(M) Confrontation

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I looked down at Neo with a small smile as I felt a bit of warmth grow on my cheeks. Sure, I knew she liked me. But It is...nice to feel that.. Warm.

Neo attempted to divert eye contact from me. I chuckled softly and held her hand.

(YN): Mhm. I would love to be your boyfriend.
Neo: Really??

I nodded as Neo and I headed to class. Neo hugged my arm tightly as she ran me to class, dragging me behind her as we eventually caught up with Cinder and Emerald.

Our next class had us fight against our fellow students and train.

This time we sat in the front row with RWBY sitting close behind us. Neo tried to help me write my notes and improve my handwriting while Ms. Goodwitch came in with the results of today's first battle.

GoodWitch: Very well Class. Today's first match will be: Cinder Fall Vs. Emerald Sustrai. Go into the locker room and ready yourselves for the battle.

Cinder nodded as Emerald and herself got up and left the room. Cinder crossed her arms behind her back as Emerald walked closely behind her while they left the class to get their weapons.

While they left, I sighed as Neo continued to teach me how to write. So far I knew several words and was learning quickly. As Neo shown me how to write longer words, I felt something hit me at the back of the head.

I ruffled my hair and saw that it was a small folded note. I unfolded it and it read as follows.

"Meet me on the Rooftops of the Dorm building at around 8 later today. Make sure that you are alone. I have something important to talk to you about."

I looked behind myself and assumed that it had to be someone from R-BY. No one else would have any real reason to send anything like this.

Who sent the note? What did they want to talk about? Why did they want me to be alone? I looked over to Neo as she tried to peek over my shoulder to read the note.

Neo: Any idea on what it's about?
(YN): I Know just as much as you do..

Neo nodded and pecked my cheek gently while she held my hand in her own in a soft, but firm grip.

Neo: Maybe it's someone that wants to confess?
(YN): Pfft. Probably not.
Neo: So long as you remember that you're taken, I'll try not to get to involved.

I hesitantly nodded. The thought of being alone without Neo was slightly worrying but I am sure I can make it.

Eventually Cinder and Emerald came out.

Emerald seemed to have her signature gun/blades on a chain. I have never fought her before, but they seemed to dangerous for me to wish to test her skill with them.

 I have never fought her before, but they seemed to dangerous for me to wish to test her skill with them

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