(M) The Greatest Showmen

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(YN) flew in a green cloud as Cinder hurled several fire balls down towards him. As he narrowly dodged and deflected the projectiles, he mustered his cloud to form a story of mystic shield against the violent hellfire that heated the area around the two.

 As he narrowly dodged and deflected the projectiles, he mustered his cloud to form a story of mystic shield against the violent hellfire that heated the area around the two

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As (YN) struggled against the aggression, Cinder summoned a sword of fire and charged down towards him. Clashing the blade and sword together, Cinder easily overwhelmed (YN) with her superior knowledge of combat and skill.

(YN) desperately blocked her slash but left himself open long enough for him to be kicked in the stomach and be sent back by Cinder as she grew more vicious with every moment. Snarling, Unpredictable attacks, pure aggression in her eyes.

She was loosing her humanity.

Before Cinder could go in for another attack, she held her head and screamed. Her voice was distorted. A mixture of her own voice being demonized by a deep, disgruntled growl as she held her head. Her eyes erupted into a chaotic burst of flames as the grimm side of her seemed to subside. She was fighting the influence of the Grimm.

She turned to (YN) and readied a bow with a burning arrow. (YN) prepared a mystic shield as Cinder dashed towards the novice huntsman, crashing him into debris from the building and past NW-B as they fought more Grimm and tried to keep the pool from summoning more.

Cinder: I tire of Your childishness, (YN)! Look around. Can't you see?!

Cinder grabbed him by what remained of his cape and hit him through a wall, crushing him under large debris as she kicked the boy in the face. (YN) was far out of his element in this fight.

Cinder: Human and Faunas alike. If they were more careful, I could have NEVER gotten away with this!

(YN) took another kick to the face.

Cinder: If they were more careful, We wouldn't be in this situation!

The Grimm infestation continued to corrupt Cinder as she destroyed the debris and punched (YN) in the stomach, destroying his armor as she grabbed him by the neck.

Cinder: I would have never lost my family. And You wouldn't have forced me to end YOURS.

Cinder threw (YN) towards his friends as he laid there, broken and beaten. As he bled, Cinder raised her arms and crossed them over her chest before unleashing a violent burst of flames that killed Grimm and would have killed NWMB as well if Weiss didn't use her defenses.

As Blake once again helped (YN) up, Weiss groaned and looked at the Blake as she held her defenses up.

Weiss: What do we do?! She has us outmatched!
(YN): We... can,'t beat her. But maybe I can... Distract her!

(YN) suddenly faded in a cloud of smoke and vanished while the girls stood up. Weiss raised her blade and summoned a knight that dawned a giant blade.

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