(M) N.M.B.

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Unofficial Team N.M.B.

The new team rushed from Vale and towards the coordinates that (YN) gave. Neo, of course, agreed to follow along with Blake and (YN) to the white fang base. They went far out into the depths of the forest and went into the abandoned warehouse.

Exactly as expected, The White fang were nowhere to be found.

Neo: Spread out and lets see if anything is around. Surely we can at least find something.

Blake and (YN) nodded as they both went to separate sides of the warehouse. Neo ran in after them and looked around to see that there were several traces of dust on the floor. Blake kneeled and took out one of her own canisters of Dust and sighed.

Blake: They had to have left recently. There are traces of Dust. Almost as if who ever was here was in a hurry to leave.
Neo: Don't worry. I happen to know some of their favorite spots to hide.
Blake:... You were part of the White fang, correct?
Neo: How else would I know where they may be? I also know that (YN) is looking through Cinder's things. Weirdo.
Blake: If you were in the White Fang, then why partner up with me and (YN)?

Neo checked to see if (YN) was out of earshot and sighed as she leaned on her umbrella.

Neo: Well.. (YN) is the reason. As cliche as it is, I know that the White Fang have people that would rip him into shreds without knowing.
Blake: Adam...
Neo: Exactly. He may have gotten stronger since we met, but his pacifism is still going to get him killed. I love his fish bowled head too much to just let him wonder on his own.
Blake: and... Your team. They're White Fang too?
Neo: They're... More then that. I don't know too much, but Cinder doesn't answer to Adam. She seems to be on her own with her own plans.
Blake: And she is in Beacon? Why haven't you said anything?
Neo: (YN) made me swear an Oath. He claims to know what to do, and thus, is letting Cinder have time to work up a plan.
Blake: (YN) wouldn't do that.. He would-
Neo: My own theory is that (YN) doesn't want me or him in prison. If Ozpin can get Cinder and Emerald, he can get me and him. Maybe he needs cards to play when the time comes.
Blake: You.. both really seem to care about each other.
Neo: Well, Duhh. We're dat-..ing. (YN)!

In the distance, (YN) looked through Cinder's things. Her whole room seemed to be cleaned of anything that may help.

Until he looked under the bed that hung over a box... This box seemed to be shrouded in an Illusion, but it hardly affected the mind of another illusion. This is no doubt Emerald's work. And if she is behind the illusion even while at Beacon, then it must be too important.

(YN) took the box from the illusion and sat down on the bed as he busted it open, revealing an old book with torn pages and a slim bone as a Book mark.

Neo: (YN)!

At the sound of his name being called, (YN) left the room and brought the box with him as he flew over to the girls.

Neo: Have we ever actually been on a date?
(YN): I... Don't know actually. But I found this book with a Grimm skull on it under Cinder's bed. It was shrouded in an illusion, so it has to be important.
Blake: Lets see it.

(YN) opened the book and the girls looked over it for (YN) due to his inability to read the kinds of words being in the book.

For every page turned, the stress and worry in their eyes seemed to grow.

Blake: This... Looks like.. A book on controlling and summoning Grimm. But how to summon them is torn out..
Neo: Cinder has to have them back at Beacon.. Wait, Doesn't that mean she can summon them whenever?

The three of us all looked to each other with the feeling of dread coming over the atmosphere. The exact same thought came through all of our minds.

While at Beacon, Cinder has the ability to not only summon the creatures of Grimm, but she also has the means to control them.

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