(M) Threats on Either side

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All the color in my face left as the word "Beacon" escaped Cinder's lips. Before I could protest, she began to inform me that she already had us in the academy. Team, Classes, Dorm, we already had it.

Overall, it didn't matter if I was okay with it or not.

Dread remained in me long after the information was given as the thoughts of another encounter with Weiss Schnee filled my thoughts. What if she starts something and gets us caught? She may be seen as someone defending her school while she exposes me as a criminal. What would I do if I got caught? Maybe my semblance can help, but I doubt I can do anything against any teacher.

I paced around my room as Neo helped me pack my clothes and tried to calm me down from my nerves. Continued pacing around as she tripped me and caused me to fall down onto the bed.

Neo: Please. Try and calm down.
(YN): How? What if I get caught? What i-
Neo: I'm going to be there with you, nerd. And I doubt Cinder would let someone as essential as you slip through her fingers.
(YN): But... Weiss and her team! What if th-
Neo: Listen. Stressing about it before it happens will only put you through anxiety twice. I am going to be by your side. I won't let them hurt you.
(YN): are you sure?
Neo: Duhh. You are to important for me to let you get hurt.
(YN):... What?
Neo: You are to vital. What?
(YN): In what way? You know Cinder's plan?
Neo: Nope. That fire-fetish-fuck doesn't tell anyone her plan.
(YN): so... How am I important?
Neo:... Anyways, I packed your stuff up. Clothes, health necessities like a tooth and hair brush, and even an updated costume that ditches the helmet. Also, get some hair dye ready for our first day. Unless your semblance can change your looks, you'll need it.
(YN): literally none of that has anything to do with what I just asked.
Neo: Ahh... Well, don't worry about it. You. Just. Matter. Anyways, I'll see you at the meet up spot tomorrow!

Before I could really understand what Neo said, she ran out of the room with her umbrella, leaving me alone to my thoughts. I turned over at my packed stuff as her words echoed in my head. "I am going to be by your side. Iwon't let them hurt you". If I was to guess, I would say that those were more then just her listening to a plan. She seemed to... committed.

I looked down at my hands and clenched them into fist as my nerves continued to flood my thoughts... If what Neo said is true, and if I am right, then I am safe and sound at Beacon.

Though, being wrong is entirely possible.

I spent that night trying to calm myself down from my fears and paranoia while trying to think more on Neo's words and what they may have meant.

Once everyone woke up, we all assembled. Neo, Cinder, Emerald, and Myself where all apparently going to be in a team. Though, my name and Neo's looks had to be changed for simplicity.

 Though, my name and Neo's looks had to be changed for simplicity

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When we got onto campus, our team was known as Team CEMN. Unfortunately, the innappropriate name gave us some unwanted attention from the other students as they laughed. Cinder opted for us to ignore and brush off any insult because, in her words, "A grimm doesn't care for the opinion of its prey". Once we all got into our dorm, I headed straight to the bed that I assumed as mine and laid down on it, hiding my face in the pillows.

Emerald: Alright, we are in. Now what?
Cinder: Now we wait and lay low. Remain under the radar. The last thing I need is for the headmaster to catch us. So we play this game until we get the chance to strike.
(YN): Strike with what?
Cinder: That much isn't for you to worry about. Now, as I was say-
(YN): But I am worried. What is your endgame here?

Sensing that I may not to be to willing to go along with this, Cinder had Neo and Emerald leave the room. Leaving me and her in this room as it got heavier and more tense.

Cinder: If I wanted you to know, then I would have told you.
(YN): So why can-
Cinder: You understand that I know who you are, (YN). Right? Where you were raised, and even who your parents are. I know everything.

Cinder merely gave a small smile and walked past me as she crossed her arms behind her back.

Cinder: I know everything about you, (YN). And I must say, much like a child who peeked at her birthday presents, I am disappointed. Behind your semblance and your fish bowl, you're just an orphan of a kid spawned from a human and faunas. Both of which, were almost for almost no reason other than having you. It's almost sad.

I merely remained silent as Cinder gave small, vague pieces of who my family was. Who they were. My parents where a human and a faunas and so, were almost killed for having me...

Cinder: They are still alive, however. But that can always be changed.
(YN):... And how do I know that you are telling the truth?
Cinder: You don't. But would you take that chance?

I lowered my head as my hands clenched into fists. Cinder smirked and walked away from the window and turned to me.

Cinder: It's a shame. If your path was just a little different, then you and I probably would have been the same.
(YN):...and what do you get out of ruining ME? What do you have to gain? Fame? Fortune?
Cinder: Security. Safety. Power. All of the above.
(YN): and why does it have to boil down to hurting others? You don't need to hurt others to have your way!

Cinder just looked down at me and sighed in irritation as though she understood what I meant and where I was coming from. But she simply didn't agree.

Cinder: You don't need to like the way of how I see things. You don't have to agree. What you WILL do is be my pawn and do as I say. Otherwise, it all burns.
(YN): But why the violence? Why the threats?
Cinder: Because if not, would you have listened and played along as you did? If I was nice and kind, would you do all this?
(YN): But it isn't right!
Cinder: Right or Wrong is irrelevant.

I raised my head to meet her gaze and glared into her eyes as they burned a deep, violent flame.

(YN): It's no wonder why no one would follow you.

Cinder didn't respond. She just looked at me as though I was a child who didn't truly understand her points and ideas.

Whether I agree or not, She doesn't seem to care. So long as she gets whatever she wants done, That seems to be all that matters.

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