(M) Homecoming

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Word of the Fall of Beacon echoed throughout the Kingdoms. Grimm were now hunted to no end, and The demand of huntsmen was at an all time high. Exactly as Cinder wanted.

With this news, RWBY dismanteled. Ruby and Yang returned to their home in Patch, each scarred from the loss of each of their friends and even their team. Only with their Father and Uncle, they kept training to get stronger so they can continue to fight against the Grimm.

Weiss returned to her home back at Atlas. With her step father out of the picture, Her mother found herself single with the responsibility of caring for Winter, Weiss, and Whitely. Unfortunately, the sudden shift caused her mother to immediately return as head of the company. Due to Jacques' years at the helm, her mother was at a loss for what to do next.

Blake was assumed to be completely alone. No Yang to tease and flirt with hrt, No Ruby to read and play games with, and No Weiss to study, read, or even talk too. The cat faunas was on the edge of her own self.

Despite this empty feeling that consumed Blake, she wasn't entirely alone. At least, she hoped so. Having nowhere else to go, Neo and (YN) followed behind her to her home island, Menagerie.

Blake was now leaning from the edge of the boat. Staring into the depths of the sea, her eyes held bags that were caused from sleepless nights since the Fall of Beacon academy. While she stared into the nothingness, she ripped her bow off and threw it in a swift gesture as she held her tears back.

Once she composed herself, she sighed and wiped her eyes as Neo walked over and leaned her back against the railing that Blake held. She turned to the multi-hair colored girl and sighed softly as she returned the gaze.

Blake:.. What?
Neo: I.. Know what it's like to loose a teammate.. Roman used to be mine but I.. I lost contact with him since we went to.. You know..
Blake: You.. and you're partially responsible for that. You and (YN).
Neo: I know, and I never apologized.. I think I have an idea of how you feel..
Blake: You lost a Boss. I lost my team.. my family..
(YN): But I'm sure both pains burn.. But suffering shouldn't be a competition.

(YN) walked towards the girls and crossed his arms behind himself as Blake sighed and lowered her head...

Blake: I-I...I miss them..
(YN): and You may meet them again. and they will welcome you.
Blake: Not Weiss..
Neo: How do you know?
Blake: I know Weiss.. I made mistakes, and she holds grudges...

Blake's tone slowly got softer and softer as her faunas ears folded back against her head. She sighed and shook her head as she turned to her new team of misfits. An Ice cream Assassin, and a Mystic Orphan.

Team NMB(Numb).

After several hours of just talking back and forth, the ship arrived to a large island.

The team took off and Blake guided the two towards her home. After some time, the three began to surround themselves in a village of sorts. Shops and Faunas walked around the area. As the three walked, Neo couldn't help but feel several eyes on them. As she looked around, she saw that several of the faunas were looking at (YN) and Herself...

Neo: (YN)?
(YN): Yeah?
Neo: We... are being watched. By everyone.
Blake: Well, it isn't everyday humans come here. Most faunas that came here experienced discrimination, so they may be on the fence with you two.
(YN): That doesn't sound like a fair judgement.
Blake: That's.. sorta the idea of discrimination. Faunas are subjected to this more often then I know. I was even born into it.
Neo: Ouch.. Well, How did you even get here?
Blake: The faunas were dropped off here. Brought to this hostile land and told to make do with it... We did the best we could, and made the most of it.
(YN): I'd say it looks.. amazing.
Blake: Many would.
Neo: Can we just hurry to your home please?

Blake nodded softly and continued walking while Neo and (YN) followed shortly behind. As the three walked on the path, Neo and (YN) continued to gain attention by faunas. Fear, mistrust, even anger laced these stares as murmers and whispers began to fill the streets.

After some time, the three approached a rather large house that stood at the end of the path. Blake reached for the handle to knock but seemed hesitant...

(YN): Are you alright?
Blake: I... Its been a long time.. since I saw my parents...
(YN): Well.. We have your back, Blake.
Neo: Mhm. I'm sure they'll be glad to seeya

Blake turned to her teammates and nodded softly as her ears once again flattened against her head. She knocked on the door with the handle, causing a loud echo to ring throughout the area...

(YN) took a slight step back while Neo balanced herself against her umbrella. Suddenly, the large door opened to reveal a Woman. She seemed to look like an Older, far more mature relative of Blake's.

Once the two faunas made eye contact, the woman's ears folded against her head as she stared in a sort of stunned disbelief.

Blake: Hi Mom..

Blake's mother hugged her tightly. As hesitant as Blake was, she hugged her mother back as her mother gently shook. Probably dreading the worst of possibilities. Before (YN) and Neo could have made their presence known, they were met with someone clearing their throat inside the giant house...

Blake: H..H-Hi Dad..

Blake's father gave a soft smile to her as the three hugged each other in an embrace

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Blake's father gave a soft smile to her as the three hugged each other in an embrace. (YN) cleared his throat as Her father peered over to us before looking down at his daughter.

"Who are these two?"
Blake: My teammates.. (YN) and Neo.
"(YN)?.. as in that 'Mysterio' I've heard about?"

Something about her father's tone didn't seem as welcoming as hoped...

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