get rid of my favorite sweater. Even if you go out on my birthday this year instead of staying at home letting all of life's moments pass by. You don't have to cry.'

I still have that sweater hanging in my closet. I no longer cry when I see it though. I feel happy when I see it. For the first time after the incident, I went out on his birthday. I didn't cry.

'Because I'll be here when you start going back to the places we went to together. When you take off my ring and you let yourself smile. When you meet some handsome and patient and true. When he says that he wants to be married to you. When you call him one night and he meets you downtown. When you finally answer him yes."

I did just that. I revisited the places we went to together. Savoring the old and happy memories of them. I also took off my ring and now wear it on a chain around my neck. I've also met someone new. He wants to be with me for the rest of our lives.

I looked up at the person sitting across from me on the sofa, "Yes. Klavier, I will marry you. I will give you my heart." I smiled, "It has taken so long, but I'm ready to start." I looked at the picture of Apollo on my mantle, "Right now Apollo's whispering 'Congrats' in my ear cause I finally let myself tell you...That I will be here."

Months later, I married Klavier. We did the things that Apollo and I never got the chance to. We got a dog and had a family. We moved into a nice house house. Our little girl is growing so fast. She's seven years old and already knows so much. I told her about Apollo and all of our funny stories. And...I know Apollo's still here. How? Well, my little girl always loves to tell me about how the nice man in the photograph I showed her likes to play with her in the yard.

I'll be here, Apollo...

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