(W) R-W-BY

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Within the dorm room of R-BY, Blake has finally returned to the dorm. As she opened the door, she slowly entered the room and closed the door behind herself, he sighed in relief as she took her bow off in the dark room and slowly walked through before her faunas vision alerted her of Ruby and Yang sitting on their respective beds, looking at her as Ruby went to turn on the lights.

Ruby: Boo! Scared you, didn't I?
Blake: Faunas, Ruby. Remember?
Ruby:... DANG IT!

Blake sighed and set her bag down by her bed, wrapping her bow around her arm before placing it on the desk next to her bed.

Blake: Why are you two up?
Yang: Same reason as to why you've been out late so often. What's up?
Blake: I've just been reading with Beck. I told you both this.
Yang: But why were you out so late?
Blake: it isn't that late, Yang.
Yang: It's almost 4, Blake. You're lucky we don't have school tomorrow.
Blake: Oh...
Yang: Yea. It is that late.
Blake: I... I will be sure to let you both know later.
Yang: Good. Anyways, reading with Mr. Beck, eh? What kind of books are you reading?
Blake: Gothic novels. Nothing t-
Ruby: Ninjas of Love?

As Ruby mentioned her favorite book, Blake merely gave a stare at her as though it was a sort of warning to not peek through her things.

Blake: No.
Yang: Well, Why? Last I checked, you enjoyed reading alone more then in groups.
Blake: Beck needs recommendations. So I decided to take him under my wing and help him on his way.
Ruby: Well, what books are you reading now?
Blake: Are you asking because you're curious? Or because you plan on taking the book later too see any katanas like Ninjas of Love?
Ruby: Hey! That was a Katana!

Blake merely rolled her eyes and set the book down next to her bed as she sat down, swatting one of Yang's bras away as it dangled from her bed.

Yang: Anyways, you seem to be spending a lot of time with Beck. Sorta makes me th-
Blake: No.
Ruby: She didn't even finish!
Blake: What Beck and I have is entirely platonic.
Yang: Hmm. I don't know..
Blake: I assure you. Besides, between the team and school, I would rather not add relationships to my day.
Yang: so add him to your night~
Ruby: No!

The cat faunas rolled her eyes and groaned as she laid back and on the bed. It wasn't the first time Yang has messed with her in this way. It was a sort of playful teasing.

Ruby: No boyfriends, No girlfriends!
Yang: Yet-
Ruby: No!
Blake: Just go to sleep.

The sisters chuckled and laid back into their own beds as Blake stared up at the bed above her.

(YN)(LN). Mysterio. With what time they have spent together, Blake had a hard time believing that the boy that could barely pronounce certain words in books is the same boy that robbed and joined a terrorist organisation. As time went on, Blake knew something was off. Something had to be.

As Blake's thoughts brushed through her mind, her scroll lit up and shown that she got a text. She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in confusion when she read that it was sent from (YN) himself.

It was locations of a Schnee Dust facility... What?

(YN): The White Fang's newest base.

Blake's eyes widened as the hold she had on her scroll tightened...

Blake: Are you sure?
(YN): That is where it was before I came to Beacon. I can assume that the White Fang are here.
Blake: ... Tomorrow. Meet me in the library after school and we will investigate.
(YN): Shouldn't we bring anyone else?
Blake: No. My team might find something out about you, and your team doesn't seem as kind as they try to be.
(YN): What do you mean?
Blake: Will explain tomorrow. Until then, get rest and meet me at our spot.
(YN): Ok. Night.
Blake: Night, (YN).

Did she really send that? Normally, she would never send something like... that. Perhaps Blake was just overthinking this. Knowing the location of a White Fang base might have her overly "hyped" as Ruby might say. Blake set her scroll down and turned over, covering herself in layers of blankets while her eyes slowly drifted off into sleep.

While Blake went to sleep, Weiss brushed her hair back and held her rapier in her hand. Looking on, she made her way to the Bullhead that would take her back to Beacon Academy. She put her new hood on as she had to cover her face so that no one would stop her for questions.

When she showed the police the recordings, the seemingly took action quicker then she expected. Now the Schnee family is under tight watch.

It didn't matter. As long as she gets back to Beacon and rids that man from her familiy's name, it would be worth it.

Now she stood still. Looking at the shattered moon that hung in the sky, her hood hid her scar that crossed over her eye.

 Looking at the shattered moon that hung in the sky, her hood hid her scar that crossed over her eye

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A sudden blaring horn erupted from beside her as a bullhead closed in to her. She pulled on the hood further and went on the bullhead as several other people went on. Namely a woman with long, dark hair that sat stood far from her.

 Namely a woman with long, dark hair that sat stood far from her

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The woman seemed to be holding some sort of Grimm mask. Weiss shook her head beneath her hood and sighed. She had one goal that she had to reach now.

Return to team RWBY. That was all that mattered in her eyes.

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