Family (Phoenix x Reader)

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Requested by Bsuccubi

Your Pov:

I walked around the hospital nursery, checking each newborn carefully, making sure that they were comfortable. I headed out and as I walked down the hall of the maternity ward, I could hear the faint sounds of mothers and father cooing at their babies. I smiled to myself.

I had gotten married to the love of my life recently, but we never talked about having kids since he already has a teenage daughter. I love her like she's my own, but I want to experience what I see new mothers in this ward experience. With Phoenix being a lawyer, he was constantly working and I just don't think that he'd have time for a baby.

I clocked out of work and headed home. I walked into the house and noticed Trucy sitting at the Table. She looked up at me and smiled, "Hey mom." I smiled back, "Hi Trucy. Did your father call yet?" She shook her head, "Not yet. I stopped by the office after school, but he was busy." I nodded and headed into the bathroom. I started up the shower and got in. After 15 minutes, I got out of the shower and changed into more comfortable clothes.

I headed into the kitchen and started on dinner. As I cooked, I watched the tv from over the counter. An ad for some baby clothes was playing. The outfits they showed were adorable. One onesie was blue and had a quill on it with writing underneath it that said ' The Next Alexander Hamilton'. The other was pink and had a rolled up letter on it with writing below it that said 'The Next Elizabeth Schuyler'. I continued cooking.

As I finished cooking, the front door opened and then closed. Footsteps made their way to the dining room. Trucy looked up from the table and smiled, "Daddy, you're home!" I looked over and saw Phoenix standing under the archway. I carried out the plates to the table and set them down. I turned to Phoenix, "Welcome home. How was work?"

He sighed, "Busy. Really busy. But it's nothing that I can't handle." He looked at me, "How was your day?" I smiled, "My day was also busy. A lot of women booked the clinic for their deliveries. The newborns are so adorable." A strange look crossed his eyes, "Did you ever think about having kids?" I nodded, "A couple of times. Yeah." He sat down at the table in silence. Trucy came back from the bathroom and we all ate in silence.

The next day, I headed into work as usual. Nurses and doctors were bustling around. As I walked, a passing doctor grabbed my arm,
"(Y/n), you're needed in room 1781. Delivery." I nodded. I got into my scrubs and headed to the room. As I entered, I noticed a woman in the hospital bed with her husband next to her. The doctor spoke to me, "The patient is full dialated. Time the contractions." I nodded and led the woman through her contractions.

About 3 hours later, a healthy baby boy was born. I cleaned him off and wrapped him in a blue blanket before handing him to his parents. They were a beautiful family. The woman had brown hair with a couple of strands pulled behind her head to make a ponytail. The man had dark hair pulled back in a short ponytail. His eyes shined with something I've never seen before. Pride? No. The woman began counting in French to the baby as I left the room.

I got out of my scrubs and cleaned up. The rest of the day dragged on slowly. Soon enough, I clocked out. I headed home and got changed. Trucy was sleeping over at a friends house and Phoenix and I had to go grocery shopping. I flipped on the tv and I saw that a movie was playing. The title appeared on screen: 'What To Expect When You're Expecting'. I sighed and flipped to a different channel. The front door opened and Phoenix came in. He changed into more comfortable clothes and we left to the store.

As we walked around, we passed the infant section. Little onesies and other baby clothes hung on the racks. On a mannequin, there was a onesie dress that was designed like Eliza's from Hamilton. They also had Peggy and Angelica versions. I picked one up and showed it to Phoenix, "Aren't these just adorable?" He looked at it and then looked at me before nodding, "Yeah, it is." I put it back on the rack and we finished up our shopping.

We went home and unpacked the groceries. After that, I watched some tv while reading a magazine. As I flipped the pages, I came across a maternity article. As I read it, I could hear pacing coming from Phoenix's little study. I finished the article and put the magazine down. I went to Phoenix's study and knocked on the door, "Phoenix, can I come in?" The pacing stopped and he spoke, "Yeah."

I opened the door and stepped inside, shutting it behind me, "Are you feeling alright?" He looked at me and sighed, "I know I've asked you this already, but, do you want kids?" I nodded, "Of course I do, but I know that with you working, you just won't have the time to raise a child. I know who I married Phoenix." He gently held my hands, "I've decided that...we could add one more to our family." I smiled, "Oh, that's wonderful Phoenix!"

He pulled me closer, "Are you ready, then?" I nodded, "Yes." With that, he lead me to our room.

Lips met in a sweep of passion, hands removed clothing leisurely, enjoying the moment. Skin touched skin and legs intertwined.

A moan escaped my throat as his body rocked against mine. His hands held mine as he gazed at me loving. Then, he shuddered and warmth filled me.

Many months later, we found out we were having twins: a boy and a girl. Trucy was excited when she found out she was going to be an older sister. As for me, I couldn't be any happier. I can't wait for the two of them to be here in my arms.

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