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Blake and Weiss eventually returned to their respective homes. Once I gave Weiss a proper goodbye, she returned to Atlas to help her Mother return their company to its former glory.

Yang and Blake gave each other a tight, loving hug before Blake returned to her home. After giving Yang a Kiss on the cheek, Blake turned to me and smiled as her faunus ears perked up. After we wished each other goodbye, for now, I ensured that as soon as I get a scroll of my own, I would have Yang share my contact information with her. Blake nodded and gave me a tight hug, informing me to drop by her home whenever I pleased. I returned the kind gesture and waved goodbye as Blake returned home.

It's been a few hours since then and now Qrow and Tai wanted to get an idea on where my skills currently are.

I narrowly dodged Yang's incoming attacks and avoided any kind of follow attack she would use to make me loose balance. Training with Neo really helped me improve in close range combat; and even more so in predicting my opponents moves. She taught me to pay close attention to muscle movements and follow up with avoiding any attack while keeping close enough to the enemy to land a strike if needed.

If.. If only she saw me now..

I jumped over and away Yang's low sweep as she stood back up and tried to punch me. I backed up against a tree and ducked, causing Yang to punch into the very bark of it. I backed away and as Yang sent a kick towards my stomach, I grabbed it and moved her out of the way as I attempted to run. She slammed her foot down where I stood in the form of an Axe kick, but I moved out of the way and caused her to bury her foot into the ground.

Tai: Very impressive. Do you need a break?
(YN): No. I can handle this.
Yang: Handle? Pfft.
Tai: Actually, It's Ruby's turn.
Ruby: What?! But I can't fight hand to hand!
Tai: I noticed. But you should still practice. What would you do if Crescent Rose was taken from you?
Ruby: I'd.. get it back?
Yang: Bet.

Before Ruby could completely understand what Yang meant, Crescent Rose was suddenly taken by Yang and tossed to Qrow, who just held it far from Ruby as she tried to snatch it back.

Ruby: Hey!
Qrow: Just a minute. That's all I ask.
Ruby: 30 seconds!
Qrow: Ruby.

Ruby sighed and walked towards me with a huff. She sighed and took to adopting a sort of fighting stance. However, her form was off.

Even a semi-pacifist like me can tell that she had no clue how to fight.

Ruby ran towards me and tried to throw a punch, which I just walked out of the way. Ruby stumbled and fell onto the ground as I stood over her. She grumbled and stood up as she tried to throw more punches at me.

The poor girl's punches hardly had any coordination and link up to them. She threw her fist at me as I just moved out of the way. Ruby continued to try and hit me as I just back up into the same tree and allowed Ruby to throw a punch.

I moved out of the way as her fist made contact with the tree. She tensed up and recoiled her hand back in pain as she shook her hand. She hissed in pain as she turned back to the others.

Ruby: Can I have Crescent rose back now?
Qrow: Sure kid.

He then tossed Ruby her prized possession. Much to my dismay, she readied her scythe and swung it around before burying the blade into the ground, aiming the gun towards me.

(YN):... Oh no.
Ruby: Mhm! Better get ready.

I readied my semblance and flew up from the floor. As Ruby aimed her weapon at me, I just crossed my arms as several other arms began to emerge behind me. As the Suit of Mysterio emerged from the illusion, several other Mysterio emerged from behind me, surrounding my new family with several different versions of myself.

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