(W) RWBY Returns

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As day finally came, Ruby Rose slept peacefully on her bed and under her covers. Her limp form shifted slightly at the sound of her scroll ringing.

Ruby groaned and pushed the ignore option on her scroll and tried to go back to sleep. It was a weekend. Why should she wake up so early?

Then the scroll rang again. Ruby's head rose as she checked the Caller ID to see who was calling her.

"BFF Weiss" is Calling...

Ruby's eyes widened in surprise as she lunged to her scroll, falling off her bed in the process. Unfortunately, this woke up Blake and Yang.

Ruby: Ow..
Blake: Please. Be more careful.
Yang:.. what time is it?

Ruby ignored her team's concerns and answered the call from Weiss.

Ruby: Hey Weiss!
Weiss: Come to Ozpin's office, please.
Ruby: Uh... We'll need a moment to-
Weiss: I am here. I'm returning to RWBY, Ruby.

Weiss' words echoed through the Dorm room as her teammates stared at the scroll in pure silence. The quietest this team has been for a long time.

Weiss: Hurry up and get over here... You Dolt.

The call ended and R-BY immediately began to get changed into their uniforms. Of course, do to the rush, Yang and Ruby didn't exactly have to much time to get properly ready. Yang forgot breakfast, and Ruby didn't have socks on.

The team ran straight to Ozpin's office. Running from the dorm building, all the way to the School area.

Ruby frantically pushed the headmaster's office button on the elevator as Yang panted and held her hands on her knees. Blake leaned against the wall with her hand supporting herself from the run.

Eventually, as the team composed themselves, they made it into the office.

Ruby: Weiss..!
Weiss: Rub-YAGH!

Weiss was suddenly tackled into a bone crushing hug by her team.

Ozpin: Miss. Schnee decided that instead of being in her own team, she would rather be back with RWBY.
Weiss: S-Shush!
Ruby: YAY! Team RWBY is back!
Ozpin: Your team is dismissed. You may return to your dorm and enjoy your weekend.

The team nodded and once they left and went into the elevator, Weiss sighed with a soft smile as she held a hand to her scarred eye, feeling relief... Weiss was, after several years, finally freed of her abusive father..

Weiss was immediately brought straight from her thoughts as Ruby shook her around by her shoulders and screamed.

Ruby: How'd you come back? Didn't your Dad not want you to come back here?? How???
Weiss: I'll tell you all when we get back to the dorm, You dolt! Let me go!
Yang: Ahh. The team was a little too quiet without those two.
Blake: Yea... Oh how I miss this noise.

Yang chuckled and rolled her eyes as the team went out of the elevator as Ruby took her scroll out and began texting her friends. Weiss looked over the red reaper's shoulders.

Looking at her contacts, she saw the following.

"BFF Weiss"
"Big Sis Yang"
"Planky Blakes"

"Unqle Qrow"
"Rad Dad"

"Barf Boy"

Ruby: Dang. I gotta ask SMEN for their numbers.
Yang: Really? They don't seem too.. socially unavailable. Well, Maybe Beck.
Weiss: Who?
Ruby: A new team that joined Beacon while you were gone. Want to meet them?
Blake: Actually, I think that would be a good idea. Lets go.

Blake walked passed her teammates and caught everyone off guard. Blake. The monotone, reclusive, brooding member of the team seemed to actually be eager to meet the team.

Weiss: What happened to Blake while I was gone?
Ruby: She and Beck got close over time. Apparently he was homeless before coming to beacon, so he never learned how to read.
Weiss: Ohh. Well, then lets just go to the dorm room. I need to rest and set my things back.
Ruby: Alright. Blake, tell Beck that I said Hi! Oh. And get his number for me!
Blake: Okay.

With that, RWBY separated. Ruby, Weiss, and Yang headed to the dorm to help Weiss get situated while Blake went to CMEN's dorm room.

Once Blake made it to the door, she knocked on it and adjusted her bow with one hand as she held the other behind her back, sighing as the door opened to reveal


Blake: Is Beck here?Tomoe: Uh

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Blake: Is Beck here?
Tomoe: Uh. Yea. What for?
Blake: He and I are going to the library. Sorry if I am interrupting something.
Tomoe: Oh no, you're not. Don't worry. Mind if I come with though? Lately, I feel like me and him haven't been spending to much time with him.
Blake: Ah... Sure..?
Tomoe: Great, Thanks! C'mon Beck! We're going to the library!

This. This was a problem. Originally, Blake had planned to go to the White Fang base (YN) had told her about earlier last night.

With Tomoe here, it might be a bit harder. Though, what if she joined us?

(YN): Yea? O-Oh.. Hi Blake
Blake: Hi.
Tomoe: Well, lets go to the Library. I've been wanting to see how you teach him reading.

Blake nodded softly and looked to (YN) for some kind of help. He only shrugged and lowered down to Tomoe's level and whispered something into her ear, causing her to look at Blake with several reactions as (YN) spoke to her.

Tomoe:... Lets get to a hiding spot. It's the weekend. Lets go to Vale.

With that, Beck and Tomoe said bye to their teammates and headed to Vale via bullhead.

While on the way there, the three stood aside each other as Tomoe reached up for her hair and pulled it off, revealing that her black hair was a wig... The Multi colored girl's hair blew in the wind as her clothes seemed to shatter as some sort of illusion that (YN) had set up for her...

Neopolitan stood before Blake Belladonna and smiled as she bowed slightly towards the cat faunas, all while (YN) dawned his green suit and helmet.



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