I Don't Need You (Werewolf! Kristoph x Werewolf! Reader)

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I Don't Need You (Werewolf! Kristoph x Werewolf! Reader)

A/N: In this chapter, the reader is the Alpha of her pack. The pack contains mostly females with a few males. The reader believes that she doesn't need a mate, but that may change when a pack comes to visit.

Your Pov:

I sat in my room, looking out the window. I could see Gumshoe and Maggey talking together happily. Pearls and Cody played tag in the grass while Maya watched them. I never really cared for having a mate. Domestic life was never quite my style. I didn't need a mate to be happy. I was just fine on my own. My thoughts were interrupted by Iris coming through the door, "Alpha
(F/n)! The Gavin Pack has arrived!" I nodded and stood, "Alright. Please take them to the pack house." She nodded and left to do as I told her.

I cleaned up and headed outside. I made my way to the pack house. Everyone was crowded inside, examining the new pack. They moved aside for me and I made my way to the front of the room, "Quiet down! We have important matters to speak about." Members from the new pack moved aside as a blond haired man made his way to stand in front of me. The smell of wine, ink, and roses permeated my senses. By the way he carried himself, I could tell he was their Alpha. And he was my mate. He spoke, "Thank you for having us here, Alpha (F/n). I am Kristoph Gavin, alpha of the Gavin pack. I smiled, "It's an honor to have you here."

I turned to my pack, "Now, we are here to negotiate a peace. To share the land and it's resources." I could see some of them glancing at members of the other pack, "If you believe that you may have found your mate just now, please rise." Several members from both packs rose. I looked around, "Now, please familiarize yourselves with each other and sit back down." They did just that, smiles stretching across their faces. They look so happy. I nodded, "This peace has been made through everyone who found their mate today. Our packs will conjoin as one. Thank you."

Everyone stood and left. I didn't want to be left alone with Kristoph, so I bolted. I went into the woods and shifted into my wolf form. I ran through the trees, my paws padding the dirt below me. The air was fresh and the temperature was just right. I made my way to a stream and stopped. I laid down and took a drink of the water before resting my head on my paws and closing my eyes. After a few minutes, I heard a twig snap. I lifted my head and looked around. I jumped up and growled as another wolf stood in the spot I was just in. I smelt the air and smelled Kristoph's scent. He followed me.

I snarled and snapped at him, before running off again. I don't need a mate and I definitely don't need him. I ran for about 10 minutes before arriving back at my private house. I shifted back, went inside, and locked the door. My gaze stopped on the calendar hanging on the wall. Today's date was marked 'Moonlight Howl'. I sighed. This was not good. Because the two packs were conjoined as one, this year's Moonlight Howl will be huge. And usually, if a pack has two alphas, the two of them howl with each other. I definitely did not want to howl with Kristoph. I walked over to the window, spotting new couples and those preparing for the howl.

I could get out of howling with Kristoph if there was another alpha. Two wolves don't necessarily have to be mates to participate in the howl. I grabbed my cell phone and made a call, "Hello? Phoenix?"

10 minutes later...

I smiled, "Ok. Thanks. I'll see you soon." I hung up the phone and stood up. Phoenix was going to come howl with me. I decided to look my best, so I went to get ready. After putting on the final touches, I hurried outside. The sun was setting and everyone was headed to the mountain to howl. I went into the trees and shifted before coming back out. From behind me, I heard leaves rustling. I turned to see a black wolf with spiky fur coming out of the bushes. It was Phoenix. I spoke with him through the mind-link, 'You made it. Just in time too. Let's go.'

He followed next to me as we headed to the mountain. As we got to the base, I saw two golden wolves. It was Kristoph and his brother. I nudged Phoenix and he got closer to me and walked in a proud and prideful way. I walked with him confidently past Kristoph, who growled lowly. Phoenix and I made it to the top and sat down. The moon was up and I could hear the others howling on the ledges below. I lifted my muzzle to the sky, but before I could howl, there was a thud behind me. I turned to see Kristoph and Phoenix clashing. Snarls and growls ripped from their throats.

The rest of the pack was silent now. I snarled and growled at the both of them, making them stop. They stood and looked at me. Phoenix snorted and left down the mountain. He made his way to Iris and sat with her. I turned my attention back to Kristoph, trying to calmly speak through the mind-link, 'What the hell is wrong with you?' He spoke back, 'I'm just protecting what's mine. After all, you're mine.' I moved away from him and laid down as the howling resumed. He sat next to me, but I ignored him. Then, he started to howl.

It was wonderful. It was so rich and smooth. I sat up and lifted my muzzle to the sky, letting out a howl of my own. Soon enough, it was time to head back. Everyone trekked back down the mountain to their houses. Kristoph walked with me to my house. I went behind the trees and shifted back. Kristoph was doing the same some feet away. I walked up to the front door and opened it. I turned to Kristoph, who had just came out of the trees, "Would you like to come in?" He nodded, "I'd be obliged." We walked inside and shut the door.

That night was a whirlwind of passion and love.

But...it was wrong.

I woke up early the next morning. Kristoph laid asleep next to me. Our clothes were scattered among the floor from the events of last night. I slipped out of bed and threw on new clothes. This was wrong. Being with him, was wrong. I couldn't stay here. I left the room and found some paper and a pen. I wrote a simple note about my disappearance. I also left the name of who I wanted to lead the pack in my absence: Phoenix Wright.

I put some clothes and other essentials in a small bag I could carry in my mouth and headed into the woods. I shifted and picked up the bag with my mouth. I ran through the trees and made it to the border of my territory. Past this was no man's land. It expanded for miles but I knew that there was another pack just after it. I sighed and bounded into no man's land. Pain erupted in my head as the mind-link was broken. I kept running. I didn't stop. I ran for miles until the dirt turned to grass again.

The pain in my head was growing and black spots invades my vision. I stumbled into a clearing and dropped my bag. As I collapsed onto the ground, I saw grayish-silver fur emerging from some bushes in the clearing. Then, I blacked out.

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