Poem 39

419 2 0

An Introvert's mind
Written by Jen

I'm a wallflower
—a homebody
I prefer to be alone
than to be with anybody

I have no friends
—no hands ready to lend
For I think I don't blend
And so I pretend

Loner is what they call me
for the spotlight is my worst enemy
Often labeled as lazy
Truth is— I just hate everyone's company
Solitude is my ally
Oh no—I'm not shy!
It's the society I try to defy
Indeed, a narcissist— I won't deny

I build walls to protect
Further attachment—I neglect!
Isolation from society
—to prevent thy self from social anxiety

But living behind the dark
Is satisfying—I must remark
No bullshits
No judgments—
No emotional harrasment!

Yes, I am an introvert
— a nobody
Often times I feel empty
And here I beg— please save me.

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