The Mastery of Mysterio

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As Adam was suddenly forced up, (YN) merely waved his hand and sent him flying far and away from them as the several drones followed him. As each drone began to shot at Adam, he desperately tried to destroy and block any attack that was shot at him.

Adam launched himself towards a large piece of debris and leaped up, slashing through a drone. Much to Adam's surprise, it faded away...

The Drones. All of them. They were illusions!

Adam: Damn you!

Adam, now turning away from the drones and whatever fake attack they sent, saw that (YN) was lending aid to Qrow and Winter.

Winter: The..drones..
(YN): Illusions. All of them.
Qrow: Clever kid.
Adam: AGH!

Adam charged towards the three and missed the incoming attack. The result of the attack was devastating as it cracked the ground beneath him. As he raised his blade again, Adam targeted (YN) with his speed and weapon.

Much to Adam's shock, (YN) dodged the attack. As Adam caught himself and stood up, running in to dish out slash after slash of attacks, only for his enemy to dodge, fade away, or both. (YN) then grabbed Adam by the face as green mist emitted from his palm, subjecting Adam to the illusionist's greatest weapon.

Adam shouted and began to swing his weapon violently as his anger began to get the better of him. He slashed, destroyed, he broke anything that was in his way while (YN) ensured that the two huntsman were safe.

Qrow: You'll need.. help with that guy.
(YN): This is personal. I won't have either of you ruin it.
Winter: What?-
(YN): Say Bye to Blake for me.

Just like that, they were also sent flying to wherever Ruby was hiding her team. It didn't matter. (YN) turned around and saw Adam was still slashing around his blade, shouting.

Adam: Where are You?! HUMAN SCUM! Where are you hiding?!
(YN): Right here.

A hand was placed on Adam's back, sending several volts of electricity throughout Adam's back. Weakening him significantly as Adam's aura took the brunt of the voltage.

However, Adam was still weakened. And as he fell to his knee, (YN) casted another illusion, attacking not just Adam's body, but his mind as well.


Adam suddenly opened his eyes to see.. (YN). He readied his blade and sliced straight through his neck, cutting (YN)'s head off with ease...

Until his head began to bounce on the ground and float, shining as it slowly began to glow and grow, absorbing anything around it like a vaccum.

Adam dug his blade into the ground and gritted his teeth, glaring at the globe as he again shouted.

Adam: You can't stop me! The Faunus WILL be respected!
(YN): Not by your methods.

The vaccum suddenly stopped as Adam slumped over, panting through his gritted teeth as his surroundings began to close in on him... He grabbed his sword and began to attack the area, only for his blade to bounce back.

(YN) stood tall. He stood and raised his hands to his head, clearing out his helmet as Adam came to the realization that... he was within the helm.

Adam: You.. You Dare?! You can't!
(YN): The Faunus will be given respect, Adam. But not through murder.
Adam: Humans are Animals! The only way for them to respect us is to FEAR us!
(YN): I don't think You get it, Adam. I imagine that once, You also feared humans. Right?

Adam, enraged at his assumption, hit his blade against the helmet even harder.

Adam: I have NEVER been afraid!
(YN): You have. You feared Humans. And what did you do with that fear?
Adam: SHUT UP!

Adam hit his blade against the helmet one last time, causing it to break from his sheer force and anger. Adam's eyes widened as he stared at his handle. The blade was broken and now the blade was a deep black... it was destroyed.

(YN): With your fear, There came the White Fang. What exactly makes you think that Humans wouldn't do as you did? What makes you think that a certain human will grow tired with the constant attacks, and end you themselves? What exactly will you do? You see, That's the thing with you "Revenge" and "Vengeance" types. Both are a two way street. You keep taking an eye for an eye, EVERYONE will be Blind.

Adam was then knocked onto the ground as his hand clenched upon the blade. He groaned and struggled to get up. His will refused to allow him to loose.

(YN): You're lucky I'm not like you. You're lucky I don't kill you for what you did.
Adam:...Me? You're all the ones who.. attacked the Fang. Her death is at Your hands.
(YN): Then allow me to help you make better choices in life.
Adam: No.. I don't think You will.

Adam suddenly held his blade up and stabbed himself with it, impaling his stomach as he groaned in pain.

(YN): Damn it, NO!

Adam swatted (YN)'s hand from himself as he back down, panting as the pain continued to grow. As (YN) stood before him and made his suit vanish, Adam realized that.. he was wearing rags..

(YN): I was offered a weapon... I chose this.

(YN) raised his hand up to his head and pointed to where his brain would be.

Much to Adam's surprise, (YN) just used his brain... His smarts and planning...

(YN): I never had to use RWBY. If I really wanted too, I could have kept you beaten and broken for months. All on my own.

Before Adam could even respond, he collapsed onto his back, bleeding onto the debris as (YN) snapped his suit back on and flew away from the defeated enemy.

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