(M) Resistance

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Blake sighed and lowered her scroll. (YN) and Neo's celebrating grew quieter as they both looked back at Blake, who's demeanor completely changed from cheerful, to saddened and lost.

(YN): Hey.. you alright?
Blake: I.. I'm fine.
Neo: I bet it's your friends
Blake: N-No.. it's-
(YN): You're trying to lie to an Illusionist, and a past criminal, Blake.

Blake sighed and bit her lip before turning back to (YN) and Neo.

Blake: I... I ruined everything... My friends are gone and.. they probably hate me..
(YN): Blake..
Blake: It's true..! Because of me wanting to bring the White Fang down and change, I lost my best friends! Probably the closest friends I have ever had..!

Blake's fists clenched as her hair covered her eyes. Her ears flattened against her head as the room grew silent, only the TVs news report and the silent sobs of Blake could be heard...

Blake fell silent as her ears perked up towards the TV.. Yet another news report on Vale's condition..

This time, Huntsmen were on the scene to kill the Grimm. All of them were students and professionals that Blake recognized...

Blake: JNPR..CFVY..
Neo: Coffee?
Blake: No..Y-Yes I..

Blake walked closer to the screen and saw a familiar red blur appear. As it sped past the crowds, each grimm was cut in half in mere seconds.

Blake: R-..Ruby..

Things back at Vale weren't looking so well...

The demand of Huntsmen caused several teams and professional huntsmen to align and take Vale back. CFVY, JNPR, SSSN, and even more teams could be seen as they all mowed down waves of Grimm. Among the teams, Yang and Ruby shot, boosted, and blasted their way past any grimm in sight.

 Among the teams, Yang and Ruby shot, boosted, and blasted their way past any grimm in sight

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As Ruby sliced and shot down any Grimm that was taking flight, Yang punched and brutally beaten the larger grimm on the ground with other teams

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As Ruby sliced and shot down any Grimm that was taking flight, Yang punched and brutally beaten the larger grimm on the ground with other teams.

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