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Adam: Weiss Schnee. Your family name has enslaved my kind for so long..

Weiss leaped off the platform and clashed her blade with Adam. However, due to Adam being even stronger then Weiss, he just pushed her back with sheer force and forced Weiss off balance. Weiss fell but rolled out of the way and attempted to get up, but she was kicked back by Adam.

Adam: How shameful. Your father would be.. So disappointed.
Weiss: H-He.. means NOTHING to me..
Adam: I refer to Olwen Schnee.

Weiss' eyes shot up in anger as she shot up and began to slash at Adam, who deflected her anger fueled attacks.


Another slash is narrowly blocked as Weiss is hit in the head with the hilt of Adam's blade. Weiss staggered back and snarled as she continued to violently attack Adam, even piercing through his defenses at certain times.

However, Adam grabbed her by the wrist and twisted it, nearly breaking it with ease.

Adam: See? You humans aren't better then faunas. Fighting like a savage will only lead to this.

Just then, Weiss' wrist broke in Adam's grasp. Weiss screamed in pain as Adam put his blade away, cracking his fist.

He threw a punch directly into Weiss' stomach, knocking the wind out of her with ease. Adam released Weiss' broken wrist and punched her in the stomach even harder, causing her to cough up a deep red upon her pale skin. As Weiss held her stomach, Adam kneed her in the jaw and punched her in the back, knocking her down. Before Weiss fell, she was grabbed by the throat by the Faunus and thrown across the debris like garbage. Adam dashed over and proceeded to stomp on the heriss. The blood continued to spill all over her pure white dress as Weiss' pained cries grew deaf across the battle field... Though Winter's head shot towards Weiss' cries.

Adam: Worthless. Your name won't save you. Not from what you have coming!

Suddenly, Adam's blade was shot out of his hands as Ruby slumps back down, weakly staggering to her feet and before Adam could retort, he narrowly dodged an attack from Winter and grabbed his blade.

As Winter leaned down to check on Weiss, her little sister whimpered in pain as she struggled to her...

Winter: Weiss...

Weiss gave a pained cough in response.. her cheek was bloody as her eye was surely going to grow to become a black eye.. Broken wrist, and even broken bones... The sight horrified her..

Winter suddenly gritted her teeth and her grasp was tightened on her weapon while Ruby dashed towards the two. Winter turned to the red reaper, nearly freezing Ruby in her place.

Winter: You. Get her to safety. Now.
Ruby: Y-Yes Ma'am..!

Ruby then held Weiss close to herself and tried to lift her up. Weiss desperately tried to tell her partner that she could still fight, but (YN) had already shrouded them in an illusion, giving Ruby the perfect opportunity to dash her away to where she put Blake and Yang..

Hopefully Weiss will make a recovery...

Adam stood up and cracked his neck as Winter steeled her resolve. Both stood completely still until they both suddenly charged for each other, getting into a violent death lock between them.

Once they both separated from the hold, several violent slashes from both fighters. Unbeknownst to Winter, she was merely giving Adam's blade more energy from her dust based attacks. As soon as she realized what was going on, she jumped back and readied her weapon.

Once Adam readied his weapon, he dashed in but was deflected by Qrow as he jumped in.

Qrow: The army is done. Now it looks like you're all that's left. Would you like to surrender?
Adam: Never. Not when I am this close to victory.

Adam's red highlights began to flicker while his aura slowly began to regenerate. He couldn't afford to miss this attack.. It had to be perfectly timed.

Qrow dashed towards Adam and tried to slice him down. Adam had to narrowly dodge each attack and even block a few. Adam struggled against the legendary huntsman and was sliced by Winter in one strike.

Adam winced and tried to focus. He had too. He shook his head and moved out of the way of Winter's attack, only to get a giant slash at the back from Qrow.

Adam growled in pain and fell back, his highlights glaring with light as he struggled up. However, Winter kicked him down and held the tip of her rapier to his neck, glaring down at Adam through his cracked Mask.

Winter didn't waste any words as she dove the blade down, only for it to clash against Adam's own blade. Adam growled lowly and kicked Winter away from her, only to be attacked again by Qrow.

As Adam was knocked back down, he looked up to see that (YN) was watching the battle. With his arms crossed, he watched from afar... Adam gritted his teeth in anger as his blade glowed violently.

Adam: This.. This is how you fight? Like a Mere COWARD?! Face me! Stop hiding behind your pawns and Fight!
Qrow: That's just about enough.

Adam was hit to the floor again and brought up as Qrow began to restrain his hands. Adam's brows narrowed as his mask fell off... revealing the scar that it kept secret..

Adam shouted in anger as he struggled against Qrow's hold, causing Winter to reach for her weapon until yet another flash of red enveloped the three of them... MoonSlice...

Qrow and Winter fell down. Both struggled to keep themselves up from the devastating attack while Adam grabbed his weapon and headed towards (YN), who lowered himself towards the ground.

Adam: You..
(YN): Yeah. Me.
Adam: What I did to Neo.. it wasn't personal. It was just Business... so when I say that what i'm.. about to do to you.. Your friends. I will enjoy it. I will enjoy it very, very much..
(YN):... Sure.

(YN) then reached a hand up and snapped his fingers, summoning a large cloud that slowly faded to reveal...

Qrow:...what the fu-
Winter: BASTARD!

Winter struggled to get up, but fell back as (YN) crossed his arms.

(YN): Death. Awaits.
Adam: and.. it will keep waiting.

(YN)'s helmet released a violent thunder as... Adam's eyes widened.

Drones emerged from the cloud... hundreds of them...

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