(M) Fame's Foundation of Fortune

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"With so many people out on the streets, homeless or otherwise, it's hard to really say if your dreams may actually come true. For most, yes. The ones who say you have to work for it, are the ones with the ability to afford the effort. People like us, people who had no choice or part in our living conditions, are screwed over by the status quo. When people say 'Just work for it, and make it happen', I say 'How? How can I get a job when I couldn't afford to go to school? To get the basic requirements for employment?'. You see, the thing with dreams is...

You have to be able to pay the price. Sometimes with time and effort. Sometimes with money. Money that many people have too little to spend."

We start this story off with several of large vans heading towards a near by Dust management facility. Three or Four cars came in and entered the area, unknowingly armed and ready to pull off the up coming heist.

Many would consider this specific goal of the heist to be impossible. To be doomed from the start; However, A desperate time calls for desperate measures. With men and faunas loaded with dust-weapons, the group all had a similar goal.

Take what you can. Kill who gets in your way. Don't get caught.

Each of these people had their own reasons for wanting the money they would get out of this job. Some for drugs, liquor, maybe even women. But with one boy, there was a different matter that called him to this job.

A dream, if you will. You see, (YN) wanted to be a star. A beloved man who would be worshiped, cherished, and bring a smile to any and everyone's face.

"If that's the dream, why is he robbing a Schnee dust facility?"

You see, Young (YN) was poor. He was born into poverty and like others, couldn't exactly access the the basic needs that a boy his age would need.

You could say that this dangerous heist was his last chance to achieve his dreams. His last chance to taste his hopes and be who he aspires to be.

He clenched his gun tightly, nervous about the thought of killing someone. He didn't want to. He wanted to help people, to save lives! But Life didn't give him that choice.

Life. Life doesn't give you to many choices. What options it gives you, often lead to ugly results.

The car suddenly stopped and shouting could be heard as the men loaded out of the truck to the sounds of gunfire and screams, making the young man nervous.

He ran out of the vehicle and tried to shoot what he could, unaware that he was completely missing everyone and everything. He clenched his eyes and continued to shoot, forcing guards and thieves alike to hide from his crazed fire.

A sudden explosion could be heard and forced (YN) to drop his weapon and retreat to any hiding spot he could find.

While he distracted several guards, the other robbers took the opportunity that they were presented with. They started grabbing and loading their bags and cases with as many containers of dust that they could fit in, not caring to see what kinds could be reached.

Once it was all done, the thieves ran back to their get away vehicles.

(YN) immediately ran to the vehicles and got into one as other men started to shoot at any guards that tried to catch up to them.

Until something. Someone. Stroked the guns from the men's hand's and knocked them from the car. The men hit the floor and a white blur stood up and readied a rapier at the get away car. Glaring with malice intent as she readied an attack.

Winter Schnee

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Winter Schnee.

Damn It NO! In a panic, (YN) raised his arms at the attacker in hopes it somehow blocking her incoming attack.

What he didn't expect, was for a green mist-like fog emerged from his hand in the form of beams while he activated his semblance.

Winter no doubt expected an attack and so, dodged the beams with ease. While she seemed to be anticipating another attack, (YN) just marveled at his own capabilities.

You see, (YN)'s semblance isn't like many. Unlike ones that had a psychical effect, (YN) was able to tap into someone's mind and make illusions based on what he wants to happen.

Smell, touch, taste, feel, sounds, sights, he can manipulate them for people too see. And without a doubt, it was effecting Winter.

(YN): You don't want any of this!

He then fired another beam at Winter, who seemed almost stunned at what (YN) was making her see.

Winter: What... What is this?!

While (YN) made his get away, he made sure the illusion kept Winter at bay.

Winter was in front of her crying sister, Weiss Schnee. Winter froze. She didn't know what was going on. Who would? To be in the middle of battle and randomly see the only family you had crying in front of you.

As Winter gave into her sisterly instincts and tried to take care of her illusion, (YN) cursed under his breath.

(YN) didn't want to do that. He didn't like manipulating people for his gain. It went against what he believed and he knew it hurt people but...

Life gave him a choice. Be caught and arrested? Give up on his dream? Or get away and be a step closer to stardom?

Life gave him a choice. And either result wouldn't have been pretty. But hey, that's life.

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