(M) Attempts at Friendship

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After our talk, Cinder left the room and let the silent tension seep out of the bedroom. A deafening silence swept around the room and it made even Neo feel uncomfortable. Cinder seemed to, a certain extent, enjoy the silence as she drank the tea that Emerald prepared as she gave me the lecture.

Cinder: We have our goals. Fit in. Don't drag attention to ourselves.
Emerald: Yes, Cinder.

I only rolled my eyes and sat down next to Neo as she silently watched the TV. She switched through the channels and as Cinder continued to drink the tea, a loud knocking occured from the door.

Cinder: Emerald, open the door and see who it is.

Emerald nodded as she stood up and made her way to the door, peeking through the slightly opened door.

"Hiya! I'm Ruby Rose! Leader of Team RWBY! Confusing I know, but I heard your team was new here, so I decided to have my team and my frie-"
Emerald:... Nope.

Emerald closed the door in a quick gesture as she returned to Cinder while Neo chuckled at what can barely be called an interaction between Emerald and RWBY.

RWBY... Weiss Schnee.

I stood up abruptly and turned to Emerald as I grabbed her by the shoulders, earning a surprised reaction from her.

(YN): RWBY. Is a white haired girl known as Weiss Schnee outside?
Emerald: I.. Barely opened the door.. How would I know who is out there? I only saw the girl with red and black hair.

The girl named Ruby Rose... I sighed let her go as someone knocked on the door again. Probably Ruby trying again.

Cinder: Emerald.
Emerald: On it, Cinder.

She again opened the door and Ruby waved with a gentle smile as she cleared her throat.

She again opened the door and Ruby waved with a gentle smile as she cleared her throat

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Ruby: Ahem. Hi. I see that I might have scared you, and I am sorry if I did. I was only hoping that I can maybe introduce myself and my friends in hopes to help you and your teammates to feel more welc-

Emerald again interrupted her as she opened the door slightly further, looking looking at each of Ruby's friends.

A busty blonde, A raven haired faunas of some sort, An idiot with a bunny sweater, A scarlet haired girl with kind eyes, an orange haired girl that seemed almost to excited to meet us, and another raven haired friend with a pink strand of hair on his head.


Emerald shut the door again, earning yet again another chuckle from Neo as my nerves churned in my stomach and caused it to twist inside me. I was afraid. The team I have been trying to avoid was right outside my door.

Emerald: There's no Schnee girl. Just a group of idiots.

I nodded softly as another knock came through the door. Emerald knowingly nodded as Cinder pinched her temples in irritation, though she shook her head and forced a smile on her face as she nodded at Emerald, getting a nod in response. Neo's hand trialed to mine and held it tightly as she whispered.

Neo: I won't let them hurt you, (YN). If the case arrives, on my signal, go to the bedroom.
(YN):...t..t-thank you..

Emerald opened the door and Ruby took a deep breath as she blew a strand of hair out of her face.

Ruby: You must be shy. I get it, I can be shy as well. I also know that, much like me, you need some friends!-

The busty blond girl elbowed Ruby, getting a pained squeak from the red reaper as she rubbed her side.

Ruby: Sorry. Ah.. I am sure that having us as friends will make your time here pleasant!

Ruby looked to her friend and the blond nodded with a soft smile. Ruby nodded happily and turned to Emerald, giving the brightest smile she could muster.

Ruby: Please??
Emerald:...Fine. but only RWBY. The room will be to crowded otherwise.

R-BY nodded silently as the other team gave a variety of reactions. The idiot slouched over in defeat, the orange haired girl started shaking the raven haired boy violently as tears streamed from her eyes, the scarlet haired girl nodded with a smile, and the boy groaned while being victimized.

Emerald dodged a bullet.

R-BY entered the room and the uneasy feeling festered in me like a disease. Neo held both of her hands to mine and held it tightly as reasurence that it will be okay.

Ruby: Hiya Team CMEN! As I am sure you know, I am Ruby. Leader of Team RWBY! This is my older sister, Yang Xiao Long, and my second bestest friend, Blake Belladonna!
Yang: Sup!
Blake: Hi.

I tried to contain my nerves as Cinder gave the team a gentle smile as she set her tea down.

Cinder: It's a pleasure to meet you, Team RWBY. Though, can I ask where the 4th member of your team may be?
Ruby: Oh.. Well, she is with family. Though, She'll be back soon! I know it!
Blake: Mind introducing yourself? You seem to be the leader of this team.
Cinder: How observant of you, Blake. I am Cinder. Cinder Fall. The girl that was at the door is my partner, Emerald Sustrai. The other girl on the couch is known as Tomoe. And the boy she is currently coddling like a baby would like to be called "Beck".

Tomoe? Beck? Where did she even get these names? She said them with no hesitation. She knew damn well how to lie, and R-BY seemed none the wiser.

Yang: Ohh. Beck must be lucky. Surrounded by all these girls all the time~
(YN):...No.. I'm very much n-not..
Cinder: He is quite shy, Sorry. He is yet to adapt to Beacon.
Ruby: Well, That is why We're here! I want to try and help you guys get adjusted to the life of a huntsman!

Yang nodded in agreement as Blake kept her eyes on me. Her amber irises seemed to know more then I would feel comfortable with...

Yang: Yo, Blake. Maybe try not to stare at him long, Okay? He may ask you to *Beck off.
Ruby: Yang. First impressions!
Yang: It was funny! Besides, Tomoe may be a little jealous when you stare at him.. wait.

Yang cut herself off as she rested her head on the couch as she stared at me. My heart started racing and I gripped "Tomoe's" hand in a tight grip as Yang raised an eyebrow. I am completely sure that the only thing saving me is the fake name, contacts, and hair dye.

Yang: You...look familiar. Have I met you before? At Junior's maybe?
(YN): N-No..?
Yang: Yea, you wouldn't survive there I guess. Doesn't he look familiar?
Blake: Yes. Yes he does.
Ruby: Hmm... I don't see it. I never met anyone with.. Green hair. I only just met two today!
Yang: Maybe..
Cinder: Well, It's been fun. Really fun. I'll be sure to keep your offer of assistance in mind when we need it. But for now, Emerald, can you make us dinner before we end the night?
Emerald: Yes, Cinder.
Ruby: Ahh, I guess it is a little late.
Yang: Yea, Sorry if we overstayed our welcome, CMEN. Heh. Semen.
Ruby: Yang!
Yang: It's funny!
"Tomoe": It is. Don't worry.
Yang: Ha! See?

Blake rolled her eyes before she motioned for the other two girls to follow her outside.

Ruby: Alright. Bye CMEN! Hope we keep in touch!
Yang: See you later. Good luck, Beck~!

While Ruby waved frantically, Yang gave me a wink and a laugh as she closed the door after Ruby and herself left the room, walking ahead of Blake as they discussed what was for dinner.

Blake looked down at her scroll and played the new video of (YN) performing as "Mysterio" their facial structure and voice were far to similar to be a coincidence.

Blake: (YN)(LN) in Beacon...
Yang: C'mon, Blake! Don't make me get the laser pointer!

Blake nodded and turned off her scroll and ran after her teammates, keeping her discovery a secret for now...

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