The Hero You Deserve

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Neo still remained weak and struggled to even move. Despite her wound growing better, it still significantly pained her to move. It pained her.

I stayed by her side. While Blake's parents allowed us to stay with them, I tried my best to help Neo in any way that I could. I got her food, water, I helped entertain her with my semblance.

I helped her see the life we were going to have.. When she recovers, I shown her what i planned on doing with her.

Perform. Make money and help people grow and improve from the Fall of Beacon. That we can change and learn from our pasts.

Neo didn't have to be an assassin. She didn't have to be the most dangerous woman on Remnant anymore. With me by her side, she could help and save people.

I never had to be alone again. Now, I wasn't an orphan anymore. With a family, friends, people who care about me, I never had to be on my own.

A spotlight would be nice; I can't deny that. But in the end, I'm already more then I never thought possible. I was a hero to my family. I was the hero they deserved...

I was so much more then just another orphan...

And with the passage of time and the care and support I gave her, Neo already made a nearly complete recovery. However, her wound would still pain and ache sometimes. Something that I never allowed myself to ignore.


With the fall of Beacon, there came more species of Grimm. Atlas, Haven, the numbers of grimm grew and the demand for huntsman has grown more desperate and demanding.

Within the docks of Atlas, the water began to move. The several ships moved and rocked on the waves as the water began to violently splash and erupt into a sudden geyser as the water began to take form. An aquatic fist crashed into a ship as several people began to panic and run from the sudden attack. As the giant aquatic grimm attacked a ship and laid out destruction in its way, a sudden shot of ice dust hit it, freezing its arm.

As Weiss readied her blade, the monsters other fist crashed down onto the shore, destroying it. As Weiss began to shoot more dust shots, the creature continued to shatter and ignore whatever attack it was given.

Ruby dashed straight towards the monster, but was knocked into a far off building by the monsters giant fist. As she struggled up, Ruby used crescent rose to try and slash and cut at the monsters fist.

Though, it didn't exactly do anything.. since she was trying to cut pure water.

However, Weiss froze the fist and tried to help Ruby escape from under the frozen fist. Suddenly, another mass of pressurized water hit both huntresses away as the creature began to grow, collecting more of the water into itself.

 Suddenly, another mass of pressurized water hit both huntresses away as the creature began to grow, collecting more of the water into itself

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