(M/W) Haunted

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Just a few days later, (YN) was training alongside Neo to improve his capabilities. This time, it was under the watch of Cinder Fall herself.

Whilst Neo dodged any attack coming from him, (YN) used his semblance to fade away and reappear when needed. Summoning phantom snakes, dragons, and even certain Grimm in an attempt to make Neo erratic, with little to no luck.

As Neo jumped and played around with (YN)'s close combat attacks and remained unfazed by his illusions, (YN) chose to take his visions up a notch and multiplied himself. Scores of (YN)s stood around Neo and she looked around, seemingly stumped at what to do.

One by one, the clones all ran towards Neo. While some faded, one or two punched her in the stomach and face. Neo jumped high in an attempt to escape the clones, just for one of them to grab her by the ankle and hit her against the ground and throw her away. As Neo caught herself from the launch, the clones all faded and formed a giant green cloud that surrounded (YN) as he looked down at Neo.

Cinder: Enough.

A sudden fireball was thrown in between the two. The fighters looked up to see Cinder standing above them with fire in her eyes.

Cinder: Neo. You have gotten sloppy. Take more care into your fights. And as for you.

Cinder turned over to (YN) and glared down at him as her hand lit ablaze.

Cinder: You depend far too much on your semblance. Learn to fight, or be killed.
(YN): Well, Kettle, meet pot.

Neo turned to the boy with pale gray eyes as Cinder's gaze grew more hostile by the mere moment.

Cinder: Say again?
(YN): As far as I see, you just throw fireballs around and burn people alive. Fire is your intimidation tool. I'm afraid to say but, I'm not to afra-

Neo suddenly jumped in the way and used her umbrella to block a blitz of flames that came down from Cinder's hand. As the fire crackled down, (YN) stood back up and kept his glare on Cinder, crossing his arms.

(YN): Point proven.
Cinder: I would watch your words, (YN). After all, I had some faunas try and find more information about you. You'd be surprised at what I found.

She turned to Emerald and gave her a nod. Emerald gave a small nod in return and threw down a bag that landed down on the ground with a *CLANG*. Upon closer inspection, it was a sign. The welcome sign that wad all too familiar in (YN)'s eyes...

Cinder: I chose to look further into you. And I was surprised to see that you are nothing more then just an orphan with a semblance.
(YN):...and how did you..
Cinder: Talk like that again, and I will burn what's left of your home down to what foundation may remain.

As Cinder and Emerald turned around, (YN) kneeled and took the sign into closer inspection... It was the orphanage that he grew up at. How? How did she find it?

His grip tightened on the sign as he gritted his teeth.

(YN): just like any power hungry fiend... Threatening the lively hood..homes of those under them... Parading her power while she demands others give their lives for her cause...

As he raised his head to where Cinder once stood, Neo placed her hand onto his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down.

If (YN) ever planned to run away from the White Fang, Cinder could just drag him back in...

Meanwhile, back at the Schnee Mansion

Weiss was still locked up in her house. It's been just about three days since she was forced to leave beacon and give up her dreams of being a huntress and now she was surrounded by things that reminded her of her birth father.

Olwen Schnee

She held a picture of her Sister, Mother, Father, and Herself, all standing together with smiles on their faces. Weiss had to have been around 6 or 7 at the time. Old enough to remember all the amazing times they shared...

Despite owning one of the most powerful businesses in Remnant, he still was more then able to dedicate time to his family. Taking them on trips or going out to eat whenever he had spare time... Times like that are almost never come around anymore. Jacques would much rather focus on corrupting her father's legacy than be a father for his adopted children...

She gently placed the photo onto her bed and got up to leave her room. She opened the door and allowed the light to seep into her dark room as she walked out to the dining hall with her sulking form.

Once she finally made it to the hall, she took a seat and heard yelling from the distance. Her father was in there. Ordering the servants to perfect the meals that was being made, or lose their jobs. She sighed and heard someone sit a few seats away from her.

She didn't even have to bother looking to know who it is...

She didn't even have to bother looking to know who it is

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Whitely: Someone hasn't been sleeping well. I wonder how much make up it's going to take to cover those bags under your eyes.

Weiss merely groaned at Whitely's comments and his smug smile that he always had. She grew sick of it.

Weiss: Shut up, Whitely.
Whitely: Oh, You better be careful with your words. Otherwise, Father will get the bell.

Weiss just hit her head against the table at the mention of the bell.

Jacques would always use the bell to force Weiss to listen to his orders. If she messed up, or didn't do anything, she would face a punishment. This form of conditioning was always hated, but unfortunately, it was effective.

As servants came into the hall, they placed plates of food onto the table in front of the two. Weiss just stared at her plate in silence, seemingly at a lose of an appetite. She poked at her dish with her fork as her mother and father sat down on the table and started to eat.

While the others ate, Whitely took a glance at Weiss' plate and cleared his throat as he turned to his father.

Whitely: Father! Weiss isn't eating her food!
Jacques: Well, why not? I made sure that it was too your liking. Eat!
Weiss: Maybe it's to *your liking..
Jacques: Excuse me?

Weiss pushed her plate away in slight disgust as she got up and turned from her family. Before she can step away, a sudden chill hit her in the form of a bell. Ringing like an impatient child ringing a doorbell of a house.

Jacques: Sit and eat. I didn't step into that kitchen just for you to be ungrateful! Eat!

Weiss' hold on her chair tightened as she took a step away, much to the entertainment of Whitely.

Jacques: Did I stutter? Sit down and EAT! Now!

Her mother just kept her head down as Weiss started to shake at the sound of the bell ringing. Her breath shook as she stood completely still.

Jacques: Stop standing there like an idiot and listen, damn it!

After hearing more ringing, Weiss forcefully swallowed her pride and sat down in her seat, hiding her face in her bangs.

Jacques: It's about time. Now, eat and go to your room. If you want to act like a brat, you will be treated like one.

Weiss sniffled and nodded as she began to eat the food. It tasted bitter. While Whitely laughed to her dismay, she just forced herself to eat and get up from the table and excuse herself to her room...

This wasn't home. Not any more.

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