(M/W) Friends and a Mentor's Past

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Once Weiss went into her room, she sulked into her bed and buried her face into her pillow in an attempt to block the sound of her tears. As she cried, she gripped the her blankets and turned her head as she let small sniffles escape her mouth. She heard her scroll start to ring and she muttered under her breath to lazily reach for it.

Once she had her scroll, she saw that Ruby was calling her. She wiped her tears from her cheeks and answered the call as she cleared her throat.

Ruby: Heyo!
Weiss: Hello, Ruby.
Ruby: How are you? Is home being nice?
Weiss: Home is... Home..
Ruby: Aw.. Well, Zwei got his head stuck in a trash can! I sent you a video of Yang trying to get him out
Weiss: Ahh, Yes. I saw it. I'll admit that it got a chuckle out of me
Ruby: Pffft. Nope. You laughed
Weiss: Maybe I did, Maybe I didn't. You'll never know.
Ruby: Except I do! Oh! Hold on..

Weiss raised a brow and sniffed as she wiped her eyes and saw that Ruby switched the voice call to a video chat and turned the camera over to Blake and Yang.

As expected, Yang finally got Zwei out of the trash and was now resting on her bed while Blake was reading and trying to ignore Zwei's consistent barking.

Ruby: We miss you. Right guys?
Yang: Ahh? Oh yea, Yea we miss ya "Weiss cream"..
Blake: Yes. The team isn't as loud as it used to be.
Ruby: Yea! Nobody calls me a dunce anymore.

Weiss rolled her eyes as Ruby brought the camera closer to herself as she analyzed Weiss' face. Weiss covered her face but Ruby's eyes widened as she brought the camera back.

Ruby: Weiss..? Were you crying?
Weiss: What..? No, I was just.. I had something in my eye.
Blake: Yea. Tears. What happened?

Weiss turned her head from the phone and sighed quietly, taking a hitched breathe as she hesitantly ended the call...

She didn't want her friends to see her like this. Not when she is... hurt.

She can only hope they may understand and not do anything drastic...

Meanwhile, over at Beacon

Weiss abruptly ended the call, much to the surprise of R-BY. While Ruby paced back and forth through the dorm, Yang started to doze off.

Ruby: Weiss isn't happy at home you guys. Maybe we should try something?
Blake: Like what?
Ruby: Can we visit?
Yang: I don't really think so. Her dad may just kick us to the curb.

Ruby nodded and looked to her scroll. She started to type Weiss a message and pressed send before Yang questioned her text.

Yang: What did you send?
Ruby: I just asked Weiss if she can hangout with us. She said she might be able to. If not, she said she might just sneak out to see us.
Blake: Must really hate it there.. She isn't really the type to just break a rule.
Yang: Well, lets see when she is free. Or if she is. Until then, Ruby, you still need to copy Blake's notes.
Ruby: Nope! Friends are priority!

As R-BY confirmed that Weiss wishes to join them, (YN) seemed to be facing a problem of his own.

The young boy paced around his room in a panic as he held the sign in his hand. The sign of the orphanage that he was raised in. As much as (YN) didn't like living there, He couldn't just leave the lives there to be at risk. Not when Cinder knows where he came from. As he sat down on his bed, a brief knock echoed in the room that took him out of his thoughts. He set the sign down and before he could get off his bed, the door opened to reveal Roman himself; who looked less then pleased.

Roman: Neo said that you were mouthing off to Cinder again!
(YN): I was, Yes. Is that a problem?
Roman: A HUGE problem! She can fry you with a gesture!
(YN): and yet you trash talk her when she isn't around?
Roman: Because I didn't know better. She gave us a promise, you know. All of us. None of us wanted this much violence.

None of them? Just as Neo said. According to Neo, and now Roman, they were offered something in exchange for their partnership.

(YN): and what does that mean?
Roman: Exactly what you think it means.
(YN): But wasn't Mercury murder happy? What about Neo?
Roman: Neo only started killing when Cinder threatened her. And as for Mercury. He got a taste for killing after he killed his dad. You see, People with power-
(YN): Use that power to get what they want. No matter the cost.

Roman nodded and sat next to me on my bed as he twirled his cigar in his hand. He tipped his hat up and looked down at me.

Roman: Exactly. Cinder is just a bitchy demon with a fire fetish.
(YN): and with her power, she intimidated everyone around her to do her bidding...
Roman: Yes. Jeez, you remind me of myself when I was your age.
(YN): I.. do?

Roman nodded and took his hat off and looked down at it, staring at it with a small smile as he brushed his gloved hand along it.

Roman: An orphan with a dream. Maybe thayt's why I saved your ass when we met at the dust shop.
(YN): I thought it was my semblance.
Roman: That was a part of it. I guess I didn't want you to loose hope like I did. Maybe it was nothing and I'm just overthinking. Who knows?
(YN): Apparently you don't.
Roman: I digress. You have to be more careful around Cinder. She is dangerous.
(YN):... I'll take that into consideration.

Roman stood up and ruffled the boy's hair as he put his hat back on.

Roman: You got guts. Admirable, but stupid. Just don't go seeking destruction, okay?

(YN) gave a slight nod as Roman left his room, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

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