(M) Ammends

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As Cinder's form took it's last life-filled motion, RWBY and Neo continued to kill and attack whatever Grimm remained.

With the death of Cinder Fall, and Emerald nowhere to be found, the Grimmpool closed off and stoppef summoning Grimm. The team killed any that remained on the campus until the helmet of Mysterio began to glow while bits of smoke flew from the helmet and formed (YN) as he fell to his knee, groaning in pain as he took his helmet from her, looking down as the Grimm infestation seemed to continue eating away at Cinder's remaining form... She truly gave herself up for what she believed to be right.

(YN) sighed to himself as he started to cloud up the area while Ruby shot the last of the Beowolves. Neo walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, having (YN) glance up at her.

Neo: What happened to her?
(YN): She died to her own machinations.. and now she won.
Weiss: Now then.

As Weiss pulled her weapon out from a now dead grimm as she walked over to us, slashing her blade in the air as bits of Grimm spilled off the rapier.

Weiss: I believe you have a debt to pay, Mysterio.

The boy let out a small sigh as Neo readied her weapon, ready to protect (YN) if the need arrives.

Weiss: Tell me why you did it. You stole from my family, then you attack my sister, then head to Beacon. Why?
(YN): I.. I had a dream. To preform and matter to everyone. I stole from your family so that I can afford to at least get some decent clothes that weren't just old rags. Do you remember when I first preformed?
Weiss: You were littered in garbage, Yes.
(YN): I.. only got $30 out of that. And I wouldn't have even gotten anything if Winter caught me. I did what I did because I had a dream.

Weiss' stare remained cold as (YN) stood up to meet her gaze, despite being taller than the Schnee.

(YN): I was forced to join White Fang against my will. I just wanted to matter to people. Too someone. But.. Now I do..

(YN) looked back at Neo, who was still ready to protect him. He sighed and turned back to Weiss as her hold on her weapon weakened.

(YN): I know you may despise me. I understand that. But please, all I ask is a second chance. I won't let you regret it.
Blake: Weiss..

Blake then placed a hand on Weiss' shoulder, earning a gaze from her partner.

Blake: He isn't your enemy. The White Fang is. They are the roots of the issue while (YN)... and I were once the branches of that tree of problems..
Weiss:... You aren't exactly innocent either. Despite knowing what was happening to me, You stabbed me in the back and helped him.
Blake: Because.. He is innocent-
Weiss: Bull. Shit.

Weiss tore Blake's hand from her shoulder as she glared into the faunas' eyes with a look that felt to be more about betrayal than hatred...

Weiss: You helped someone who stole from my family. You knew what you did.
Blake: Because I need to bring White Fang down, Weiss..
Ruby: Hey, Maybe we should-
Weiss: QUIET!

Weiss harshly cut off Ruby Rose.. Her best friend. Ruby took a step back in slight shock.. Weiss raised her voice at Ruby, but it has always been playful. Not like this. Not with such malice.

Weiss: You know what you did, Blake.
Blake: Weiss, I-
Weiss: And YOU! If I ever see your bubble head again, I will NOT be so forgiving!

As Weiss shouted at her former friend and "nemisies", she turned around and walked away from the group. Putting her rapier away, tears began to fall from her eyes as Ruby tried to stop her, all while Yang tried to comfort Blake...

(YN) was at a loss for what to do... Though he never got to really know them, RWBY seemed to be as close as a team could be. As though they were sisters. And he caused them to fall apart...

Neo held (YN)'s hand as the tense air slowly began to fade. Only Blake's tears could be heard among Ruby's desperate pleads for Weiss to turn around...

Weiss: You don't get it, Ruby.
Ruby: Then explain until I do! I know that he hurt your family, but what about Blake? She has been your friend, hasn't she?
Weiss: I could ask her the same thing...
Ruby: C'mon! Weiss!

Weiss lowered her head among her bangs as more tears began to fall down her cheeks. She sighed and looked back, seeing Blake crying into Yang's shoulder as Mysterio and Neo sat down at a loss for actions.

Weiss: Blake taught me that... Humans and Faunas aren't so different... they both should be judged by their actions..
Ruby: Weiss, Please..
Weiss: Enough, Ruby... I'm going home.
Ruby: B-But..
Weiss: I just... Maybe I can forgive Blake.. Just not now..

As Weiss continued to walk away, Ruby held her friend by the wrist, almost dragging her own feet against the ground as both girls struggled against each other.

Yang eventually caught up and left Blake with (YN) and Neo. As Ruby pleaded to Yang for help, Yang asked the simple question...

Yang: Is... Is this what you really want?
Weiss:... I-..I don't know...

Weiss was released and hugged Yang tightly, shortly being followed with a hug with behind from Ruby...

Team RWBY would never be the same...

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