(M) The Blame

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Tossing and turning could be heard from (YN)'s room as he laid there, in a restless slumber as his dreams grew and turned for the worst. He mumbled and murmured in his sleep words that couldn't be understood.

In his dreams, he was in front of an enormous crowd. The sounds of praise, cheering, astonishment, and joy filled the room as he performed. The crowds and masses were all cheering his name with excitment, begging for an encore as the young boy readied himself for his final act.

(YN): Behold! As I Prepare to allow your eyes a feast that you may never forget!

His face was free for the people to cheer his name. He was wearing a black tuxedo, classic for a performer of his type of expertise. He raised his hand and green and purple fog began to shroud the stage and cloud (YN) as he readied his semblance for his great trick.

Suddenly, the crowd gasped as their seats glowed a faint purple and began to split apart, leaving them still on their seats, with no floor to support them. They gasped as a large hand reached under them and held them all together with the mere palm.

(YN): Behold!

The crowd gave an applauds as they looked up to see the giant hand belonged go a giant form of (YN), who's other hand began to shroud the audience with another illusion, leaving them astonished at what they had to see.

Once the illusion settled, and the audience calmed, they gave a loud cheer to the young boy who gave them a show they will always remember.

(YN) couldn't be happier. For once, he finally had the respect and love he craved for. The fame, the pride, the joy. He finally had it. He took a bow as the people threw flowers to the stage. Roses, Lilys, ones he couldn't name,

He took one final bow just to hear a loud gasp amongst the crowds. He brushed it off and assumed that maybe he just did something that amazed them even further. Even though he wasn't using his semblance...

He stood up right and imminently noticed several things were...wrong.

He was wearing his helmet.. The helm of Mysterio. Upon further inspection, he realized that he was in his Mysterio uniform from the White Fang.

As if this wasn't bad enough, fire began to flicker and set ablaze, burning and destroying his adoring fans that revealed to just be hallow shells.

(YN): NO!

The boy lunged for a crowd member but they just burnt to a crisp before he could reach.

As (YN) clenched his fist tightly, he overheard footsteps from behind him. He turned over and saw a burning figure emerge from the flames.

 He turned over and saw a burning figure emerge from the flames

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(YN): Cinder..
Cinder: Even with all this power, you still believe that you can achieve this? For someone with power over illusions, you sure suffer from Delusions of Grandeur.
(YN): What do you want? You aren't real! This is all a dream!
Cinder: this may be a dream, but that doesn't make me any less real. And that doesn't make this... fantasy of yours any more real them it would never be. Helmet or no, you ARE Mysterio. The public will turn their back on you, and you will NEVER achieve your dreams. Give up.

(YN) merely stared at Cinder with hatred as his helmet concealed his expression.

Cinder: You and I both know what you are. Just an orphan that is worth just as much as the dirt on your bare foot.
(YN): and what is all this supposed to do...? Remind me of what I hide from?
Cinder: Remind you that people like you, only live to serve people like me. Those with power, such as myself, rule over you. And nothing you do will Ever. Change that. So your pitiful attempts of chasing your dreams are a mere waste of time.
(YN):... I'd rather die knowing that I tried to live my way. Then live knowing that I gave up to a power hungry system. Piss off!

A sudden burst of green mist hit Cinder and forced the whole surrounding to fade away. As (YN) fell to his knees, he heard more footsteps behind him. He didn't bother to turn back as he merely sulked in his own doubts and shame.

"So I suppose you finally realize it then."
(YN): Realize what?..
"Regardless of your intentions, motivations, and everything, You stole from me. My family. And I can't let that slide."

Almost immediately, (YN) turned over and just barely dodged an incoming strike from... Weiss Schnee.

(YN): Weiss!Weiss: I'll kill you!

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(YN): Weiss!
Weiss: I'll kill you!

He faded away to mist to avoid another incoming strike. He maintained this form as Weiss unleashed several more incoming attacks.

Weiss: You think you can steal from me, My family, and get away with it?!
(YN): No! N-No, I can expla-
Weiss: I don't want an explanation!

Weiss then flipped over him and tried to kick him, just for her leg to go through the illusion he set up.

(YN): Please.. I'm not going to fight you
Weiss: Then just surrender!

As she readied another strike and aimed for his head, he forced himself out from his hellish nightmare.

(YN): NO!

(YN) took a moment to process what happened and felt his heart pumping from the panic that surged through him. He panted with a shaky breath as his bedroom opened with a gentle knock to reveal Neo, who gave (YN) a look of concern.

Neo: What happened..?
(YN): It...It was just a nightmare..don't..d-don't worry

Neo nodded and walked into the room and gave (YN) a tight hug as she sighed.

(YN):..why are you here..?
Neo: Roman asked me to do one last patrol around the base and...as I headed back to the resting quarters, I hear you scream..

(YN) chose not to think too much of it and merely returned the hug as Neo tightened the embrace. As Neo's eyes glowed a soft, gentle pink and white, (YN)'s glowed a radiant green.

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