Lost in the Fire

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A large explosion shook the destroyed building of Vale, causing the surrounding Grimm to rampage in what could only be described as panic. Creatures of Grimm left and right were running, crawling, or soaring about as their numbers continued to dwindle and scatter as they all died from White Fang soldiers.

Adam: Search the area! Don't stop until we find something, anything we can use to track them down.

Adam Taurus cut a whole Beowolf in half with a single slash, causing it to fade away instantly while Emerald searched the area with her speed. Adam leaned down and ran two fingers along a blade that was partially broken on the ground. The handle also wasn't too far away and under further investigation, Adam and his soldiers found a team of Huntsmen that, much like them, had animalistic traits. Faunus.

Adam let out a mellow sigh as he approached the bodies, resting what remained of the weapon next to the one without any method of protection against the Grimm.

Even more soldiers gathered around and at the sight of the dead Faunus, they lowered their head while Adam rose up.

Adam: Vale wasn't a place for Faunus to call home. It never welcomed or gave Faunus fair treatment. So I ask you, all of you  brave soldiers. Why must Faunus blood be spilt over a conflict that didn't involve us? Why should Our brethren die for a land that they were never allowed in?

The soldiers remained silent as Adam covered the eyes of the faunus, closing them as he walked amongst his soldiers.

Adam: When We're done, No more Faunus deaths by the hands of the selfish humans! No more hollow, shallow discrimination against just because we look the way we do!

For every word Adam spoke, there came more soldiers to heed his words. Until his army regrouped, chanting Adam's name as he spoke what they believed to be the truth.

Adam: Since the very beginning, Humanity has always belittled whatever was above them! Always made an outcast of whomever, or whatever, has shown any kind of potential to change the world! Not this time!

Adam raised his glowing blade to the sky as his soldiers cheered and raised their own weapons. He walked among them as he continued with his speech.

Adam: It has always been personal. For what Humanity did, I can't see how it would't be! And the one we're after is No different. (YN)(LN). Or as I'm sure you know him as the "Mysterio" has allied himself with the Schnee Family. The ones who enslave us!

The Faunus shouted with a unanimous anger fueling them as Adam spoke up, raising his blade to the sky.

Adam: He was ounce on OUR side! Because of him, we have gotten more dust then any of us could have thought possible. Enough dust for everyone here to have a weapon! This betrayal hasn't gone unnoticed by Us!

Adam nodded as he disbanded his soldiers to continue their search. He turned his back to the numbers and continued to search for anything that would give him an idea of where they were.

Much to his disappointment, he couldn't find anything.


The five person team were currently within the Atlas Military weaponry. While (YN) stayed back and watched, Winter gave RWBY basic assessments on each augment, advancement, and dust type and what it would do if it was applied to their weapons.

Ruby and Yang worked together to upgrade the weapons for them and their teammates.

Ruby and Yang worked together to upgrade the weapons for them and their teammates

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