(M) The Reunion and Thorns

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RWBY and (YN) eventually made it to Atlas. Due to Weiss' status in Atlas, we entered with little to no conflict.

Luckily they didn't have to fight anything just to get in.

Now within Atlas, the group walked far towards the Schnee mansion. The home of Weiss. Ruby was glad to see Weiss was no longer concerned about heading home now that her "father" was gone. Unfortunately, Blake had to cover her ears to prevent getting any prejudice for merely being a Faunus.

(YN) was the most nervous out of all of them. Though he isn't considered a criminal by his new friends, he is certainly not on good terms with Atlas. Though lacking a real identity certainly helped him get around.

Nobody really cared for a random Orphan.

Once the group arrived at Weiss' home, Weiss pushed a button and spoke into it.

Weiss: Klein? It's Weiss. I have some friends with me, and would like to come in.
Klein: Miss. Schnee? Why, yes of course. Welcome back.

With that, the gate opened up and Weiss smiled back at her friends, and (YN), and gestured for all of them to come in before her.

R-BY looked around in astonishment. With her father gone, Weiss' home was seemingly beaming with life... It seemed.. happier with him gone.

Ruby: what..did you do?
Weiss: Mother is now head of the company. With Jacques gone, The Schnee name will probably grow to be less.. controversial.
Blake: I certainly hope so..

Everyone, (YN) especially, all tensed up as a sudden voice spoke out with a tone that demanded respect and authority. Turning towards the hall, they saw Winter Schnee... Weiss' older sister.

(YN) readied himself for anything as Winter's gaze met him, nearly freezing him in place

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(YN) readied himself for anything as Winter's gaze met him, nearly freezing him in place. (YN) steeled himself and prepared for whatever Winter would do but.. Weiss stood between the two.

Winter: What are you doing?
Weiss: He.. is better. He isn't like we though-
Winter: He stole from the family, Weiss.
Weiss: But-
Winter: No buts. Step aside.

Almost instinctively, Weiss stepped aside before reasserting herself. (YN) moved a hand in front of Weiss and stepped forward, levitating to match Winter's height.

(YN): I'm the one who robbed from you all those months ago. I'm the one that attacked you and escaped.
Winter: And you return?
(YN): With better intentions. With.. a better reason.

Despite knowing this, Winter still reached for her weapon. Weiss held Winter's hand in her own, looking into her older sister's eyes with an almost reassuring look.

Weiss: He was forced to do the job, Winter..
(YN): And I hardly gotten a reward for it. I think it was... $30 at most. Now, we intend to cut that problem at its roots.
Winter: The White Fang.
(YN): Their leader has shown his face. That's why we need weapons to face off against him without.. casualties.

Winter's eyes glared down at (YN) as he finished his statement with a hint of sorrow by the end. She looked towards Weiss, who nodded and kept a firm hold on her hand before nodding and sighing.

Winter: The Atlas military may have somethings that could assist. But if you, "Mysterio" step out of line once. I freeze, and shatter you.
(YN): I'm on your side, Miss. Schnee. And my name is (YN).

Winter nodded and turned back towards, just to be hugged by Weiss.

Winter shook her head and hugged Weiss back with one arm while she walked through the hall, passing us towards the entrance.

Winter: Come with me. All of you. If you really are going to face the Fang, I won't allow you to do it alone.
Ruby: Weapons!
Winter: Minor upgrades if yoi're lucky.
Winter: A small army of suits and soldiers. Weapons and a vast dust supply. Come.

Everyone nodded and followed close behind Winter as a large line of vehicles pulled up towards the mansion in a long line. Winter stepped aside and gestured for us to come into the vehicles.

Once they stepped in, the vehicles took off. Needless to say, Winter kept a close eye on (YN) from across the vehicle as they drove and ensured that he didn't enable his semblance within the vehicle.

Meanwhile, Ruby sat in front of (YN). The Red reaper was looking out through a window, watching as everything surrounding them passed by quickly. Turning an eye towards (YN), Ruby saw just how lost he was under the helmet the was wearing...

Ruby tapped his knee. Without getting a proper reaction, due to (YN) still having the helmet on, Ruby sighed and looked to the boy.

Ruby: She..might survive..y-you know...
(YN): She died a couple nights ago.
Ruby: O-Oh...i'm..I'm so sorry..
(YN): It's fine...
Ruby: Are..you sure..?

(YN)'s helmet then turned to face Ruby. The smoke within the helmet seemingly brewing up a storm, conflicting with (YN)'s calm, yet hurt tone.

(YN): Yeah, I mean... she's dead but.. it was my fault.. I took my eyes off her and Adam killed her.. with.. with ease..
Ruby: You should.. sit this one out..
(YN): N-No, I'm good. I'm fine. Pain, Regret, Loss, I'm motivated enough to beat Adam...
Ruby: and.. yet I don't believe you..

(YN) merely shook his head slightly as he sighed, turning away...

(YN): You know.. as an orphan, nobody cared about me... the Orphanage kicked me out because my illusions scared everyone..
Ruby: You..can't control them..?
(YN): It depended on my mental state.. the worse I felt, the more violent the sights... so I.. I mastered my semblance.. since then, I wanted to use my abilities to make people smile... I wanted to matter to someone...

Just then, (YN) raised his palm up and a small fog of green smoke appeared, slowly taking a pink hue as it began to form a girl... Neo..

(YN): Then I met her...she hated me at first but we.. we got closer... I mattered to her.

(YN) then closed his fist, causing the pink smoke to fade away into nothing...

(YN): and now she's dead..
Ruby: Y-You matter.. to Weiss, to Yang..Blake and.. M-Me..
(YN):... just remember.. Adam is Mine.
Ruby: and.. what if he kills you..?
(YN): well, I'm an orphan... what more could I loose..

(YN), through silent cries, wiped his his eyes off through the helmet and sighed as he turned to the window, devoting his attention as Ruby nodded, sitting back in her seat as she looked down at her hands.

Fiddling her thumbs, Ruby looked out of the window and saw a Raven and Crow following the vehicles from the side...

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