(M) Brain Vs. Brawn

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After one or two weeks of training with Neo, (YN)'s combat ability seemed to have improved. Before he was training, he relied on his semblance too much in order to land a punch, but now he was able to at least get a punch in without an illusion. Though it did make (YN) feel more comfortable when concealed in his own semblance.

Now, Roman was preparing (YN) for his fight with Mercury. As (YN) fitted his gloves, he emitted a faint green flare from his palm and turned to his helmet.

Roman: (YN)! Get on out. Cinder is waiting on us!

(YN) merely nodded to himself and put his helmet back on, concealing his face from the world once again. Once he stepped out, he adjusted his suit and walked towards the group with Emerald and Cinder standing above us while Myself, Mercury, Neo, and Roman all stayed down at the bottom.

Cinder: It's in your best interest to not disappoint me, (YN). For your own sake, fight.
(YN): I'll do what I must.
Cinder: Mercury. Bring me his severed head in that moronic fish bowl of his.
Mercury: With pleasure.

Mercury cracked his knuckles and smirked as (YN) crossed his arms. He looked to the sidelines and saw Roman and Neo standing beside Cinder and Emerald with Neo doing a mimic punch and kick, in what could be assumed to be her encouraging (YN) to throw punches and kicks. All while Roman stayed still and smiled, tilting his hat forward.

Roman: Don't let that Merc-boy get the better of you. You were trained by The greatest fighter of all time. And Neo, I suppose.

Roman chuckled as Neo looked at her partner with her mouth agape and she hit his arm with a glare and pout.

Cinder: Begin!

Mercury wasted no time in closing the space between us as he aimed to kick me with his metallic legs. I knew for a fact that they weren't real due to Mercury often exposing them, and Neo even telling me so. So I knew that I had to take extra caution with his leg attacks.

As he closed in, he launched a kick towards my chest and I used my semblance to make me seem to fade away. As predicted, Mercury stopped in his tracks and before he would realize what I did, I grabbed him by the leg and threw him back as he flipped onto his feet, assuming a more aggressive fighting stance.

I raised my hands and sent out small beams of green smoke to distract him as I grew closer to him. As he jumped over each projectile, I multiplied myself with my semblance and my clones all charged at Mercury.

Instead of dodging, He just stood still and seemed to just take the fake kicks and punches. Fortunately, I got a kick in at his knee. Just were the metal met the flesh.

Once he fell to his knee, he punched me in the stomach and forced me to stagger back in pain. I looked back up and he punched me straight in the helmet, cracking it and exposing my face.

Mercury cracked his knuckles and I readied my hand with an a illusionary mist and threw it at Mercury, just for him to dodge. I smiled under the blood I spilt from the shattered glass as Mercury drew closer, cracking his neck.

Mercury: Any reason why you're smiling?
(YN): Oh, It's nothing. But, you have trained all your life for combat, correct?

Mercury only nodded and grabbed me by the collar of my suit, readying his fist.

(YN): So what makes you think I'd be dumb enough to actually fight you hand to hand? I only had a few weeks to train.
Mercury: You can stop with the illusion act. I spent enough time with Emerald to know what's real and what isn't.
(YN): Me and Emerald are different. Observe...

(YN) smiled as Mercury suddenly woke up to see that he was on the floor with his own fists covered in his own blood. He grunted in pain as it suddenly surged through his body and he looked up to see (YN) crouching down just a few feet in front of him.

(YN): Simple. I made you see what I wanted you too see. When you thought you hit my helmet, you simply hit yourself. When you thought you ran and I hit you, you actually ran into a wall. When I caught your foot and threw you, you just tripped over a crate of dust.

(YN) then stood up and crossed his arms as he turned to Roman, who just stared in shock as they two were affected by the illusion.

(YN): I told you. I'm not going to hurt anyone. This is the most I plan to do while here.
Cinder: Well I must say it was a surprise, you still have one last thing to do.

I turned to Cinder, who seemed only slightly pleased by my performance against Mercury.

Cinder: Kill him.
(YN): I will never do such a thing.

Roman immediately placed a hand on Cinder's shoulder in a panic as he stammered.

Roman: Just i-ignore him. He is just... just shy! He is o-
Cinder: Let him talk. For himself.

Roman paused and froze up as Cinder's gaze never left (YN). Clearly, he wasn't willing to listen.

Cinder: In this line of work, you are required to do what's necessary.
(YN): and what makes you think you know what's necessary?
Cinder: My power.
(YN): Like hell that is enough. Just because you're strong, doesn't mean you can just decide who lives and who dies.

Cinder merely kept her gaze upon me as she raised her hand. A burst of fire violently erupted from her palm as she aimed it at Mercury, who was burnt to nothing before anyone can even mutter a single word.

Cinder: Those with power are the ones who make the rules. If you don't like it, then you can take it up with the ashes among you.
(YN):...very well.

Cinder crossed her arms behind her back and lit her eye aflame as Emerald followed hesitantly behind her. Like a wounded animal following an almost abusive master.

Roman and Neo immediately rushed down and while Neo tackled me into a surprisingly tight hug, Roman adjusted his hat and placed his hand on my shoulder.

Roman: Kid, Don't talk back to that bitch!
(YN): Why?
Roman: You just SAW why!

Roman gestured to the pile of ashes and I nodded slightly. Yes, Cinder was powerful, but... She seemed to be just like any other power-drunk leader.

Willing to ruin and end lives just for her own goals.

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