(M) Forced Adjustments

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It's only been a few days since (YN) was forced to join White Fang. The treatment of his "partner", Neo, hardly changed. She would still attack him and push him around while Roman would justify it by saying-

Roman: She might just be testing you. She doesn't like weaklings and so, is seeing if you have a back bone.

Why is that any of her concern? I shouldn't have to prove anything to her. I'm not here to do that!

I sighed and went into my resting quarters... I'm still not sure how I feel about the new life style... Would people know me as a criminal? That isn't what I wanted. I want to help people... to help people and show them that no matter how you start, you can accomplish your dreams.

And doing that would be significantly harder if I was a criminal. And I can't just go around with the Schnee Dust Company on my back... With Weiss Schnee around, the possibilities of me going to jail are dangerously high... to high for my comfort.

The only silver lining is that now I at least have a semi steady amount of money to afford things such as food or clothes... now I didn't look as poor as I actually was.

I can only sigh and sit on my makeshift bed as thoughts stormed my mind... Thoughts like I didn't even get a lot of money from the heist... just $30 and yet, Weiss acted like I ruined her family...

Typical of rich people... Only ever paying attention when their lively hood is threatened. People like her family just want people like me to stay at the bottom and keep them up. To jeopardize our hopes and dreams so they can keep their fortune and fame...

I held the bowl and looked down at it... I at least got a few of the cracks cleaned. Unfortunately with my face now siding with evil, I had to at least cover my face..

Mysterio would commit Crimes... but (YN) (LN) would inspire people...

With no further choice, I put the helmet on and walked out of my quarters, walking past the armed faunas of White Fang with green fog emitting from my hands and cape... Until I was stopped by a familiar cane.

Roman: Woah, Snow Globe. You should at least look more... appropriate for the occasion of robbery.
(YN): Since when did it matter?
Roman: Ever since you put on that ridiculous outfit. It makes you look like a joke!
(YN): And why is that important?
Roman: Well unless you want your foes to laugh themselves to defeat, you need to look more serious. You have to actually have to be threatening.
(YN): This coming from a top hat wearing business man?
Roman: Ay, It's my style.
(YN): and what if this is mine?
Roman: We both know it isn't. Now come, I have an option for you. I had some soldiers ready it for you.

Knowing I wasn't going to win this battle, I sighed. I followed Roman into a room and he hit a crate and it popped open to reveal a new suit that dawned a more professional approach.

It was similar to Roman's in a professional look

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It was similar to Roman's in a professional look.

Roman: and if that isn't your style, there is another one I think you'll like. But it isn't finished yet.

I looked along the suit and... all things considered, it looked great. There was no tags and seemed to be custom made... There was no way to trace it.

Roman: Suit up and meet me near the bullheads. Me and some associates are getting ready for another job. And this one promises big bucks!

With that, Roman left me to my own devices. I looked at the helmet of the suit and sighed once again...

I guess I no longer have a choice.

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