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"No, mom, I need to go! Running late!"

"Breakfast is important, Diana."

"In a peaceful morning, yes."

"Now is a peaceful morning too." She groaned.

"Mommy please."  I turned around.  "I'm seriously running late."

I looked at her in the eyes. She was upset because I did not have my breakfast that she has sacrificed her sleep for - that she did not often do.

"Alright. I'll take this with me, and this too. Can I go now?" I grabbed a sandwich and bottle of milk from her.

"Sure."  She smiled.

"Wish me luck."  I kissed her cheek.

"Break a leg, Dee!"

"Will do!"  I cheered and drove away. Oh, what a busy morning.

There would be a basketball tournament at school today, a friendship match with Tampa team. I had a solid life. Aside from basketball, I also did the school musical with school choir that my friend and I ruled. Of course, being a science student was not the easiest thing too. I almost had no time to enjoy a peaceful life like most of my friends did.

"Dee! Hey!" Somebody tapped my shoulder when I was in the locker checking stuff.

"Oh hey!" 

I waved back. No, don't ask. I'm not sure who she was. One of my sister's friends, maybe. Some people knew me by her family name that I now owned, too.

I soon ran to the changing room, put the school basketball uniform on, tied my hair to a ponytail, and ran back again to the field. Oh, everybody's been here. 

"So the both captains are here! We shall start the game!" The tournament's host cheered. I put an armlet to mark myself as the team captain.

"Good luck sis!" I heard her voice from the front row.  I waved back.

"Sure, Ari!"

The referee gathered us at the center of the field. He tossed the coin. The house won. I tossed the ball to start the game. Scores kept adding up but we were tied. One of the Tampa teams kept pushing me, so I fell off couples of times. My knee was bleeding. But it wouldn't stop me from playing. I kept running my feet off and marking the scores.

"Pass it on!" I yelled to Tanya.

"Dee, watch out!" She warned me.

Too late. There was this very big and tall girl behind me trying to catch the ball that Tanya passed to me. Her strong arms pushed my back. It was aching. But I kept running as fast as I could. The audience cheered louder. I can even hear Ariana's shouts. I was this close to the hoop.

"Dee..." I heard Tanya was holding her breath.

Everybody's frozen. I took a deep breath, shut my eyes, and shot the ball for a 3-point.

"And that's how you play the damn basketball! Whoohoooo!" The host cheered. I got all the teams hugging and tackling me.

"Good job, twin!" Tanya hugged me and I returned her.

"I didn't even think it would work!" I shook my head.

"So proud of you Diana!" Ariana and her signature cheer. Oh yeah, she has not stopped cheering. I just winked and waved back.

The rest of the game was fine. We won by 153 points. I was so dead tired, but nothing could beat the victory that we marked, especially while family and friends were there supporting us.

"I'm seriously proud of you!"  She ran and hugged me tightly.

"I smell horrible, Ari." I rolled my eyes. "But thank you!"

"No, you're always be my sweetest. And you did a tremendous job, Tanya!" They hugged each other too.

"Alright, you know coach doesn't like to wait. I'll meet you here, okay?" I pulled Tanya's hand.

"Don't take too long! Starbucks, my treat!" Ariana noted.

"Yes you better do!" I laughed. 

We walked inside the changing room. Tanya and I had a quick shower. The coach evaluated today's game. He said that we would need to practice for sectional tournament in 3 months, but other than that, we did a good job.

"Hey, master! You did amazingly today!" I wrapped Tanya's shoulder as we walked to where Ariana was.

"With the fact that you're the one who made us win!"  She chuckled.

"That's called team work!" 

We cheered walking toward Arina. She was there approached by a cute guy. No surprise, she was just too perfect, that guys alwaya craved for that position to be her boyfriend. 

"Ari, we're too hungry!" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh sure babies, be there in 5 seconds!" She yelled back.

"One...two..." We both counted in unison. "Five."

"Done!" She jumped right in front of us.

"Starbucks..." I smirked.

"Let's go!" She tossed the car key with pride, and drove us straight to the best coffee store in town.

We ordered our usuals and chose a table inside the store. A good way to end this amazing day. Just Ariana Grande, with her adopted sister and a best friend, enjoying our afternoon coffee.

Welcome to my life.

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