(M) Darkest Fears

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Adam once again got the upper hand on Blake and Yang. Blake laid on the floor, bloody and beaten, while Yang desperately fought with whatever strength she could muster. As Adam took his sword and raised it up, its bright red blade seemingly cutting through the suns light, he slashed down, clashing it down with Yang's gauntlets. Before he could slash down and destroy Yang's weapon, (YN) fired a haze of smoke down at Adam and allowed Yang the chance to punch Adam's stomach and hurry back to Blake. Before Adam could chase after them, (YN) landed in front of him and adapted his Mysterio helmet.

Adam:... (YN)(LN).
(YN): You know me?
Adam: I've only seen your uniform and your name. Thanks to you, The gained a considerable amount of dust and money.
(YN): It's about time I returned what the Fang made me take.

And so it began. Adam began to slash down at (YN), just for him to fade away into smoke. Adam stood up right and as (YN) came in to attack him from behind, Adam circled back anf punched him in the glass bowl. Though it didn't crack, (YN) was taken off guard.

Adam: An illusionist. Just as Emerald.
(YN): Hers is impotent compared to my own.

(YN) then faded away again. Though their surroundings didn't change, Adam sensed something was off. As (YN) came running towards him, he threw a punch. However, Adam remained still, knowing that it was an illusion as it faded passed him. Looking up, Adam saw (YN) launch a punch from above, just for it to fade away and not effect Adam in any meaningful way.

Adam: Illusions. With the superior senses if a faunas, Do you really think you could trick ME?!

Just then, another attack faded away into smoke and Adam readied his blade.

Adam: Then again. That is the exact arrogance I'd expect from a Human.

He then sliced through another illusion, just to get hit in the head by (YN), who held a rock and was standing behind him. As Adam stumbled forward, he was pushed by another (YN) and hit the floor. As both (YN)s gathered together, they both doubled in numbers, now being four. They all ran towards Adam and as one kicked Adam, another was cut in half. With three remaining, they took to the skies and began to fire several beams of energy down at Adam. He deflected most of the attacks.

As Adam blocked the attacks, Neo leaped in and kicked Adam in the back, flipping over Adam's blade as Yang leaned Blake back against a tree, being sure to be safe from Adam and the Fang.

Yang: Are you okay?..
Blake: F-Fine.. go..

Yang looked back and nodded. Blake grabbed Yang by the collar and gave her a kiss, holding her close until she pulled away, panting as Yang just stared at Blake with a mixture of emotions before smiling.

Blake: Go..
Yang: ... Alright, Kitty Cat.

Yang stood up and let go of Blake's hand. She charged in, boosting herself towards Emerald and punched her with any strength she can muster. The punch alone sent Emerald far and away, knocking her into a tree and making her pass out. Yang reloaded her wrist gauntlets and saw Adam fighting both Neo and (YN). Seeing as how Ruby and Weiss had the soldiers handled the soldiers, Yang ran around the three and shot round after round at them. Adam and Neo deflected and dogged any shots that Yang sent out and (YN) threw what looked to be a platform of some kind. Yang stepped on it and proceeded to leap on each Platform that came in after words, shooting at Adam and getting knocked away by a Soldier before Ruby kicked them away. Ruby used her own weapon to boost herself towards Yang, helping her up as she held her stomach and winced, her Aura taking the brunt of the hit.

Ruby: Are you okay?
Yang: J-Just. Fine...

Yang groaned and got up with Ruby's help. Once another soldier took aim at the sisters, Yang's semblance activated and her hair erupted into a violent burst of flames. Her eyes glowed a deep red as she dashed straight towards the Soldier and shoved into him, knocking him away as Yang launched herself into Adam.

As Adam was launched away from the impact, he used his sword to catch himself from taking to much of a hit. Gritting his teeth, his sword began to glow a deep red as (YN), Neo, and Yang stood. Ready to fight.

Adam stood up, rubbing his wounded arm as he readjusted his mask, taking a deep breath as he sighed softly.

Adam: Come. Make my day.

Yang, Neo, and (YN) attacked. Yang and Neo took to making the battle up close while (YN) remained distant, shooting beams and keeping Adam busy.

Ruby: (YN)!

(YN) turned over and saw that there were even more soldiers heading towards them. (YN) flew above the trees and started attacking each of them. Summoning a giant version of himself that swept through the masses, protecting Weiss and Ruby from them so they had more time to recover.

However, Adam started getting smarter with attacks. Kicking Neo away, he used his blade to block and take in any damage that was caused by the semblance-powered Yang.

Adam smirked as he activated his own semblance, slashing at Yang and even cutting through her own aura before knocking her away. As Yang hit against a tree, (YN) turned around and saw a wounded Neo aim an attack at Adam, going in to make a quick slash on the enemy.

With Adam being powered by his semblance, he moved and blocked any attack Neo could hit. Both slashing and blocking each other, it was hard to see who would win...

Until Neo dropped her Umbrella...bleeding from a stab wound..

Adam grabbed Neo by the neck and plunged his burning Blade deeper into Neo's chest as it glowed brighter... Neo's form grew weaker and more frail by the moment...

(YN): NO!

With a sudden, violent burst of green and hints of purple, (YN) flew straight down to Adam and slammed into him, knocking him away as his suit began to adopt a more... Violent look...

The helmet subsided as (YN) held Neo, who clung to her life and (YN) with her strength, panting as her stab wound continued to burn, festering her skin

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The helmet subsided as (YN) held Neo, who clung to her life and (YN) with her strength, panting as her stab wound continued to burn, festering her skin...

(YN): Neo... N-Neo, Please..!
Neo: (Y-...YN)..

Ruby turned around, beating another soldier and turned around, seeing (YN) cradling a severely wounded Neo in his arms as tears welled up in his eyes. Neo desperately grasped to (YN) as her brown and pink eyes began to fade to white...

(YN): PLEASE! Ruby, Get Help!
Ruby: O-On it!

Ruby held Neo and helped her up, gathering her nerves as she dashed out with her semblance.

(YN): Everyone, MOVE! GO!
Yang: But-
(YN): NOW!

Yang and Weiss hesitated, but nodded as (YN) began to emit a purple fog from his hands and eyes, staring straight at Adam, who wiped his blade clean from Neo's blood.

Adam: Please tell me you're going to give me some speech to appeal to my humanity.
(YN):...As if you'd listen..
Adam: You're right.

Adam began to walk closer to (YN), who stood still as his helmet went back on. Dawning the Title of Mysterio once again...

Adam: You know. Me and you are quite similar. From what I heard, you were willing to steal for what you believed in.
(YN):... That's funny.

Just then, (YN) raised his hand and emitted a cloud of smoke enveloped both Adam and (YN)...

(YN):..let.. me show you just how different we are..

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