(M) Minor Acts of Kindness

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School wasn't as difficult as I expected. Even with today being the first day of school I had, I managed to pull off the act pretty well. While Grimm studies proceeded, I just pretended to take notes because...

Well, as an orphan that had to share one book with nine other kids, I didn't have the widest range of literary skills. I only really knew how to spell small words, write my name, and how to talk.

Neo: Are you okay?
(YN): Just confused. What is he talking about?
Neo: The Sea Feilong. A species of grimm that are dangerous.
(YN): Well then.
Cinder: Shut up. Both of you.

I groaned quietly and sighed as I continued to scribble on the note paper I was given for about five minutes until a crumbled up piece of paper was throne by someone in the further rows. I looked ahead and saw that Ruby was waving at me discretely as to not draw attention to herself. I took the paper and flattened it out and read that Ruby was inviting my team over for lunch so we can hang out. I passed the note over to the others.

After reading it, Neo looked over to Ruby and shook her head before holding her hands together as an apology, Emerald smiled softly before shaking her head, and Cinder read the note and glanced over at Ruby. Making full eye contact, she burned the note between her fingers.

Ruby didn't seem to upset. I expected her to blow up or something but apparently she turned around as a single sweat dropped from her head in a cartoonish manor. I sighed in irritation at Cinder and Emerald's reaction.

(YN): Neo.. can you do me a favor and apologize to her?
Neo: Why?
(YN): Cinder and Emerald. I think they hurt her feelings.
Neo: Well.. What would I get out of it?

Seriously? I just gave Neo a look and sighed as I turned my attention to the teacher's story.

Why do people need a reason to be nice? Why do people expect a reward for doing something nice? Why can't anyone just be nice just for the sake of being kind? Honestly.

Neo seemed to know what I was thinking just then and held my hand under the table as she nodded.

(YN): What?
Neo: You won't do it incase they find out. Right?
(YN): ...
Neo: I'll do it. Sorry. I'm used to being rewarded for being "merciful"..

I nodded softly to her explanation as Cinder again demanded our silence. Luckily, the teacher was to immersed in his own story to hear us. I looked down at the lower rows and noticed R-BY also didn't seem as fond of this class. Blake seemed to be the only one taking any notes. Yang was playing games on her scroll, and RWBY was drawing.

For my first impression on school, I would say that it isn't at all as good as I may have hoped. Not even close.

As soon as the bell rung, we packed up our stuff. Cinder told us to stay from the dorm room as to "Not arouse any suspicions. People may notice if we are not around during breaks or lunch". All I have to ask is: Would anyone care enough to notice?

Regardless of my protests, Cinder had us eat in the dining room/cafeteria with the other students so we can blend in with the other students. As we looked for a table, R-BY bumped into us and I immediately hid behind Neo to hide myself.

Yang: Woah. You really are shy.
Ruby: So uh... About that note-
Neo/Tomoe: Yea, sorry. These two are really stick up.
Cinder: What?

Neo nodded and crossed her arms as Cinder clearly wasn't too pleased with Neo's response.

Neo/Tomoe: Yep. Sorry if we seemed a bit rude. Beck here is still warming up to this new life so I gotta watch over him and make sure he is okay. So naturally, we planned on being in the dorm. But Cinder wanted to be out and socialize even though she was rude to the ONE team that gave her the time of da-ACKK-

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