(M/W) Surrounded

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(YN) immediately used his semblance to launch a ball of smoke at the groups, causing them to try and evade the smoke and find a way to assets the situation. Before (YN) could make a get away however, a girl with a red cape knocked Roman out of the building but was launched back by his cane firing a blast of dust at her. While the other colored themed girls fought off the criminals, Roman seemed to be at an advantage against the girl.

That was, until the other girls beaten the criminals and came out from the dust shop, cornering Roman. Before (YN) could get away, The girl dressed in a white battle skirt noticed him and raised her rapier against him.

Weiss: You!
(YN): Ugh!

A taller girl in Blake diverted her attention to me before getting kicked away by a much smaller girl with multi colored hair. She then used her umbrella to swat away and block incoming attacks from the Yellow haired girl and the Red caped girl.

 She then used her umbrella to swat away and block incoming attacks from the Yellow haired girl and the Red caped girl

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A small girl, no taller then 4'10, did a flip and stood aside Roman. I had no idea who this girl was, but judging from her smile, I knew I had to get away as fast as possible. I tried to take off and run but was knocked over by the girl with the red cape and as I stood up, I was hit back by the girl with white hair.

Weiss: I won't let you get away! You think you can just rob my family and expect me to let YOU get away?

I looked over and saw a rapier aimed at me as the girl with white hair stood over me, cold hatred in her eyes.

Weiss: My sister told me about someone with green smoke attacked and robbed us with a gang. When I saw you in the park, I didn't want to believe it. But now... Now that I see you with the White Fang!

Weiss Schnee... I cursed under my breath and readied myself for an attack. However, before she can land a strike, her rapier was intercepted by a pink umbrella being held by the multi colored girl. A small smirk came to her face as she kicked Weiss away from me and I scrambled to my feet.

Roman: Ohh. That's why you seem familiar! You did that heist and got away. Well, a pleasure doing business with you. Now, Neo, if you would please?

The girl I now know as Neo smirked and bowed as the color coded girls tried to attack us. I braced for an attack but felt a hand on my shoulder and we suddenly disappeared...

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in an abandoned warehouse... A White fang hideout.. I immediately forced myself to my feet and looked around, just to get a kick in the stomach and get knocked back into several of boxes.

I winced and held my stomach and looked up as I clenched myself and saw Neo glaring down at me, looking at Roman as though she wasn't okay with what happened.

Like she didn't want me here.

Roman: What? You really think I'm going to let someone with his abilities just get away? Get caught and sent to jail?

Neo just shook her head in disapproval and turned to me as though she wasn't at all impressed with my performance. I struggled up and Roman groaned and walked over, using his cane to hold my chin and force me up by the neck.

Roman: Sorry about my partner. She often doesn't have any respect for the weak.
(YN): I..I-I-
Roman: Look, I'll make this simple. From what I learned, You are the only reason the most recent heist managed to be a success. From your semblance. A semblance like yours, is one that is too valuable in my line of work for me to just let go.
(YN): and...what if I'm not willing to-
Roman: Work for me? Well, as far as I know, that Schnee brat seems to have an axe to grind against you. And with your little flop of a performance, I would say that people would point you out when you're spotted. And you also happen to know where one of our bases are, and I can't let you get away with that information.

As Roman said this, He set his cane down and adjusted his hat with a small smile.

(YN):... So you're manipulating me...
Roman: Yes I am. You can join me and have a chance at your little dream, or you can reject my offer and get killed, or arrested. It's your choice.
(YN): I... I don't want to hurt people...
Roman: And you might not have too. No promises.
Roman: Looks like you're being offered a choice, Hm? And it looks like either way, you loose. Become a criminal that's free? Or become a criminal that is arrested and shamed. It's your choice.

Life.. Life always gives you a choice... some win and... some lose. And from the hand of cards I have, it looks like I have one play...

(YN): I-I... fine.. I'll work with you..
Roman: *For me. We aren't partners. Yet. Welcome to the white fang!

I lowered my head as Roman laughed... With me, he would be able to get away with any crime he wished...and he had the brawn in Neo, and the Brain in himself... with the security of me...

Life is filled with ugly choices. And uglier results.

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