(M/W) The Depths of the Fang

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After Blake gave her friends the location of Adam's whereabouts, they packed their things and all tried to make their way to Haven. Due to (YN)'s semblance being quickly drained with the more people he has to lift, they did get a small headstart. Though it wasn't too far, only being a walk that would take place for several days, the teams had more time to try and understand who they were up against.

It has been a day since they saw the symbol. Now RWBY and NM were all traveling towards the further outskirts of Vale due to Adam being part of the Vale branch of the White Fang.

As everyone walked through the dense forest, Blake decided it was as good of a time as ever to tell us more about Adam.

Or at least, what she knew.

Blake: When I left Adam, he was the leader of the Vale branch of the White Fang.. I wouldn't be to surprised if he was the higher leader of the Fang..
Yang: So he would be guarded?

Blake nodded softly as Yang walked ahead to other friends, leaving Blake with Neo and (YN).

Neo: She really seems to like you.
Blake: Y-Yeah..she's sweet..
Neo: Think she likes you back?

Blake suddenly tensed up as Neo looked up to her with a smug grin, clearly uncovering something about Blake.

Blake diverted her eyes from Neo's gaze as her ears remained pointed upward. As Neo snickered, Blake desperately tried to cover her blush with her hair.

(YN): I'm sure she does.
Neo: Yeah. So am I.
Blake: How.. d-do you two k-know?
(YN): Yang is the only person that you ever let pet your ears. That, and you always seem to be the one giving her more affection.
Blake: Hugging?
Neo: Intimately hugging. I mean, I saw you both sleeping together.

Blake's blush only grew darker as she sighed, covering her face in her own hands as her walking began to lag slightly.

Blake: N-Not now guys... M-Maybe after we beat A-Adam..
Neo: I would do it before. Not to be negative or pessimistic, but We might not--
(YN): Just do it while you have the chance.

Blake's ears flattened as she sighed softly, stroking a strand of her hair between her fingers as she peered ahead and saw Yang and Weiss talking. Eventually, Weiss chopped Yang on the head and proceeded to shout and yell at Yang, who was laughing. She probably made a comment that set the heiress off.

Neo nudged (YN)'s arm to gain his attention. Lowering down to her level, Neo informed (YN) that Neo had a plan to beat Adam Taurus. However, the plan had to be followed down to the last detail.

(YN): Guys!

RWBY turned their attention towards (YN) and he cleared his throat, approaching the other girls with Neo at his side.

(YN): Before we get any closer, Neo said that she had a strategy for fighting against Adam. Now, I think we should rest for the last of the day and continue in the morning.
Ruby: I'm down!
Yang: Good point.

Though Yang and Ruby were vocal about their agreement, Weiss gave a silent nod as they all continued to walk to find a safer place to rest. Unfortunately for them, they couldn't find a good place to lay low for awhile and as everyone's legs started to grow sore. Once they found a clear spot, Yang started a small fire and everyone was began to lay their own sleeping bags down.

(YN) decided that it would be better for him to use his semblance and change the surroundings so the people around him would be comfortable. Instead of a dark forest with tall trees and loud noises, the team saw the inside of one of Beacons dorm rooms. However, instead of RWBY's artificial bunks, each bed was side by side. Just as theirs were.

Ruby: What.. did you do?
(YN): I used my semblance. I wanted to make you all comfortable.
Weiss: I... Thought your semblance brought harm..
(YN): Everyone sees, smells, and hears what I allow them too. I can make the illusions peaceful, or harmful.
Ruby: So... You can also hurt people with the illusions?
(YN): I uh.. I only ever did it once.
Weiss: Oh..
(YN): Yeah.. but I'd rather not talk about it.
Yang: Then lets just enjoy the view and sleep. Night.
Ruby: Night!
Weiss: Good Night.
Blake: Night.

As the teams slowly began to fall asleep, (YN) made sure to maintain the illusion. However, he heard a shuffle next to him and as he turned over, he saw Neo as she pulled him into a tight hug, smiling sleepily as she rested the back of her head on his arm. He smiled and began to run his hand through her hair as he leaned in to place a gentle peck on her forehead, only to be met by Neo's lips as she raised her head to meet the kiss. (YN) couldn't help but chuckle as Neo's eyes began to grow ever more tired. Placing her soft, gentle hand on (YN)'s cheek, she turned him towards her and smiled.

Neo: after we kick his ass.. lets head back to Menagerie..together...
(YN): That's the plan, dum dum.
Neo: You're the dum dum.
(YN): Neo, go sleep.

Neo smiled and closed her eyes, pecking (YN)'s lips again as she crawled over and rested against (YN), pressing her form against his as he held her lazy form close.

Neo: I love you..
(YN): I.. love you too. Sweet dreams, Neo.

Neo nodded and after a few short moments, her form fell limp against him. (YN) smiled and continued to run his hand through her hair, kissing her forehead as he laid back, hiding him and his friends in an illusion.

An illusion that was so convincing, anyone would be trapped in it...

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